TR Politics


21 2,013

cultural degeneration and the rise of salafi families. if we dont live under sharia law we are infidels republic is a infidel system . this kid will grow into a jihadist in future this is the another effect of brining 13 million sharia population into our country if we don't act now we will suffer the same fate as Pakistan

Mohammad Ali Jinnah found the secular republic of Pakistan

View attachment 51610

while general zia ul haq turn it into another Islamic sharia country by inviting all the islamist/jihadist from Arab world . you must understand some Arab counties still had secular government and those islamist were in prison

whatch this from 9:26

similar to what we have seen this in numerous time in the past , a Moroccan man telling Turkish woman that it is not Islamic for her to work and she should cover her head. when i hear a Pakistani guy in English saying soil reject Atatürk's body i can see the influence of the tarikats . it's a same process of cultural change slowly but surely its coming and when it comes all the tarikats will stand with them .

this is not a problem that can be solved with democracy

@guest12 @Xenon54 @GoatsMilk @Sinan
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21 2,013



the US opened new base in Greece near the border with turkey and in Syria YPG has almost 100k force while recently nancy pelosi traveled to Armenia and promise weapons . with these information one can conclude if we suffer civil war with 13 million sharia illegal aliens , they will intervein in order to tear off territory from turkey

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21 2,013
in the first half of the video you can see a journalist taking about the 90s how islamist where promising blood when they come to power

in the pass the general warn us about the danger of tarikats

in this video at 1:45 a general says know this whether with turban and beard ( tarikat) or red star on yellow flags (pkk) the same source are feeding them and they have one purpose to beat a nation that couldn't beat at Gallipoli and Turkish war of independence
remember this was the era were eşref bitlis was trying to stop the Kurdistan project before he wass killed

here back in 2000 you can see The US foreign ministry put hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu on the list of human right violator for starting research on fetö these are not coincident
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cultural degeneration and the rise of salafi families. if we dont live under sharia law we are infidels republic is a infidel system . this kid will grow into a jihadist in future this is the another effect of brining 13 million sharia population into our country if we don't act now we will suffer the same fate as Pakistan

Mohammad Ali Jinnah found the secular republic of Pakistan

View attachment 51610

while general zia ul haq turn it into another Islamic sharia country by inviting all the islamist/jihadist from Arab world . you must understand some Arab counties still had secular government and those islamist were in prison

whatch this from 9:26

similar to what we have seen this in numerous time in the past , a Moroccan man telling Turkish woman that it is not Islamic for her to work and she should cover her head. wheni hear a Pakistani guy in English saying soil reject Atatürk's body i can see the influence of the tarikats . it's a same process of cultural change slowly but surely its coming when when it comes all the tarikats will stand with them .

this is not a problem that can be solved with democracy

@guest12 @Xenon54 @GoatsMilk @Sinan
I have understood after some time that Turkish politics have different segments when it comes to the people, however, everyone is united when it comes to the love of the motherland. I just wanted to make some quick comments regarding the religion of "Islam" that many people fail to understand. A lot of the issues you have addressed are often based on "Culture", or their own personal feelings. The issues you have mentioned can only be solved with knowledge and understanding.

Let me give you an example from the Kingdom of Morocco. In Morocco, we have had some issues in the past concerning ISIS. Imagine even the worst of extremist cults get jailed, but they will also receive knowledge about Islam. This is my 2 cents.


21 2,013


from left to right . hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu , çetin doğan , Hilmi Özkök

by the time hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu turn as chief of general staff was about to end in the end of the year 2002 (same year akp came to power ) he met with çetin doğan and express his concern about his successor Hilmi Özkök . he ask whether Özkök is a member of tarikat and çetin doğan answered , he is known to be conservatives but i don't know anything about his connection to any tarikat. with this Hilmi Özkök become chief of general staff

few years later the 2004 Cypriot referendums happens Turkish side said yes while the Greek side said no . with pure luck we averted a disaster . since their plan was to lock turkish navy to its cost while large cities like istanbul would have face crisis if greek navy simply delay the shipment of food



Cem Gürdeniz

as i mentioned before fetö , by ergenekon and sledge hammer trails , clear all the paitrotic generals and admirals including
Cem Gürdeniz father of mavie vatan doctorine

while this was happening the so called çözüm süreci was under way

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21 2,013
remember all this time media was bombarded by FETÖ propaganda





just remember at this time weaving Azerbaijan flag was banned in turkey and nagehan alçi enter Karabakh via Armenia and said

i am Armenian and Karabakh belongs to armenia .for this she become the first and only Turkish citizen to be declared person of grata in Azerbaijan

i forgot to mention by year 2002 the same year akp came to power the journalist Necip Hablemitoğlu who was exposing FETÖ assasinated by them


take note how they are mocking and discredit him in this video when he talks about FETÖ
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I have understood after some time that Turkish politics have different segments when it comes to the people, however, everyone is united when it comes to the love of the motherland. I just wanted to make some quick comments regarding the religion of "Islam" that many people fail to understand. A lot of the issues you have addressed are often based on "Culture", or their own personal feelings. The issues you have mentioned can only be solved with knowledge and understanding.

Let me give you an example from the Kingdom of Morocco. In Morocco, we have had some issues in the past concerning ISIS. Imagine even the worst of extremist cults get jailed, but they will also receive knowledge about Islam. This is my 2 cents.

under the tarikats people are being brainwashed to hate the republic and anything Turkish. Fanatical islam is a big threat to sovereignty and stability of Turkiye. Its rotting the nation from within.

For example one such so called islamist was going on TV and convincing Muslims that Ataturk and the independence war was bad news, that it would have been better had the greeks defeated the Turks that muslims would not have suffered as much. Which is a spectacular lie and outlandish statement, the same greeks who committing genocide against the Muslim peoples as they invaded.

These tarikats all operate under the same mandate that the feto mandate operated under, subvert the nation to operate against her own interests and to make her do things that benefits the greater middle east agenda.

These same tarikats were the biggest supporters and pushers of the PKK agenda in the past too. Anything that harms the nation they do, but they do it under the guise of Islam. This is why many people are going up in Turkey with a dislike for Islam, they see the rotting effect it is having on the nation. They are not shrewd enough to understand that the heads of this plan are not Muslims, they are anti-Muslim.

Also when we look at the wider world 95% of so called islamist preachers are all pushing narratives that harms Turkey. This guy is a good example who goes around saying the Turks are bad, but the orthodox christians are the people Muslims should look up to.


In Russia they crippled and slaugtering millions of Muslims, in greece they destroyed all the mosques and don't even allow their muslims basic freedoms. In serbia they want to wipe them all out. In armenia not a single mosque stands, the only orthodox nation who stands out from the rest is ukraine and that happens to be one thats suffering under a russian invasion.

What you notice with all these islamists is that what they say only works to harm Muslim majority nations, it brings no advantage or benefit to Muslims.

I'm willing to bet that 99% of all these preachers with an international presence are on the CIA payroll.
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remember all this time media was bombarded by FETÖ propaganda





just remember at this time weaving Azerbaijan flag was banned in Turkiye and nagehan alçi enter Karabakh via Armenia and said

i am Armenian and Karabakh belongs to armenia .for this she become the first and only Turkish citizen to be declared person of grata in Azerbaijan

i forgot to mention by year 2002 the same year akp came to power the journalist Necip Hablemitoğlu who was exposing FETÖ assasinated by them


take note how they are mocking and discredit him in this video when he talks about FETÖ

While patriots were being rounded and put in jail under trumped up charges, every enemy of the republic and ultimately of islam itself were being elevated and promoted. This all happened with the blessing of AK party. We are lucky that their greed for wealth and power caused AK party and FETO to fall out.

Just like we were fortunate that the greeks voted against the annan plan of 2004.

Muslims must be aware that the biggest enemy to the religion is going to present itself as the biggest defender of Islam.


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Also these little fanatical shitheads who are being brainwashed in their tarikats are going to be the future useful idiots that the CIA backs to subvert the Turkish nation agianst her own interests and welfare.


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under the tarikats people are being brainwashed to hate the republic and anything Turkish. Fanatical islam is a big threat to sovereignty and stability of Turkiye. Its rotting the nation from within.

For example one such so called islamist was going on TV and convincing Muslims that Ataturk and the independence war was bad news, that it would have been better had the greeks defeated the Turks that muslims would not have suffered as much. Which is a spectacular lie and outlandish statement, the same greeks who committing genocide against the Muslim peoples as they invaded.
Got you, i guess tarikats is sects like sufis? Because I heard Asian people use this term before. I don't like the word Islamist but that guy that went on TV is a complete joke and does not hold the opinion of Islamic theology at all.

These tarikats all operate under the same mandate that the feto mandate operated under, subvert the nation to operate against her own interests and to make her do things that benefits the greater middle east agenda.

These same tarikats were the biggest supporters and pushers of the PKK agenda in the past too. Anything that harms the nation they do, but they do it under the guise of Islam. This is why many people are going up in Turkiye with a dislike for Islam, they see the rotting effect it is having on the nation. They are not shrewd enough to understand that the heads of this plan are not Muslims, they are anti-Muslim.

In other words, they are a political sect according to you, but they do it under the guise of Islam. But I did not understand what you meant by "Middle east agenda". In fact, we find them everywhere, even in Europe. In Europe, they are treated as celebrities by the media.
Also when we look at the wider world 95% of so called islamist preachers are all pushing narratives that harms Turkiye. This guy is a good example who goes around saying the Turks are bad, but the orthodox christians are the people Muslims should look up to.

I'm willing to bet that 99% of all these preachers with an international presence are on the CIA payroll.

What you notice with all these islamists is that what they say only works to harm Muslim majority nations, it brings no advantage or benefit to Muslims.
Are you talking about internal preachers in Turkey, or worldwide? Let me tell you what my opinion is on this matter. I have not invested a lot of my time in the internal politics of Turkey so I really don't know about the issues you have addressed. One thing I do know in fact is that in Turkey you find different types of people, whether it would be Muslim or other beliefs.


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Got you, i guess tarikats is sects like sufis? Because I heard Asian people use this term before. I don't like the word Islamist but that guy that went on TV is a complete joke and does not hold the opinion of Islamic theology at all.

In other words, they are a political sect according to you, but they do it under the guise of Islam. But I did not understand what you meant by "Middle east agenda". In fact, we find them everywhere, even in Europe. In Europe, they are treated as celebrities by the media.

Are you talking about internal preachers in Turkiye, or worldwide? Let me tell you what my opinion is on this matter. I have not invested a lot of my time in the internal politics of Turkiye so I really don't know about the issues you have addressed. One thing I do know in fact is that in Turkiye you find different types of people, whether it would be Muslim or other beliefs.

greater middle east is reference to anglo-american plan to balkanise the middle east. In isreal they call it the yinon plan etc. Every now and again the americans reveal it in some form or another. This map was released in an american military journal i think in 2004. I guess with AK party in charge they felt comfortable to show their true face.



Also the Isreali yinon plan envisages this.

And yes most of these tarikats are political movements under the guise of religious orders.

As for the preachers im mainly talking about the ones who preach in english but come from all over the world. Ultimatly they all end up pushing the same bullshit, everything that harms Turkey and benefits the outsider non Muslim.

In Turkey for a period of time we were actually going through a "dark age" under AK party. We were watching FETO being elevated to every position of power and influence, we watched our enemies being promoted in the media and giving money and absolute freedom to attack the state. While at the same time the patriots the people who had worked to defend our nation being put in jail based on lies and corrupt courts and media.

During these years AK party got nothing put praise in the western media. Erdogan was hailed as a great man and the model for the Muslim world. Then over night after he fell out with feto he turned into the greatest demon on earth according to the western media.

While his party helped undermine the Turkish state, this was how he was portrayed. On a side note any Muslim majority nation that works to benefit america at their own national expense is called "western friendly". So if a Muslim nation is referred as such, know that your countries leaders are working in their interests.


Then the moment he fell out with FETO.


The sultan in which they imposed erdogans face is known as "selim the mad".
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And yes most of these tarikats are political movements under the guise of religious orders.

As for the preachers im mainly talking about the ones who preach in english but come from all over the world. Ultimatly they all end up pushing the same bullshit, everything that harms Turkiye and benefits the outsider non Muslim.
Turkey has had such a long story from the end of the ottomans until now. I don't have any doubt that huge powers want to destroy turkey from within. But from what I know from your history is that you had a worse period before when the military was in power. I wish turkey great success, and hopefully, you guys will come back soon at the top. I don't know where you got the opinion that Muslim English preachers talk against Turkey, or harm turkey. I have never in my life seen someone do that, in fact, a lot of the Muslim world supports turkey. Preachers, or individuals that try to harm the image of Islam are plenty of course.


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Turkiye has had such a long story from the end of the ottomans until now. I don't have any doubt that huge powers want to destroy Turkiye from within. But from what I know from your history is that you had a worse period before when the military was in power. I wish Turkiye great success, and hopefully, you guys will come back soon at the top. I don't know where you got the opinion that Muslim English preachers talk against Turkiye, or harm Turkiye. I have never in my life seen someone do that, in fact, a lot of the Muslim world supports Turkiye. Preachers, or individuals that try to harm the image of Islam are plenty of course.

Yes, when nationalists were in power the enemies came down much heavier on Turkey. For example the attempted genocide of the Turkish cypriots by the greeks, the heavy financing and support for communist terrorists from the soviet union against Turkey and Americas role in galdio operations against the Turkish state.

However geopolitically things have changed, soviet union is dead and Russia is a rotting state, which was our number one enemy, rival and foe. Meanwhile the fruits of our domestic defence industry founded in in the 80's are starting to show while our population tripled in size.

But also worth keeping in mind that it was our first political islamist menderez who destroyed our defence industry, had he not destroyed our industry we would maybe be 20 years ahead of where we are today.

Truth be told unless you exist to service America like nations such as Japan, there will be no peace for your nation. This is what the Turks have faced during the Ottoman years and into the republic years.


21 2,013
and finally we reach our last chapter the fall of CHP

right now CHP is full of traitors who infiltrated the party i will explain in detail about the purge of Kemalist from CHP and replacing them with pkk lovers

muharrem ince left pary and said he cant stay in a party that call Atatürk murderer


mehmet ali çelebi former army officer who was arrested in ergenekon trial. left the party after heavy clash with with pkk lovers due to the infiltrator's instalt to atatürk declearing him genocieder and murderer and insulting turkish army . he demaned kemal kılıçdaroğlu to put a distance between HDP and CHP and fire some of the questionable members its a long story go and research yourself


deniz baykal former leader of CHP and his daughter aslı baykal left the party possibly she refuse to be part of new constitution in which the first 4 item would be removed


emine ülker tarhan was the deputy was the first who stood against the changes in CHP she was raising the alarm back in 2013-2014 but no one listened to her eventually she was forced to leave the party then she left the politics , just imagine if she was the head of CHP


tanju ozcan temporarily fired from the party for 1 year for fighting against the infiltrators

there are many more but these are the most important ones
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21 2,013

oh yeas lets talk about this woman canan kaftancıoğlu aka CHP's nagehan alçi .




remember sakine cansiz is the girlfriend of Abdullah öcalan . was an active terrorist who fight our soldiers with ak47 . on one of the clashes she said to our soldiers if you want the corpses of your martyred you must give us mendicant

canan kaftancıoğlu also said she prefer not to say atatürk ( atatürk demeyi tercih etmiyorum )
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21 2,013

cem özdemir is a turkish politician of Kurdish origin in Germany who get elected to parliament by Turkish voters (by saying im Muslim brother vote for me. bizimkiler mal amk) then it was he who goes on campaign for recognition of so called Armenian genocide and pass it in the parliament


Ekrem İmamoğlu and cem özdemir



Ekrem İmamoğlu and nagehan alçi

meral akşener talking about federalization of turkey which is a first step to separation and erdem atay explain what is in the new constitution and since people are tried of presidentionl system they would vote blindly for the so called empowered parlimantal system not knowing what actually in it (just like the last referendum )

im too tired otherwise i would have leave more info but im done for today . this was the summery of the last 30 years


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Y-CHP is full of cryptos and enemies of the Republic, it's principles and founding father. Does anyone here believe that Tanrikulu, Kaftancioglu, Saribal, Kilicdaroglu etc. are Kemalists?

Unfortunately the political decision the people in Türkiye have is between two shitty parties.


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Ask yourself why all of these guys who are affiliated to enemies of the state are not investigated? Meanwhile he said "fools" and that put him in jail? Is he being set up as the next hero of the Turkish republic in the same way erdogan "went to jail" and became a hero?

Are they planning a bait and switch just as people are getting sick of political islam they are going to deceive us with this guy?

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