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You are a butthurt Gulenist stop stealing our time. You are sharing info about Ergenekon trials that are provided by Gulenists.

ASAM is a think-thank and Umit Özdağ was the head of it. He presented Turkish arguments and a Turkish voice in Washington. Rather than staying silent, it is better to make your voice heard in the circles of Washington or else all the lobbies come together to hijack US-Turkish relations.


There's so much dirt on him




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Pff he called him out loud "foncular" (people who are on the payroll of others) on his own channel. He is a politician of course he will try to make pr of his party and try to get any vote from any target audience that includes the audience of the EU-supported/funded mediascope. The real important thing is he never said anything anywhere that contradicts the arguments of his party.

Watch the full program here.



Pff he called him out loud "foncular" (people who are on the payroll of others) on his own channel. He is a politician of course he will try to make pr of his party and try to get any vote from any target audience that includes the audience of the EU-supported/funded mediascope. The real important thing is he never said anything anywhere that contradicts the arguments of his party.

Watch the full program here.

He will be the first head of a party of Turkey who goes to washington, meets with CIA at "Kurdish institute", appears on programmes with people who sit with PKK. What does his political promise even mean? it's just "send refugees". How?


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He will be the first head of a party of Turkey who goes to washington, meets with CIA at "Kurdish institute", appears on programmes with people who sit with PKK. What does his political promise even mean? it's just "send refugees". How?
Because he is an academic and was head of a think tank whose job is to attend that kind of meetings and defend Turkish arguments. You sound like a Gulenist with Kurdish background. Bringing out all the Ergenokon shit and overemphasizing the Kurdish institute. Just saying if you have no voice in the circles of Washington you can't effect the process than the US allies with YPG because of influential lobbies and you will left with nothing. We need more Turkish academics at those meeting to defend Turkish arguments and Turkish point of view.


Because he is an academic and was head of a think tank whose job is to attend that kind of meetings and defend Turkish arguments. You sound like a Gulenist with Kurdish background. Bringing out all the Ergenokon shit and overemphasizing the Kurdish institute. Just saying if you have no voice in the circles of Washington you can't effect the process than the US allies with YPG because of influential lobbies and you will left with nothing. We need more Turkish academics at those meeting to defend Turkish arguments and Turkish point of view.

It was not his job to go to this institute. Will he go sit with the YPG and in Barzani's lap as well? He went and sat under the flag of the Kurds. You follow cheap men like these. He will influence the lobbies under their flag, lol, this agent, this gladio remnant


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I have no issues speaking with Barzani provided that Barzani takes a harsh stance against PKK and sing our tune. No one will speak to YPG. Kurdish Institute of Washington is an American institute(not a PKK institute) and the US is a superpower whether we like it or not so it is better to present our own arguments rather than staying silent. We shouldn't let any party including Armenian and Greek lobbies present their arguments unilaterally. We should have increased those efforts long ago.


I have no issues speaking with Barzani provided that Barzani takes a harsh stance against PKK and sing our tune. No one will speak to YPG. Kurdish Institute of Washington is an American institute(not a PKK institute) and the US is a superpower whether we like it or not so it is better to present our own arguments rather than stay silent. We shouldn't let any party including Armenian and Greek lobbies present their arguments unilaterally. We should have increased those efforts long ago.

Looking forward to see him at next ANCA lobby conference. He also hired the writer Emre Uslu at his think tank.


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Emre Uslu was his student in the past and no teacher can choose his/her students. Don't forget Emre Uslu was the so-called "the shining star" of AKP and the Turkish press before all the shit happened.


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Hm..... I will be honest here @RaufKöse
Idk whether he is a PKK sympathiser or whatever and I personally hate the opposition more than the current ruling regime and I believe that they will destroy certain industries that will literally push Turkey 30 years behind or even more
and yet despite all of that, even I admit that this refugee bullshit has gone way too out of hand tbh!

If you are a refugee in another country, you respect their traditions and not insult them; I dont know what those idiots were thinking by taking pics of Turkish women and raising other nations flags in a hardcore nationalistic country.
If I was a refugee I would show respect to the nation which didnt tie me and threw me into the sea naked but instead gave me a place to live and eat

So even if Umit Ozdag was a terrorist sympathiser or not, I dont see the reason why we are so butthurt that he is gaining popularity by riding the anti-refugee wave? In fact, I may put the blame on the ruling party since it is their job to ensure that such terrorists dont rise to fame by ensuring that such issues like refugees are dealt with as the people wishes.... period! This is democracy! I know ppl are stupid in general but even then there are limits for certain behaviours and conducts


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If your concern is that the opposition will roll back investment in the defense sector, etc, I'm afraid your concerns are unfounded. Turkey's defense industry has been pushing on since the 70s and the Cyprus conflict. That kind of industrial investment is near impossible to contain by the government once it reaches a certain level - at that point it becomes a self-sustaining beast that exceeds the reach of state authority. Just ask the US or the UK. Or any of the European countries.

Umit Ozdag gaining such swift popularity is also a good thing IMO because it indicates what issues Turkish people are most concerned about - which will inevitably lead other parties to also focus more on that issue whether they like it or not. Even AKP.


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If your concern is that the opposition will roll back investment in the defense sector, etc, I'm afraid your concerns are unfounded. Turkey's defense industry has been pushing on since the 70s and the Cyprus conflict. That kind of industrial investment is near impossible to contain by the government once it reaches a certain level - at that point it becomes a self-sustaining beast that exceeds the reach of state authority. Just ask the US or the UK. Or any of the European countries.

Umit Ozdag gaining such swift popularity is also a good thing IMO because it indicates what issues Turkish people are most concerned about - which will inevitably lead other parties to also focus more on that issue whether they like it or not. Even AKP.
While many in this forum are knowledgeable in the defence sector, and I truly respect each and every word they say, I prefer to stand with those who are actually on the field like Baykars' statement when he said that if there is no political will, then all what you have built will be gone in a few years........

We can go on and on about myriads of topics and how many companies like Aselsan started to work in the 1980s etc..... but I still believe that the current govt had the most pro-domestication policies till date..... all modern Turkish weaponry from the TFX, to Hisar, to Piri Reis submarines, to Altays (even though tht project got screwed hard) began with the AKP and may flourish within the AKP's period; not only defense industry though, many other news such as trying to nationalise wind turbine generators, solar panels and nuclear tech..... all of these existed more than 40 years ago but only the AKP actually initiated the move and tried to domesticate it..... My issue here is that why havent the opposition parties invested in such tech when they were ruling Turkey pre 2000s; why havent they thought that we should bring more domestic tech for the sake of future generations?

Many believe that the opposition will kick the refugees out, to which I reply with BULLSHIT! the CHP or iYi will never even dare to kick the refugees out as to not antagonise the West. As for Umit Ozdag, i dont have much knowledge about his history and Iam not really against him riding the anti-refugee wave to increase his popularity. For sure, Umit Ozdag may actually kick the refugees out, but be careful that the West wont keep quiet and will eventually respond to try and put Umit Ozdag in place..... Period! As for whether he can resist such pressures or not, that I cant say since Iam not a Psychic and I dont wanna say that he is a bad guy unless I have sufficient evidence since he may actually be a good one

A member in this forum, long ago, while criticising the govt stance towards Osman Kavala stated rumors about Osman Kavala's parriotism and how he used to supply defense equipment to the army in the early 2000s and late 1990s.... it is kinda amazing that Turkey had Aselsan since the 1980s and yet some random "philantrophist kurd" used to supply defense equipment to the army...... like utter insanity.... his post is still somewhere in this thread if you wanna check, I believe that it was around May-August of last year I believe

And dont get me wrong, Erdogan isnt perfect and If you read my previous post, Iam totally against his refugees and economic policy. However, rn, I believe that the defense industry takes precedence as sooner or later, Turkey will be entangled in an all out war wehther it is with Greece, or Russia in Syria, or the Russian-French axis in Libya.... by that point, no matter what level of economy or Turkification you reach, if your defence indutry is sub-par, the only thing awaiting you is extinction

There is a reason why Erdogan who was the US's and Europe's best friend pre-2013, became one of their enemies and the retarded argument of "but Erdogan is an autocrat and is jailing journalist" is bullshit since MBZ, El-Sisi, and MBS jails journalists, butchers journalists, and are even worse autocrats yet are Europe's best friends and they can get away with genocides, butchering american based journalists etc....

I was once taught by my father that, "If your enemies are infuriated by your actions, then always know that you are on the right path"


While many in this forum are knowledgeable in the defence sector, and I truly respect each and every word they say, I prefer to stand with those who are For sure, Umit Ozdag may actually kick the refugees out, but be careful that the West wont keep quiet and will eventually respond to try and put Umit Ozdag in place..... Period! As for whether he can resist such pressures or not, that I cant say since Iam not a Psychic and I dont wanna say that he is a bad guy unless I have sufficient evidence since he may actually be a good one

Given how often Umit Ozdag has been in touch with the West since the 90's, he is their useful puppet. Just like Le Pen in France for Russia. It is very easy for populists to ride simple sentiments.

Americans wrote this about him in 2004:

9. (C) Dr. Umit Ozdag is a thuggish nationalist intellectual, foreign policy theorist, and one of the individuals trying to replace Bahceli as chairman of MHP. Ozdag recently stepped down as president of the Eurasian Strategic Research Center (ASAM) so he could devote more time to political activity: he told POLOFFS that he delivered over 100 speeches around the country in the past year. The pistol-packing Ozdag is clever, but he is not a rigorous thinker and he wraps himself in conspiracy theories. Intense and wily, he is utterly lacking in charm or charisma.

10. (C) Ozdag has written a book calling for a renewal of Turkish nationalism, but the thin 100 page opus minimus is heavy on rhetoric and light on policy specifics. He wants Turkey to be a wealthy and powerful country and he recognizes that this requires Turkey to embrace globalization, but he is unsure how to proceed. He is skilled at recognizing the problems and at making nationalistic arguments in favor of addressing the problems, but he is unable to develop detailed or rational policy proposals that would address the host of socioeconomic issues facing Turkey. (Comment. In this regard he is no different from most Turkish intellectuals on the social democratic left and the center-right. End Comment.)

11. (C) His political ideas are a logically inconsistent combination of anti-European conspiracy theories, nationalist sentiments, statist solutions, and grudging recognition of the realities of globalization and American power. Ozdag, for example, calls for an end to Turkey's EU membership bid and a termination of Turkey's Customs Union with the EU, but he also wants Turkey to sign a free trade agreement with the EU. (Comment. Unlike the Customs Union, a free trade agreement would allow Turkey and the EU to set different tariffs for non-EU countries. End Comment.) He states that Turkey should end its relationship with the IMF and that this step should be preceded by raising the domestic savings rate so that IMF loans are not needed, but he is unable to explain how the country could accomplish this goal. He argues that Turkish agriculture needs to be modernized and he recognizes that this would require the consolidation of landholdings and cause social disruptions, but he is unable to propose any policies to address these challenges, other than recommending that new apartment buildings be built in smaller towns and cities. Ozdag also calls for state-directed economic investment in "strategic sectors" and state-encouraged research into
"high technology", but he is unable to elaborate on how this should be done.

12. (C) Ozdag also argues in his book -- and in conversations with POLOFFs -- that the Europeans are trying to create a "Turkish Milosevich," i.e. someone who will lead Turkey into an ethno-religious civil war that will result in the dismemberment of the country. Ozdag says that Turkey must resist this; but given the relish with which he discusses this scenario, we suspect he harbors dark fantasies of being Turkey's nationalist leader during a time of ethno-religious civil war."

POLOFF's = American Political Officers in American Foreign Service.

A Political Officer's primary responsibility is to follow political events within the host country and to report significant developments to the State Department.

These officers are alert to the promotion of U.S. national interests in many areas, and intervene with foreign governments and entities when circumstances warrant.

Political Officers also convey official communications from the U.S. Government to host country officials and may accompany more senior officials of the Embassy as note-takers when they meet with host government officials. Similar functions are performed within multilateral organizations.

Political Officers follow, analyze, and report political developments in the host country or in multilateral organizations. They promote U.S. policy objectives with key government officials, members of influential organizations, leaders in the private sector, and counterparts in international multilateral organizations. Political Officers maintain contact at an appropriate level with host government officials, political party leaders, trade unionists, other diplomatic missions, and private individuals.

The Political Officer works with Economic Officers and Public Diplomacy Officers at post to evaluate local media reports, to develop programs to influence public opinion, and to identify actual and potential local leaders to be reached through the post's International Visitors Program. Political Officers write analytical reports on the significance and influence of political figures and travel within the country to establish and maintain contact with local officials and others in order to report significant political developments.

He has been regularly in touch with the Americans since the 90's, the same way the Americans used GLADIO in Turkey.

Sure he's raising public sentiment, but it is obvious he is doing it to polarize, provoke and so on. He doesn't provide any tangible solutions other than to create a climate of fear. Within this climate of fear, voterbases will be divided, important items will not make the agenda, polarization will continue and society is provoked to aggression and wild conspiracy theories.

He's a useful tool for the West. They even think he's an idiot, just another way to pressure the government of Turkey. It is obvious the refugees are a problem and the government is trying to deal with it and the opposition are doing the same.
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Given how often Umit Ozdag has been in touch with the West since the 90's, he is their useful puppet. Just like Le Pen in France for Russia. It is very easy for populists to ride simple sentiments.

Americans wrote this about him in 2004:

POLOFF's = American Political Officers in American Foreign Service.

He has been regularly in touch with the Americans since the 90's, the same way the Americans used GLADIO in Turkey.

Sure he's raising public sentiment, but it is obvious he is doing it to polarize, provoke and so on. He doesn't provide any tangible solutions other than to create a climate of fear. Within this climate of fear, voterbases will be divided, important items will not make the agenda, polarization will continue and society is provoked to aggression and wild conspiracy theories.

He's a useful tool for the West. They even think he's an idiot, just another way to pressure the government of Turkey. It is obvious the refugees are a problem and the government is trying to deal with it and the opposition are doing the same.
It seems like you joined this forum just to spread propaganda about Ümit Özdağ. You joined only two days ago and all your posts are about him.


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Umit baba is a real Turkish nationalist, a patriot and a defender of everything Turkish. In the last weeks he and his movement gained a lot of popularity and suddenly he turned into a threat not only to Erdogan's government but also to most of the opposition parties. He is thorn in their eyes because he tells them the ugly truths and he shows them that they are good for nothing bunch of idiots and traitors.

This is why suddenly you hear how he is a CIA asset, a FETO project, a PKK sympathizer and all the usual insults and lies you hear when someone becomes popular in Turkish politics and a threat to the status quo.


Umit baba is a real Turkish nationalist, a patriot and a defender of everything Turkish. In the last weeks he and his movement gained a lot of popularity and suddenly he turned into a threat not only to Erdogan's government but also to most of the opposition parties. He is thorn in their eyes because he tells them the ugly truths and he shows them that they are good for nothing bunch of idiots and traitors.

This is why suddenly you hear how he is a CIA asset, a FETO project, a PKK sympathizer and all the usual insults and lies you hear when someone becomes popular in Turkish politics and a threat to the status quo.

Bahceli, Kilicdaroglu, Erdogan, Aksener and the others, noone has spent as much time with foreign powers as Umit Ozdag. He's a foreign asset. This institute has posters of Ocalan. Why would a true nationalist go here? Why would he agree to federation and say it's impossible to destroy the PKK?



And now he says, the refugees are not a problem, the plot to establish Kurdistan is. Another conspiracy theory that pakistan and afghanistan coming here because of West, more misdirection.

He won't send refugees anywhere. He won't get elected. His only reason for existence in politics is to disrupt politics and to paralyze agenda, sell some of his books while he has the spotlight.
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Bahceli, Kilicdaroglu, Erdogan, Aksener and the others, noone has spent as much time with foreign powers as Umit Ozdag. He's a foreign asset. This institute has posters of Ocalan. Why would a true nationalist go here? Why would he agree to federation and say it's impossible to destroy the PKK?

View attachment 43650

View attachment 43651

And now he says, the refugees are not a problem, the plot to establish Kurdistan is. Another conspiracy theory that pakistan and afghanistan coming here because of West, more misdirection.

He won't send refugees anywhere. He won't get elected. His only reason for existence in politics is to disrupt politics and to paralyze agenda, sell some of his books while he has the spotlight.
If gulenists and akp supporters are talking against Umit özdağ IM WITH UMİT ÖZDAĞ

Also another gulenist akp supporter from foreign country gurbetçis never cease to amaze me with their intelligence.



Thanks to our minister of Interior who said Turks are Invaders from mongolia and defended pakistanis-afghans
Now arabs are mocking us as mongolians lol.



This is the doing of süleyman soylu.

"Some time ago, a group of state officials visited the heavily sentenced person in prison and was told that his sentence would be commuted for speaking against Umut Özğdağ."

"Bir süre önce bir grup devlet yetkilisi ağır hapis cezasına çarptırılan şahsı ziyaret etmiş ve kendisine Umut Özğdağ aleyhine konuşmaktan cezasının indirileceği söylenmişti."
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View attachment 43654

Thanks to our minister of Interior who said Turks are Invaders from mongolia and defended pakistanis-afghans
Now arabs are mocking us as mongolians lol.
No offense but that site isnt anti-akp or anti-CHP but it is anti-Turkey in general. They will bring fake news and rumors to just portray Turks and Turkey as the bad guys

This site is similar to Ahval in which it endorsed Greek claims regarding maitime EEZ as being justified and that Turkey is applying maximalist claims to its EEZ. You shouldnt believe the poison being released on such sites

Al-Monitor is the same as well; while it tries to appear as "neutral", it has been anti-Turkey and pro-YPG, pro-MBS and pro-Greece as it is heavily funded and sponsored by the US


No offense but that site isnt anti-akp or anti-CHP but it is anti-Turkey in general. They will bring fake news and rumors to just portray Turks and Turkey as the bad guys

This site is similar to Ahval in which it endorsed Greek claims regarding maitime EEZ as being justified and that Turkey is applying maximalist claims to its EEZ. You shouldnt believe the poison being released on such sites

Al-Monitor is the same as well; while it tries to appear as "neutral", it has been anti-Turkey and pro-YPG, pro-MBS and pro-Greece as it is heavily funded and sponsored by the US
I have watched the TV program soylu literally said Turks came from Mongolian steppes who are the Invaders? he said.

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