TR Politics


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Worrying signs, I swear
The CHP seems to have removed all red lines that shouldnt be crossed in order to win the election
Whats next? They will state that Mavi Vatan is false

This should be a meme, lool🤣🤣🤣👇
Its nice seeing politicians throw everything through the window for votes
didn't erdogan also apologized for what happened to armenians in 1915

also you are posting pro islamist twitters last tweet is literally worshipping kadir mısıroğlu a retarded ottman-ummah lover who went to hell last year


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Worrying signs, I swear
The CHP seems to have removed all red lines that shouldnt be crossed in order to win the election
Whats next? They will state that Mavi Vatan is false

This should be a meme, lool🤣🤣🤣👇
Its nice seeing politicians throw everything through the window for votes

Ita becoming common nowadays to blame the Ottomans for the genocide while the Turks say it was the Ottomans rather than the Turks.

While the Greeks, Westerners and Armenians all say it was the Turks.

As the Ottomans and the Turks are basically the same to them.

Once again our people doing shitty optics again.


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İf there is an islamophobia in Europa, there must be the reasons.
Millions of muslim ex/new migrants/citizens in their home.
Muslim countries have more real phobias: kafirophobia, jewophobia, christinophobia.

But there is no reason why Muslim countries have such problem since there aren't significant numbers of Christians, Jews ...

Turkish conservatives and nationalists in grave hatred comparing islamophobia


İf there is an islamophobia in Europa, there must be the reasons.
Millions of muslim ex/new migrants/citizens in their home.
Muslim countries have more real phobias: kafirophobia, jewophobia, christinophobia.

But there is no reason why Muslim countries have such problem since there aren't significant numbers of Christians, Jews ...

Turkish conservatives and nationalists in grave hatred comparing islamophobia
Islamaphbia grows in turkey as well not just europe


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Ita becoming common nowadays to blame the Ottomans for the genocide while the Turks say it was the Ottomans rather than the Turks.

While the Greeks, Westerners and Armenians all say it was the Turks.

As the Ottomans and the Turks are basically the same to them.

Once again our people doing shitty optics again.

Shitty optics was turning the Agia Sophia into a mosque during an era where the entire world is doing its best to show muslims as intolerant fanatics. Then the hordes of Muslims rushing to pray in it didnt help international optics either.

Its a bit like the recent hindu/Muslim conflict in the UK. The Muslims constantly fall into the trap and show themselves in a negative light in which the media is yet again able to spin it as fanatic backward Muslims.

The best thing now would be for Turkey have a secular leader who isnt pushing religion every moment of everyday.

I'm fairly white looking and I'm able to hear the conversations the common Englishman has about Muslims and its almost entirely negative.

Once your completely dehumanised, it becomes nearly impossible to put your side of the argument across.

If you remember during the recent Azeri/Armenia war the Armenians were using the fact that Turkey was a predominantly Muslim nation as propaganda as to why the armenians are the good guys and the Azeris the bad guys. Thats how dehumanised Muslims have become in the west that being Muslim automatically makes you the bad guy.
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Shitty optics was turning the Agia Sophia into a mosque during an era where the entire world is doing its best to show muslims as intolerant fanatics. Then the hordes of Muslims rushing to pray in it didnt help international optics either.

Its a bit like the recent hindu/Muslim conflict in the UK. The Muslims constantly fall into the trap and show themselves in a negative light in which the media is yet again able to spin it as fanatic backward Muslims.

The best thing now would be for Turkey have a secular leader who isnt pushing religion every moment of everyday.

I'm fairly white looking and I'm able to hear the conversations the common Englishman has about Muslims and its almost entirely negative.

Once your completely dehumanised, it becomes nearly impossible to put your side of the argument across.

Hagia sophia was a perfect middle finger LOL

It was long overdue.

We dont need any lectures from Westerners, Russians, Arabs, Greeks or Armenians.

About respect. We all know what they do to history that does not belong to them either demolish them or steal them for theircmusuems.


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Hagia sophia was a perfect middle finger LOL

It was long overdue.

We dont need any lectures from Westerners, Russians, Arabs, Greeks or Armenians.

About respect. We all know what they do to history that does not belong to them either demolish them or steal them for theircmusuems.

No it was shitty optics, a middle finger is moving into syria and crushing the pkk.

You basically gave the greeks another easy tool to convince the west that Turks and Muslims are all evil. Christians in their churches are already being brainwashed to hate Muslims and these acts make it much easier for the propaganda to take hold.

Its drives me mad to see how the common Muslim can so easily fall into these traps.


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No it was shitty optics, a middle finger is moving into syria and crushing the pkk.

You basically gave the greeks another easy tool to convince the west that Turks and Muslims are all evil. Christians in their churches are already being brainwashed to hate Muslims and these acts make it much easier for the propaganda to take hold.

Dude the Greeks believe that Hagia Sophia will be a church again they believe in the end of days for Turkiye.

They believe in a bat shit insane prophecy that Turkiye will be converted to Eastern orthodoxy while rest will be killed off.

Im not making this up.


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Dude the Greeks believe that Hagia Sophia will be a church again they believe in the end of days for Turkiye.

They believe in a bat shit insane prophecy that Turkiye will be converted to Eastern orthodoxy while rest will be killed off.

Im not making this up.

The global dehumanisation of Muslims is not happening by chance. Historically any peoples who are dehumanised is so that when they are destroyed no one intervenes to stop it.

Muslims need to wake up, because another 20 to 30 years of this dehumanisation and you may find that being Muslim in non Muslim majority states becomes a crime.

The general perception of Islam here in england is that its a fanatic intolerant religion aiming for global domination. The people are starting to see Islam as the threat from within. The rhetoric against Muslims with each passing year gets worse and worse within the media.


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Yeah I said this so many times.


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This does not give him or any Albanian to talk about our interior things!! He should stick to his countries politics.
Well,i have never heard this before
His Albanian most Albanians have Turkish blood dont forget.

Its normal for Albanians to have interest in Turkiye.
I would have never guessed it. Get serious and cut the crap! Albanians are Turkish friendly because of geopolitics, not genetics,though many of them went to Turkey after 1912(curtesy of Greeks and Serbs).


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Well,i have never heard this before

I would have never guessed it. Get serious and cut the crap! Albanians are Turkish friendly because of geopolitics, not genetics,though many of them went to Turkey after 1912(curtesy of Greeks and Serbs).

Turco Albanians im talking about. Since most Albanians became Muslim they mixed with Muslim Turks.

Im talking about Muslim Albanians not the Orthodox or the Catholic ones.

Same story with Bosnia. Bosniaks became Muslim they mixed in with Muslim Turks.


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Turco Albanians im talking about. Since most Albanians became Muslim they mixed with Muslim Turks.

Im talking about Muslim Albanians not the Orthodox or the Catholic ones.

Same story with Bosnia. Bosniaks became Muslim they mixed in with Muslim Turks.
There were some Yuruks,but they were a negligible proportion of the population. Albanians islamized en masse only by 1600-1700. The same Yuruks were present in other balkan peoples,yet islamization didn't occur(only Bosnia).


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Sorry but who are you to laugh etc. for the decisions of Turkish people?? You are not a turk!! so it is not up to you to critisize any political leaders in Turkey. It is better for you to stick to your county. We have a saying " icislerimize karışma, burnunu sokma!!"
Close this thread by turning it to Turkish,your choice. If the admin doesn't do it,stop whining!English is a lingua franca.

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