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This Karasu factory was meant to produce the tank.
But If I remember correctly, a part of the building was already laid down in karasu for the tank production, right? What will they do with it now?


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Everyone with a brain should have seen this was the case from the beginning. BMC has a tank factory and its name is TANK PALET. It is given for free to BMC by the government. Why should BMC build another one? It is redundant and there is no merit in doing that. BMC won't be building any tank factory in Ankara or İzmir even though BMC promised (written in the contract and signed) that BMC will build a new tank factory with the full production line. It is lip service.

Even if they build a building in Ankara or İzmir (BMC hasn't decided on the new place yet. This tells a lot about the situation) It will take several years to build the new factory and then at least 18 months to set up the production line and machinery. Oh BTW, BMC has no expertise in setting up a production line. That's why they partnered up with Rheinmetall and found a co-owned company(RBSS) and that deal fell through due to deteriorating relations with Germany.

Look at the bright side this won't delay the Altay project since BMC has a factory at the moment.
The new factory of BMC can be operational in 3 years(18 months for building,18 months for setting up a serial production line and machinery) at the best if they decide to go for it. Forget this year and count from 2022. 2025 will be an optimistic target and it is barely in the realm of possibility. 2026 or 2027 will be more likely and realistic.


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"Erdogan is working for the benefit of the USA and the west but not for the benefit of TURKEY itself"

No one is scared to openly call him out anymore. I hope he is put on trial when he gets voted out, he needs to be punished for countless heinous acts.



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I do believe that this is just lip service because he said the opposite 2 days ago

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#BREAKING</a> Turkey has no duty, responsibility, or obligation to be Europe&#39;s refugee storehouse, says President Erdogan</p>&mdash; ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) <a href=" ">August 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Moreover, @Saithan just posted this in another thread

And new Afghan government recently said this.....
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="tr" dir="ltr">🔴 Taliban Sözcüsü: &quot;Tüm altyapımız çöktü. Biz Afganistan&#39;ı yeniden ve her alanda imar edeceğiz. Bu konuda da en fazla Türkiye&#39;ye ihtiyacımız var.&quot;</p>&mdash; Conflict (@ConflictTR) <a href=" ">August 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Moreover, recent reports suggest that the West is also interested In Kabul Airport and some western countries are ready for Taliban recognition in return for the airport. It seems that the airport has a massive importance and Erdo seems keen on fighting against Europe for it. All what I know is that Europe will never sign a deal that isnt beneficial to it; thus, if they want the Airport, it means that there is a fortune in Afghanistan and they wanna be the ones to lay their hands on it

Again, I may be wrong and maybe Erdo is planning for the Afghan refugees to come in. Again, Iam not sure


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Years ago I heard from someone that Erdo is trying to change the demographics of Turkey like this, 1/3 Turks, 1/3 Arabs, 1/3 Kurds+others. As one of the 2053 targets. I didn't give a shit back then. But now who knows. I'm also leaning toward that camp that says Erdogan is doing this deliberately to destroy Turkish identity.

As I said before once the demographics change there is no turning back. We came to Anatolia what happened to the people before us? They are assimilated, died fighting against us, became refugees, or went somewhere else. In the end, they were replaced by us. No amount of defense industry can change that. You can survive without a defense industry by fighting like the Taliban but you can't survive with broken demographics. And the real sad part is newcomers have more privileges than us. It is like we are second-class citizens. We are on to a path of destruction and self-extinction. The survival instincts will kick in soon. Once that happens shit will hit the fan.


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I do believe that this is just lip service because he said the opposite 2 days ago

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#BREAKING</a> Turkey has no duty, responsibility, or obligation to be Europe&#39;s refugee storehouse, says President Erdogan</p>&mdash; ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) <a href=" ">August 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Moreover, @Saithan just posted this in another thread

And new Afghan government recently said this.....
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="tr" dir="ltr">🔴 Taliban Sözcüsü: &quot;Tüm altyapımız çöktü. Biz Afganistan&#39;ı yeniden ve her alanda imar edeceğiz. Bu konuda da en fazla Türkiye&#39;ye ihtiyacımız var.&quot;</p>&mdash; Conflict (@ConflictTR) <a href=" ">August 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Moreover, recent reports suggest that the West is also interested In Kabul Airport and some western countries are ready for Taliban recognition in return for the airport. It seems that the airport has a massive importance and Erdo seems keen on fighting against Europe for it. All what I know is that Europe will never sign a deal that isnt beneficial to it; thus, if they want the Airport, it means that there is a fortune in Afghanistan and they wanna be the ones to lay their hands on it

Again, I may be wrong and maybe Erdo is planning for the Afghan refugees to come in. Again, Iam not sure
Operational Kabul airport means the other countries embassies can operate and meet officials and warlords and bribe and try to get beneficial deals out of it.

Whoever operates the Kabul airport will most likely be able to excert influence and keep track of who comes and goes.

I do believe that Taliban wants Turkey to be at the forefront of the investments, but we do not have money enough to undertake such a large scale investment.


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China has the money.
And Turkey has the religion and ethnicity
Couple them with China's money, and both Turkey and China will literally seize the 3 trillion dollars worth of resources in the country

Again, just a hypothesis


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And Turkey has the religion and ethnicity
Couple them with China's money, and both Turkey and China will literally seize the 3 trillion dollars worth of resources in the country

Again, just a hypothesis
Yeah, probably this is what will happen.


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And Turkey has the religion and ethnicity
Couple them with China's money, and both Turkey and China will literally seize the 3 trillion dollars worth of resources in the country

Again, just a hypothesis
That wouldn't be smart of Taliban.

They should want to gain as much as possible, but without ending up relying 100% on one side.

If Taliban are able to do as Qatar or UAE they'll gain quite an influence without selling the ressources too cheaply. Though I doubt that since they're an organism of different warlords and such.

Though I believe that Turkey would be fair in their dealings.


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That wouldn't be smart of Taliban.

They should want to gain as much as possible, but without ending up relying 100% on one side.

If Taliban are able to do as Qatar or UAE they'll gain quite an influence without selling the ressources too cheaply. Though I doubt that since they're an organism of different warlords and such.

Though I believe that Turkey would be fair in their dealings.
It seems that you forgot to add one factor to your calculations and that is..... hard power
Hard power is something that neither Qatar nor UAE can give to Taliban
Now that their military force is the weakest, Turkey and China can fill the gap with NATO-grade weapons

That is why i was in favour of Erdo policies to concentrate on developing hard power as fast as possible. Hard Power creates wonders tbh
Even the recent normalisation with the UAE, i bet the main factor they thought of is prolonging the war since a war of attrition is in Turkey's favour as Turkey produces its own weapons while UAE needs to order from abroad. I never believed that the reconcilation between the 2 countries began because they thought it is time to "stop" fighting
The UAE propapbly calculated the costs of going against Turkey and found taht it is better to have them on their side as a potential force and cheap yet effective weapon supplier; in return, they will supply money to Turkey

Again, just my opinion


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WOW. Things are getting bad for the co-leader of the great middle east project...


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Years ago I heard from someone that Erdo is trying to change the demographics of Turkey like this, 1/3 Turks, 1/3 Arabs, 1/3 Kurds+others. As one of the 2053 targets. I didn't give a shit back then. But now who knows. I'm also leaning toward that camp that says Erdogan is doing this deliberately to destroy Turkish identity.

As I said before once the demographics change there is no turning back. We came to Anatolia what happened to the people before us? They are assimilated, died fighting against us, became refugees, or went somewhere else. In the end, they were replaced by us. No amount of defense industry can change that. You can survive without a defense industry by fighting like the Taliban but you can't survive with broken demographics. And the real sad part is newcomers have more privileges than us. It is like we are second-class citizens. We are on to a path of destruction and self-extinction. The survival instincts will kick in soon. Once that happens shit will hit the fan.

Turks at least have opportunity to voice this in elections around the corner (relatively speaking).

I suppose opposition campaign has to present it (along with economy and other factors) in most starkest way possible.



The Afghan who criticizes the morals of the Turkish people liking porn videos on twitter.


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I dig up some more about the current position of BMC after Tosyalı bought the shares. Apparently, in reality, Mr. Tosyalı is very reluctant to produce the Altay tank but he is afraid of Erdogan's reaction. BMC is indeed looking to get a big land in İzmir. Ankara is the second and undesired choice. BMC also got an upfront payment of 350million $ for the production of Altay. Erdogan wants the first tank to be delivered in early 2023 at the latest but the calendar is very tight less than 18 months left with no tanks in sight. The engine is in bench testing and the transmission is still not ready to be powered up for the first time.

It is said that SSB is looking for an alternative engine and transmission for the Altay tank until the Turkish powerpack is ready.


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I swear, Turkish politics is a fiasco rn
Co-chair of the HDP states that the HDP will request for the release of the notorious PKK leader Ocalan from prison as a Pre-condition for the formation of an Alliance with the CHP and IYI. Moreover, the Alliance will be an alliance of "Freedom" as they say
I swear this is a fqing joke
Here Iam wondering whether the CHP and IYI will sacrifice their basic Turkish integrity just to sit on the chair of Presidency or not
Kemal and Imamoglu brings shame to Ataturk's name and its party
Why cant Turkish citizens chose some1 like Ince if they dont like Erdo. I still dont understand why do they chose even worse hypocrites like the CHP
Lets see what happens in the future
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I dig up some more about the current position of BMC after Tosyalı bought the shares. Apparently, in reality, Mr. Tosyalı is very reluctant to produce the Altay tank but he is afraid of Erdogan's reaction. BMC is indeed looking to get a big land in İzmir. Ankara is the second and undesired choice. BMC also got an upfront payment of 350million $ for the production of Altay. Erdogan wants the first tank to be delivered in early 2023 at the latest but the calendar is very tight less than 18 months left with no tanks in sight. The engine is in bench testing and the transmission is still not ready to be powered up for the first time.

It is said that SSB is looking for an alternative engine and transmission for the Altay tank until the Turkish powerpack is ready.
You have got to be kidding me right?
Another batch of 350 million dollars?
Like why? BMC already has enough damn money

I would like to ask a question though, why doesnt the government buy BMC shares instead and put it under SSB's direct command. Wouldnt that speed up the tank production?
And another question, if they did buy a land in Izmir, wont it take a year or so just to build the factory at the latest? Or is the factory building not time-consuming?
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