This Karasu factory was meant to produce the tank.What about the company that BMC is building for tank production?
Do you know where it is located?
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This Karasu factory was meant to produce the tank.What about the company that BMC is building for tank production?
Do you know where it is located?
But If I remember correctly, a part of the building was already laid down in karasu for the tank production, right? What will they do with it now?This Karasu factory was meant to produce the tank.
I do believe that this is just lip service because he said the opposite 2 days ago
Operational Kabul airport means the other countries embassies can operate and meet officials and warlords and bribe and try to get beneficial deals out of it.I do believe that this is just lip service because he said the opposite 2 days ago
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="^tfw">#BREAKING</a> Turkey has no duty, responsibility, or obligation to be Europe's refugee storehouse, says President Erdogan</p>— ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) <a href=" ">August 19, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Moreover, @Saithan just posted this in another thread
And new Afghan government recently said this.....
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="tr" dir="ltr">Taliban Sözcüsü: "Tüm altyapımız çöktü. Biz Afganistan'ı yeniden ve her alanda imar edeceğiz. Bu konuda da en fazla Türkiye'ye ihtiyacımız var."</p>— Conflict (@ConflictTR) <a href=" ">August 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Moreover, recent reports suggest that the West is also interested In Kabul Airport and some western countries are ready for Taliban recognition in return for the airport. It seems that the airport has a massive importance and Erdo seems keen on fighting against Europe for it. All what I know is that Europe will never sign a deal that isnt beneficial to it; thus, if they want the Airport, it means that there is a fortune in Afghanistan and they wanna be the ones to lay their hands on it
Again, I may be wrong and maybe Erdo is planning for the Afghan refugees to come in. Again, Iam not sure
And Turkey has the religion and ethnicityChina has the money.
Yeah, probably this is what will happen.And Turkey has the religion and ethnicity
Couple them with China's money, and both Turkey and China will literally seize the 3 trillion dollars worth of resources in the country
Again, just a hypothesis
That wouldn't be smart of Taliban.And Turkey has the religion and ethnicity
Couple them with China's money, and both Turkey and China will literally seize the 3 trillion dollars worth of resources in the country
Again, just a hypothesis
It seems that you forgot to add one factor to your calculations and that is..... hard powerThat wouldn't be smart of Taliban.
They should want to gain as much as possible, but without ending up relying 100% on one side.
If Taliban are able to do as Qatar or UAE they'll gain quite an influence without selling the ressources too cheaply. Though I doubt that since they're an organism of different warlords and such.
Though I believe that Turkey would be fair in their dealings.
Years ago I heard from someone that Erdo is trying to change the demographics of Turkey like this, 1/3 Turks, 1/3 Arabs, 1/3 Kurds+others. As one of the 2053 targets. I didn't give a shit back then. But now who knows. I'm also leaning toward that camp that says Erdogan is doing this deliberately to destroy Turkish identity.
As I said before once the demographics change there is no turning back. We came to Anatolia what happened to the people before us? They are assimilated, died fighting against us, became refugees, or went somewhere else. In the end, they were replaced by us. No amount of defense industry can change that. You can survive without a defense industry by fighting like the Taliban but you can't survive with broken demographics. And the real sad part is newcomers have more privileges than us. It is like we are second-class citizens. We are on to a path of destruction and self-extinction. The survival instincts will kick in soon. Once that happens shit will hit the fan.
You have got to be kidding me right?I dig up some more about the current position of BMC after Tosyalı bought the shares. Apparently, in reality, Mr. Tosyalı is very reluctant to produce the Altay tank but he is afraid of Erdogan's reaction. BMC is indeed looking to get a big land in İzmir. Ankara is the second and undesired choice. BMC also got an upfront payment of 350million $ for the production of Altay. Erdogan wants the first tank to be delivered in early 2023 at the latest but the calendar is very tight less than 18 months left with no tanks in sight. The engine is in bench testing and the transmission is still not ready to be powered up for the first time.
It is said that SSB is looking for an alternative engine and transmission for the Altay tank until the Turkish powerpack is ready.