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Ok, let the election start in May, how will you explain it to people who are hit by earhquake?
3 months is enough to organize everything. What can be done in 1 year that cannot be done in 3 months? Next year people will still be living in tents.
İnternally displaced people will vote wherever they are. It is easy to switch voting places. Voter lists can be updated in 3 months. It is evident that 1 year delay is a cheap trick to cling to power. Using earthquake and earthquake victims for this, is the lowest a politician can fall.


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3 months is enough to organize everything. What can be done in 1 year that cannot be done in 3 months? Next year people will still be living in tents.
İnternally displaced people will vote wherever they are. It is easy to switch voting places. Voter lists can be updated in 3 months. It is evident that 1 year delay is a cheap trick to cling to power. Using earthquake and earthquake victims for this, is the lowest a politician can fall.

it honestly feels with AK party that every week a new scandal a new low from them. Just yesterday it was the Quran burning incident, then an earthquake that may have wiped out 100,000 people when all is said and then, with the governments response being terrible. Then its an excuse to delays elections to avoid the bad feelings of this earthquake to be reflected at the ballot box. I'm sure by next week a new incident will arrive.


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Makes sense
Why would the opposition throw away their golden ticket to the presidential palace. Their winning chances are now above 60% after the recent earthquake

Not only will they win the presidential election but their prospects of dominating the parliament is sooo high that it will never come again. The opposition's dream of kicking the AKP out of the race and returning Turkey to pre-2000s cant be as close as today. After all, all 600 seats in the Turkish parliament are up for the taking in this year's election



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3 months is enough to organize everything. What can be done in 1 year that cannot be done in 3 months? Next year people will still be living in tents.
İnternally displaced people will vote wherever they are. It is easy to switch voting places. Voter lists can be updated in 3 months. It is evident that 1 year delay is a cheap trick to cling to power. Using earthquake and earthquake victims for this, is the lowest a politician can fall.

Ok, how do you want to control people with no identification million of them? Can you guarantee that people will not trick?


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Ok, how do you want to control people with no identification million of them? Can you guarantee that people will not trick?
Previously there was dye which doesn't come up for days, this was a good solution. + they can move elections to original date, in 4 month id card can be distributed I assume.


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Makes sense
Why would the opposition throw away their golden ticket to the presidential palace. Their winning chances are now above 60% after the recent earthquake

Not only will they win the presidential election but their prospects of dominating the parliament is sooo high that it will never come again. The opposition's dream of kicking the AKP out of the race and returning Turkey to pre-2000s cant be as close as today. After all, all 600 seats in the Turkish parliament are up for the taking in this year's election

they should go for it and the victim of the disaster can see how the 6 table is :LOL:.


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Previously there was dye which doesn't come up for days, this was a good solution. + they can move elections to original date, in 4 month id card can be distributed I assume.


Towns do not excist anymore, i am curious how you people are going to solve this scale of problems.


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Yup, I knew it.
The opposition will never let this chance go away

However, they need to announce the presidential candidate soon since they were supposed to announce it tomorrow

Why do you talk about "chance" as though this is some kind of once in a million opportunity? If anything it's the opposition trying to stop Erdogan seizing the chance to delay the election possibly indefinitely.
Not only will they win the presidential election but their prospects of dominating the parliament is sooo high that it will never come again. The opposition's dream of kicking the AKP out of the race and returning Turkey to pre-2000s cant be as close as today. After all, all 600 seats in the Turkish parliament are up for the taking in this year's election
Also why do you insist that the opposition wants to return Turkey to pre-2000s era? You keep implying that wanting to not delay the election is some kind of malevolent move.


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BREAKING: The six-party table partnership is over.

After Kılıçdaroğlu's buying the votes of the other four parties, whose combined votes do not reach 5%, and imposing his candidacy on them, and finally after Demirtaş's open support, IYIP raised its hand and officially left the table. It is a very ambitious and risky move, but as the risk increases, so will the gain. Iyip has taken an important step towards becoming the sole ruling party by pitting the Chp and Akp head-to-head. In the event of Yavaş's candidacy, nationalist votes will be concentrated in the IYIP wing. Both left nationalists and right nationalists. In other words, the flow of votes from both Akp-Mhp and Chp must have been calculated. If you add Özdağ's statement today, the nationalist votes in the 3rd wing will also become part of the IYIP wing. If this strategy of the Iyip general executive committee works, i.e. if the votes of voters belonging to all nationalist factions can be defacto pooled together, this could enable them to secure a 50% +1 majority of votes. In other words, the miscalculations of the Chp central board could pave the way to power for the Iyip without depending on Kılıçdaroğlu's Chp.

Of course, there is also the opposite picture: Although the nationalist electorate was divided into very different factions, it was quite possible that at some point these wings would start to merge after reaching an overwhelming majority. Right now, the Iyip has made a kind of premature birth move. Whether it will work or not remains to be seen. If the Iyip is not rewarded for this move, it could seriously falter.


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@dBSPL That's an excellent and detailed post. But it is hard for non Turks who don't follow Turkish politics in details to comprehend and keep track who is who.

Could you or anybody else care to summarize it in a few easier sentences?
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Many ppl were making fun of me for saying that Kilicdaroglu will be the presidential candidate a year ago. Many said that I dont know anything about Turkish politics and how I have no proof but here we are gentlemen; I was right!

CHP is rotten to the core and Imamoglu is a filth that will slowly get exposed to his true nature; truly a young kilicdaroglu! In fact, his popularity is starting to gradually decrease in Istanbul

As for Yavas I still dont know but till this date, he is performing quite hell


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@dBSPL That's an excellent and detailed post. But it is hard for non Turks who don't follow Turkish politics in details to comprehend and keep track who is who.

Could you or anybody else care to summarize it in a few easier sentences?
A-alliance Kılıcdaroğlu's CHP + Labor and Freedom Alliance (HDP and radical left fractions) + Americanist or Royalist political Islamists etc.

B-alliance*: Iyip + 4th alliance (led by the Memleket and Zafer Party) + Ulusalcı and Ülkücü votes from other parties.
*(If Aksener gives up Imamoglu love)

C-alliance: Erdoğan + Bahçeli + Akp alliance (mostly political Islamists)

A-alliance candidate is Kılıçdaroğlu (Party leader who lost 14 elections and in the process brought about a major change in the CHP establishment)

The natural candidate of the B alliance is Yavaş(Ankara Mayor), if Yavaş cannot go beyond the decision of the Chp central board(because he won the mayoral election on behalf of the Chp party), I think İnce (The person who was excluded from the Chp and founded the Memleket party to represent the left nationalist segment. He lost against Erdoğan in the last presidential election) can also be supported. Imamoğlu(Istanbul Mayor) is more than willing to be a candidate and will come running, but I think it would be the most wrong choice. (He is a profile that appeals more to hdp votes, in other words, a profile that suits CHP's strategy.)

The candidate of the C alliance is Erdoğan

I think the ballot is becoming clearer now.
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The table of 6 was flawed from the beginning. İyi Parti was the best thing that happened to it. But it was always apparent that Deva and Gelecek would side with Kilicdaroglu.

Most people were hoping that Akşener's influence would not allow this to happen.

There is 3 scenarios now:
  1. KK stays as the candidate and the RTE wins once again
  2. They backpedal and end up choosing Yavaş instead and most likely win
  3. İyi Parti forms an alliance with ZP and MP with Muharrem İnce as the most likely candidate... This could go either way. This new alliance could work in conjunction with the other alliance.
In my opinion this is pure sabotage. No one in their right mind would pick KK as the candidate.


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The table of 6 was flawed from the beginning. İyi Parti was the best thing that happened to it. But it was always apparent that Deva and Gelecek would side with Kilicdaroglu.

Most people were hoping that Akşener's influence would not allow this to happen.

There is 3 scenarios now:
  1. KK stays as the candidate and the RTE wins once again
  2. They backpedal and end up choosing Yavaş instead and most likely win
  3. İyi Parti forms an alliance with ZP and MP with Muharrem İnce as the most likely candidate... This could go either way. This new alliance could work in conjunction with the other alliance.
In my opinion this is pure sabotage. No one in their right mind would pick KK as the candidate.
If we enter the elections with these 3 candidates, I think the Kılıçdaroğlu alliance will not be able to beat Yavaş's wing. In other words, Yavaş and Erdoğan will compete in the second round of elections.


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If we enter the elections with these 3 candidates, I think the Kılıçdaroğlu alliance will not be able to beat Yavaş's wing. In other words, Yavaş and Erdoğan will compete in the second round of elections.
I highly doubt that Yavaş will agree to be the candidate for the new "alliance". Muharrem İnce would probably be offered with the position in order to get CHP's and others' votes in the second round.


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I highly doubt that Yavaş will agree to be the candidate for the new "alliance". Muharrem İnce would probably be offered with the position in order to get CHP's and others' votes in the second round.
If Imamoğlu is nominated, you can completely ignore my above argument. The reason why I am speculating on the name Yavaş is that he is the most popular candidate at the moment. I think Ince's candidacy would produce similar results and I agree with what you say. However, Ince is a politician with higher political ambitions, and in a scenario where this alliance would win the election, he would not give all the strings to Iyip.


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So, in a nutshell who has more chance for now?
Alliance A? Alliance B? Or Alliance C?


DefenceHub Diplomat
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If Imamoğlu is nominated, you can completely ignore my above argument. The reason why I am speculating on the name Yavaş is that he is the most popular candidate at the moment. I think Ince's candidacy would produce similar results and I agree with what you say. However, Ince is a politician with higher political ambitions, and in a scenario where this alliance would win the election, he would not give all the strings to Iyip.
imo, it would be an easy win if the table of six nominated Yavaş. Both the public and the other opposition elements were practically begging for the table to choose Yavaş. But, KK is being KK and pushing for himself after losing God knows how many elections before. I agree with @Mis_TR_Like. KK is being manipulated. He can't think clearly(assuming he has the faculties)

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