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Plus, the court ordered expert consultants were against this decision. The judge overruled everyone. Why?


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man I'm too lazy to give you full answer , here is the summary , according to general ergin saygun
since israel are surrounded by hostile arab/musilm nations its need to created new neighbor to guaranty its long term security that country is kurdistan which would be carved out of turkey iran syria and iraq and all the west are backing them
here our story begin with this guy , general eşref bitlis


general bitils was fully aware about the americans plan for middle east so he created his own plan to counter it . bitils plan as follows

1- there should be a continuse non stop fight with pkk
2- the kurdish people need to by embraced by the governments in the region for this turkey should start working with iran iraq and syrian governments
3- at all cost all the foreign powers should be kept away from the region

the last item put him on the Americans radar . one of the time when he was traveling to iraqi kurdistan by helicopter , an American f16 fly o close to his helicopter in order to crash the helicopter since army was against what the west were planning , they tried put pressure on army in democratic ways here enters FETÖ

general eşref bitlis killed in mysterious helicopter crash ( if you ask me i would say cia killed him)

feto is a islamist cult made by cia they chase smart kids in middle and high schools offer scholarship and free dormitory for poor student and there they brain wash them . these student are called golden generation whom will infiltered the government
in 2002 akp , with the help of FETÖ, came to power in that year 9 11 terror attacked happened and use wanted to invade iraq and afghanistan . generals followed the bitli plan and stop american solider to land in turkey in order to invade iraq at the same time erdogan was trying to get 2/3 majority vote in parliament to allow them to land in turkey

things get heated between us turkish military in early 2000s they arrest some of turkish commandos in iraq and put bag on their head
meanwhile there was tense exchange between chift of general staff of turkish armed force general Hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu and
United States Deputy Secretary of Defense paul wolfowitz which gose happened about Kirkuk which was a turkmen city , exchange goes as follows


Hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu : a kurdish govermnet that include kirkuk is unacceptable if you try that then we will enter from south (into iraq) and stop it

paul wolfowitz : i am United States Deputy Secretary of Defense you cant talk to me like that

Hüseyin kıvrıkoğlu : and i am the chift of general staff of turkish armed force a turkmen on top of that

i write the conversation to show you how bad it was and remember while all of this was happening akp and FETÖ was undermining the army eventually at 2008 and 2009 the famous ergenekom and slage hammer trial happened lots of the kemalist generals were arrested and some died in prison most of them forced into retirement by erdogan which paved the way for FETÖ generals to get into important positions and they stage a coup in 2016

2 of the most important name trialed in ergenekom and slage hammer trial was engin alan and ilker başbuğ



engin alan was the former chief of special forces who was the architect of operation behind capturing leader of PKK leader abullah ocalan . as protest to trial he didn't stand up when erdogan came for that FETÖ judges fabricate fake document and charge him for 18 year of prison for terrorism later those document proven to be false

Its why the US/EU did everything to restrict the armies role in Turkish society, the most loyal, patriotic and anti western imperialist instrument within Turkey and maybe within the wider Islamic world.

when erdogan and feto were working hand in hand to illegally fabricate fake charges against patriotic generals, to me that was a dark age. We were watching our patriots and men of honour being sold out from under us by American agents.


21 2,013
now lets continue with general ilker başbuğ former Chief of the Turkish General Staff


there is a room called Kozmik Oda. the state secrets are kept there this include from iff signals to list of spies as well as offensive and defensive plane of turkish armey against neighboring countries with different scenarios , as i mentioned before FETÖ's golden generation include from judges to doctors and journalist and news tv hosts etc.

some of the famous one are


cevheri guven

rasim ozan kutahyali

nagehan alçı wife of rasim ozan kutahyali

hilal kaplan


and finally bülent arınç Former Deputy Prime Minister of Erdogan

watch these videos if you want to learn their full back ground

lets go back to Kozmik Oda . those journalist start a psychological war against the army and state they demonized the whole T.C . bülent arınç claimed that some people in the army trying to assassinate erdogan or something and those journalist start the propaganda war that they want to enter Kozmik Oda and find the name of assassins (btw there was no proof for this ), eventually FETÖ , by the blessing of erdogan ,entered Kozmik Oda and copied all the state secret document then sent it to usa including list of over 600 spies who work for MİT with in the pkk . all those spies are martyed now and the FETÖ guy who enter the secret room and steal the secrets fled to usa and now teaching cyber security in some university lm too laze to look for its name.

after this the fight begin between akp and FETÖ . slowly erdogan was kicking them out while FETÖ hit back by revealed the akp corruption the famous reza zarrab incident then erdogan accelerate the purge and FETÖ stage the coup in 2016

btw reza zarrab bribe alots of ministers to use turkey for iran to bypass usa's embargos

just for info FETÖ brought nagehan alçı a nice house near the sea

and now we are at the current time with the same sick drama foreign powers buying our journalist to direct the elections outcome

this video show how foreign powers buying our journalist. worth to watch it

@Afif and this was the short summery of last 30 years . in the year 2016 FETÖ attempt a coup not army and the total number of soldiers around 4000 to 5000 out of half a million and half of them were thought they are doing a military exercise which shows most of the army was not involved thus its not a coup but a terror attack
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I found this post in twitter and i think it summarises a lot about the current strange fiasco going on rn

Possibility 1: The government's big mistake.
Possibility 2: Betrayal groups within the government were instrumental in making this decision.
3rd possibility: Those behind Ekrem checked those behind Kemal.
4th possibility: Those in 2nd probability killed 3 birds with 1 stone. That's enough for 280 characters.



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Read @Asena_great posts and you will get it eventually.

Always be aware that that FETO has hundreds of thousands of members globally. This is a life long fraternal order that once your in your in for life. I've been told by people who i can trust that they make vows to conceal, hide and never reveal the truth as to their ambitions. This means that whenever they are brought up on the internet, you are going find yourselves interacting with them and their whole agenda will be to discredit you and your arguments.

FETO students generally go to the american/french schools operating within Turkey and then are sent overseas to american or british universities to complete their education, while here many of them end up joining other clubs and fraternal orders. Then when they are sent back to Turkey they move into important positions, generally by a hand up from other feto members. After enough agents of infiltrated the state, widespread corruption becomes the norm.

This is how they take over nations or at the very least get nations to work against their own interests to the benefit of the nation conducting the subterfuge.
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Listening to the retired Turkish general in that youtube video the guy clearly knows what's going on, he sees the full picture. How prevalent is this mindset within the Turkish military today? Are the Turkish generals in full agreement as to the american games in the region?


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Dersim's sexiest man gılışdar got REKT!

It is said that the judge who did the verdict was Bahçevelli's guy. If that's true, both Tayyip and Dersim's sexiest man just got fired & retired. They just don't know it yet.


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Possibility 2: Betrayal groups within the government were instrumental in making this decision.
Ah for gods sake im sick of blaming every fiasco on ''traitors within the government''.
Look at the continous fiascos in AKP government in the last two decades, at so many one might think whole cabinet is full of traitors, oh wait...

When are our people gonna accept that this government is just incompetent and will use any means possible to make up for it?
Cant win elections? Try cheating, use gerrymandering, jail your opponents, declare election results null and go for re-election.

More like giving a hint he wont be done even if he lost, expect anything at this point.
Im curious how much he will respect peoples will in case he loses.


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90% of our problems have been caused by incompetent governance. Even the plots outside nations create for us are known yet government still dived in head first, syria being a prime example of such incompetence that continues. "we can come suddenly one night" to "we will never forget" meanwhile the plan you knew they are hatching against you from day one continues marching along.

Anyway we need politicians who can achieve results for the nation, not politicians who can arouse the basest emotions in the lowest classes, manipulating the ignorance of the wider public.


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Oh my fqing God!
Wtf is this! There is something wrong with this whole event and drama. Something is amiss and if ppl believe that it is some random govt mistake then they are bloody blind

Tell this to the ones who changed the people in the court!!
So do not tell that this is not done by government .
Yes we have that fucked justice system!!
We have ministers who do not act per decisions taken by anayasa court!!


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Like I have told,this is done by akp.
Hopefully ,you have seen what a fucked up third world shit hole we became

Was there anyone really believing in a independent juducuary at this point? I mean if people didnt wake up after whole Ergenekon scandal then they will never wake up, but these people deserve whats coming for them.

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