I am curious, how do you view 2016s coup?
man I'm too lazy to give you full answer , here is the summary , according to general ergin saygun
since israel are surrounded by hostile arab/musilm nations its need to created new neighbor to guaranty its long term security that country is kurdistan which would be carved out of turkey iran syria and iraq and all the west are backing them
here our story begin with this guy ,
general eşref bitlis
general bitils was fully aware about the americans plan for middle east so he created his own plan to counter it .the bitils plan are as follows
1- there should be a continuse non stop fight with pkk
2- the kurdish people need to by embraced by the governments in the region for this turkey should start working with iran iraq and syrian governments
at all cost all the foreign powers should be kept away from the region
the last item put him on the Americans radar . one of the time when he was traveling to iraqi kurdistan by helicopter , an American f16 fly so close to his helicopter in order to crash the helicopter by jet's thrust . the general saved only by skill of helicopter pilot . since army was against what the west were planning ,then they tried put pressure on army in democratic ways here enters FETÖ
general eşref bitlis later killed in mysterious helicopter crash in Ankara ( if you ask me i would say cia killed him)
feto is a islamist cult made by cia they chase smart kids in middle and high schools offer scholarship and free dormitory for poor student and there they brain wash them . these student are called golden generation whom will infiltered the government .
in 2002 akp , with the help of FETÖ, came to power . in that year 9 11 terror attacked happened and usa wanted to invade iraq and afghanistan . generals followed the bitlis plan and stop american solider to land in turkey in order to invade iraq ,
at the same time erdogan was trying to get 2/3 majority vote in parliament to allow them to land in turkey
things get heated between the US and turkish militaries in early 2000s they arrest some of turkish commandos in iraq and put bag on their head
meanwhile there was tense exchange between chift of general staff of turkish armed force general Hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu and
United States Deputy Secretary of Defense paul wolfowitz about the city of Kirkuk which was a turkmen city , exchange goes as follows
Hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu : a kurdish govermnet that include kirkuk is unacceptable , if you try that then we will enter from south (into iraq) and stop it
paul wolfowitz : i am United States Deputy Secretary of Defense you cant talk to me like that
Hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu : and i am the chift of general staff of turkish armed forces and a turkmen on top of that
i write the conversation to show you how bad it was and remember while all of this was happening akp and FETÖ was undermining the army eventually at 2008 and 2009 the famous ergenekon and slage hammer trial happened . lots of the kemalist generals were arrested and some died in prison most of them forced into retirement by erdogan which paved the way for FETÖ generals to get into important positions and they stage a coup in 2016
with this AKP-FETÖ prevented Turkish army to have any influence on future of İRAQ and later Syria during invasion . now we are suffering for their actions with 13 million refugees
TSK personeli olan tutuklu general ve amirallerin, bu tarihten sonra kaldıkları Hasdal ve Hadımköy’deki askeri cezaevlerinden Silivri’ye nakledilmeleri bekleniyor
2 of the most important name trialed in ergenekon and slage hammer trial was engin alan and ilker başbuğ
engin alan was the former chief of special forces who was the architect behind the operation that captured abullah ocalan the leader of PKK . as protest to trials he didn't stand up when erdogan came . for that FETÖ judges fabricate fake document and charge him for 18 year of prison for terrorism later those document proven to be false