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The reason why Imamoglu and Yavas wont accept the offer to be the presidential candidate is the fact that they will have to deal with a plethora of problems the moment they come into office; Syria, Libya, EU & Refugees, Mavi Vatan & Greece, Economy, Kurds & HDP etc...

The ppl are fed up and want quick and easy solutions which can never happen with any of these mega problems! Whoever will come after Erdogan is 100% set to lose his reputation and future as a politician and whoever will come after that guy will be the new Erdogan of Turkey possibly paving the way for another 20 years rule

If either of the rising stars, Imamoglu and Kilicdaroglu, came into office as President and failed to save the country, then the CHP as a party will be doomed forever

That move by the iYi is incredibly smart and risky; whoever is devising plans in iYi is a cunning fox! Now, there are 2 options this can go through
1- Erdogan wins the election and the iYi will be crushed
2- CHP wins and screws the country even more; thus Aksener becomes the new Erdogan and her iYi becomes the new AKP for the next 2-3 decades


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İ can understand the hatred from AKP voters but:

I can't understand why hatred towards Kılıçdaroğlu from oppositioners?

Kılıçdaroğlu is the leader of the main opposition so He has everyright to be a candidate.

Blaming of Kılıçdaroğlu for being Kurd is BS .

CHP and Millet ittifaki will win and Türkiye will be better than now


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There were two sides @Afif

6 table allience: Includes 6 party.
CHP addressing social democrats and Alevis. (Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu or KK)
IYI appealing to centre-right nationalists (Meral Akşener)
The remaining 4 parties do not have a significant share of votes. They are in alliance to get votes from AKP's religious base. 2 of thems leaders are former AKP members. One of them is the architect of Turkey's Syria policy until 2016.

republic alliance:AKP + MHP
AKP: Erdoğan's corrupted party
MHP:It used to be the party of nationalist and religious people. Now most of their votes went to the IYI party.The leader of the party is old senile (Devlet Bahçeli)

+Although it is newly established, there are 2 parties that find a response in the young section, the atatürkist section and the nationalist section;
Memleket Party : Party founded by CHP's 2018 election candidate.(It was the election that we hoped most for the country.)A party slightly to the left of the centre, fully committed to Atatürk's principles. (Muharrem İnce)
Zafer Party: a party that stands out for its extreme nationalism and anti-immigration (Ümit Özdağ)
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Political offices require competence. If you are only competent in neutering in-party opposition and constantly messing up in every other area, you don't deserve to be there. Let's say you don't leave. Then you have absolutely ZERO right to blame people who oppose you. Kılıçdaroğlu will be remembered as the man who enabled AKP tyranny for at least a decade. If I am forced to choose between him and Tayyip, I will draw male genitalia on the ballot.


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I appreciated Akşener. If they nominate Mansur Yavaş, I will vote for them. Akşener saw the polls and expectations. I think she made the right move, she will take the wind behind her back.

Mansur Yavaş will win very easily. There is great boredom and despair among the people.

Even if it has %30 votes, Akp is a dead party. It will not improve after this time, their votes will never increase, they cannot increase.
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Wow. Very smart people at the Round Table. Very intelligent heads.

There are so much fresh and young potential candidates, but no wait, there is also a pseudo-Ghandi who lost 9 elections against Erdogan, lets nominate him.



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Turkiye is such a meme country lmaoooo

Not only the opposition cant put a new guy they put the same guy who lost ao many elections and cant even fck off.

I think Turkiye has such a problem where people just cant fck off.


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I appreciated Akşener. If they nominate Mansur Yavaş, I will vote for them. Akşener saw the polls and expectations. I think she made the right move, she will take the wind behind her back.

Mansur Yavaş will win very easily. There is great boredom and despair among the people.

Even if it has %30 votes, Akp is a dead party. It will not improve after this time, their votes will never increase, they cannot increase.
I think Akşener did the right thing.But I could never understand why Mansur Yavaş emerged as such an important candidate. Is it because he won the Ankara mayoral election?I think Muharrem İnce is definitely the name that should lead this country.I sign under every word he says and every policy he declares.He also knows how to address the Turkish people.Akşener must definetly go with him.


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If that Yavas guy is so liked, why doesn't he become a candidate? Is the guy pressured/bought by others not to become one? All those different parties feel weird to me. As if they all work together or some shit.
He has a debt to Kılıçdaroğlu. Kılıçdaroğlu nominated him. Kılıçdaroğlu wants him to stay as a mayor and personally told him that he will run for the presidency.


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It is time for those who dream of power with Hdp and Tip to wake up. Now some circles on social media are trying to spread baseless propaganda on the grounds that KK is a member of the Alevi faith. Their calculations were upset, not because Kılıçdaroğlu is Alevi, but because his brain-team wanted to include the political extensions of every clique from beyond the ocean to Kandil in the process under the name of social reconciliation. The Iyip is off the table, who is left? Americanist political Islamists, the self-proclaimed gültekin uysal, and under the table, tip and hdp.

At least 3 of these parties will contest the elections on CHP lists and all of them, with votes ranging between 0.5% and 1.5%, want enough MPs to form their own group in parliament. What brought these parties together? To overthrow Erdogan. But what will happen if they fail to achieve this goal? What principled and ideological commonalities do these parties have with the CHP? Here is Kılıcdaroğlu's CHP. And still some people have been attacking Meral Akşener since yesterday and even some new-chp-biased journalists are directly insulting her and making ridiculous allegations.

We don't want a 2003 model AKP. How many different ways does the public have to explain this? Not only Iyip voters, but from the opposition to the ruling wing, except for Akp-Chp's main bodies and the voters of some marginal parties, nobody wants it. As the Turkish proverb says, the wrong calculations returns from Baghdad. My last word to Yavaş. If he turns his back on people's expectations today, in the future he will never find the favor he is currently enjoying.


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Yavaş is not a traitor like Akşener.

The math is easy.

Without Yavaş how many votes could İyi Party gain?

Please remember Yavaş and İmamoğlu who are the candidate of Akşener standing with CHP.

Half of ex MHP voters are ready to vote CHP.

Currently cumhur ittifakı can't gain more than 40%.

Let Akp supporters vote for Cumhur.

The Principal of the table is changing the presidental regime and most of Turkish voters want AKP has gone. That's it.

Let those vote for Erdoğan.
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Both Yavaş and İmamoğlu have proven themselves unreliable and short-sighted. They decided to be toy soldiers standing guard for Kılıçdaroğlu's house of cards.

Where there is a will, there is a way. I firmly believe İYİ has a solid chance of becoming the main opposition in the parliament. Partly because CHP will have to give away parliament seats to its one percenter partners, and partly because it can criticize both the government and opposition from a very popular position. Which means it can steal votes from both sides. İYİ is no longer constrained by CHP and other little parties. They can go full steam ahead with the refugee issue, terrorism issue, the earthquake, foreign policy, anything. Can they get enough eyeballs is the real question. An aggressive PR policy is needed.

And you can bet your life on Kılıçdaroğlu mucking up the campaign with gaffes and strategic mistakes. That's what he does. A dog barks, cat meows and Kılıçdaroğlu loses elections. I repeat, if forcet to choose between KK and RTE, I will draw naugthy stuff on the ballot.

O leblebi kafalıya da, küfür edemediğim öbürüne de hakkımı helal etmiyorum. İkisinin de çoluğundan çocuğundan çıksın. Kanları ciğerlerinde gitsin, dana gibi böğürsünler de geberemesinler.


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Thanks to Kılıçdaroğlu Turkish people met Yavaş and İmamoğlu.

At the first beginning everyone applaud Kılıçdaroğlu but now again Kılıçdaroğlu is being crossified.

No worries Millet ittifaki is coming to power with Yavaş and İmamoğlu. İt is the main aim.

Let others watch especially Akşener.
Let Akşener support Erdoğan against Millet ittifakı.

İ am sure, secret AKP fans blame of Yavaş.


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The table was not overturned by Akşener. Despite all the attacks recently, despite all the fait accompli issues, Iyip was there as a self-control mechanism representing the nationalist segment. But this self-control mechanism was wanted to be broken. They have pushed Iyip's position and what they stands for off the table.

What happened at the last meeting? Gültekin Uysal took the floor and other leaders took turns saying that we approved Kılıçdaroğlu's candidacy and you should approve it too. Iyip is not a signboard party like these, it was one of the two main elements there. So they create a fiction. Not to mention how inappropriate this is as political language.

Akşener's answer: I cannot give such an approval. I need to consult with the authorized boards of my party. By the way, why are we only talking about Mr. Kemal's name? There are surveys we conducted. There are surveys conducted by independent public opinion research companies. According to those surveys, Mansur Yavaş and Ekrem İmamoğlu have a very high response in the society. If we are going to make a decision. Let's talk about these names and if there are other suggestions, let's talk about them too!

Kılıcdaroğlu's response: "Let's not talk about them, Ms. Meral. They will continue their duties. If you are not signing this text, then we will make a statement as 5!"


Meral Akşener did not leave the table. She was officially provoked to get up. Moreover, those who insisted on Mr. Kemal's candidacy are now pointing to Akşener as the one responsible if he fails to win. Those who have been going around saying "toilet slipper, toilet slipper, toilet slipper" for months are now blaming someone else again in anger that their candidate cannot even be a toilet slipper. And this is not just now, it is a state of mind that is a general answer to the question of why Akp has been in power for 20 years.


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View attachment 54602

Thanks to Kılıçdaroğlu Turkish people met Yavaş and İmamoğlu.

At the first beginning everyone applaud Kılıçdaroğlu but now again Kılıçdaroğlu is being crossified.

No worries Millet ittifaki is coming to power with Yavaş and İmamoğlu. İt is the main aim.

Let others watch especially Akşener.
Let Akşener support Erdoğan against Millet ittifakı.

İ am sure, secret AKP fans blame of Yavaş.
You truly do resemble Zafer a lot


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You truly do resemble Zafer a lot

Only akp guys are braindead while the others are not 🤣

Imagine supporting these people as if they are the second coming of the Ottomans and Ataturk 🤣

We mock America because they got Trump.

Gen by gen we get shit leaders artik. People need to stop pinning their hopes of a second coming leader.


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The Iyip will enter parliament stronger, that's for sure. And with the Iyip off the table, there is no obstacle for Hdp and Tip to be openly part of the table. Even in the worst case scenario, it will be the Iyip voters' choice that will determine who will become president. And for the vast majority of them, choosing between these two names on the ballot will be devastating.

But in any case, if the Iyip strategy works, it will be 3-5 years earlier, and if it doesn't, within 3-5 years, all the nationalists segments in the country will somehow come together and take over. This process has already started and cannot be stopped. The Akp-yChp era will end.


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The Iyip will enter parliament stronger, that's for sure. And with the Iyip off the table, there is no obstacle for Hdp and Tip to be openly part of the table. Even in the worst case scenario, it will be the Iyip voters' choice that will determine who will become president. And for the vast majority of them, choosing between these two names on the ballot will be devastating.

But in any case, if the Iyip strategy works, it will be 3-5 years earlier, and if it doesn't, within 3-5 years, all the nationalists segments in the country will somehow come together and take over. This process has already started and cannot be stopped. The Akp-yChp era will end.
That analysis is way too flawed mate

Certainly, the iYi has taken an adventerous endeavour but that has massive risks that may crumble it to its knees
Rn, many are criticising Aksener plans from both sides and many votes will likely be pulled away from her. Moreover, the AKP or the CHP will never allow a new pain the ass to emerge in the ass this easily and whoever of them that will win the elections will march on to crush the iYi

Finally, the iYi isnt as amazing as you think. If they were true nationalists,then they wouldnt have joined the table of the 6 from the first place but rather faced the AKP heads on alone! They didnt have any problem before with the fact that the HDP is a part of the alliance (under the table) or the fact that each member including the HDP will get a ministry. Iam not here to play games but the iYi is literally just trying to gain fame and votes from this fqery without even a single care about the ppl

Truly, shitty politicians everywhere

The only thing you are right about is that the era of the AKP is over. Even if Erdogan wins, AKP will live till 2029 and then be gone since the AKP was built on Erdogan's fame amd achievements; this is 100% just like Angela Merkels CDU which was built on Merkels achievements.

The CHP, on the other hand, will survive for around 20 years more since the rising star Imamoglu is still well-liked but is slowly getting exposed for being another filth in the pod. Yavas, while being good until now, is honestly too old to be doing anything significant post 2030


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Tayyip Erdoğan and Kılıçdaroğlu do not resonate with the people. Akşener will increase her vote in any case, and she can win the election with the candidate she will nominate.

The best option to be nominated in the country is Yavaş. Because, the polls and public opinion show this.

I say this as a Chp supporter. Most of the Chp supporters around me think the same. The Chp base does not blindly follow the person in charge.

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