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Facebook/META removed an AKP fake bot network that had been manufacturing and sharing fake videos on multiple platforms linking the CHP leader to the PKK during elections period.

Too late as Erdogan won hah. AKP spends millions of dollars of state money on shaping public opinion through social media troll army.



21 2,010
He has been doing that for some time but i think he is making a mistake.

I really wonder what is his reasoning for doing that.

because probably he is presidential candidate for pelikan group


recently it was they who exploted the news of kuwiti guy get beaten by turkish guy like a bomb in arab world and they also change the story compeletly so it look like turks are racist. they did it on purpose exactly just when erdogan was going to UAE to get investment. they are media giant and has the backing of both tarikats as well as arab countries and recently they start making trouble both for Erdogan and turkey. these traitors although are ethnic turkish but they are arab nationalist anti turkist racist its a long story to tell go research their action


the women in the left is hilal kaplan who is working in TRT right now back in time during so called çozum sureci i remember she was keep saying said Abdullah Öcalan is not an athiest and he perform namaz in secret thus he is a secret muslim but turkish army is murderer


take note that hilal kaplan and rasim ozan kütahyalı (husbend of nagehan alçi) this 3 were the generals that commanded the phycological war against Turkish army in 2000s during so called çozum sureci.



it was they who accuse army of assassination planning on erdogans deputy fetöcu Bülent Arınç without any evidence thus the opening of kozmik oda the theft of state secrets as well as martyrdom of 800 turkish spy within pkk



hilal kaplan recveing award from Armenians for calling Turkish state and Atatürk genocidal



hilal kaplan
attending so called Armenian genocidal rally

like i said they are not only enemy of state but turkishness as well they believe that Turks should fully assimilated into arabic culture and all ummah has right on turkey afghans pakistanies and arabs ... you get the idea. they will do everything to kill turkishness it was they who gather the rally in istanbul and call for mehmetcik gazze'ye
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because probably he is presidential candidate for pelikan group


recently it was they who exploted the news of kuwiti guy get beaten by turkish guy like a bomb in arab world and they also change the story compeletly so it look like turks are racist. they did it on purpose exactly just when erdogan was going to UAE to get investment. they are media giant and has the backing of both tarikats as well as arab countries and recently they start making trouble both for Erdogan and turkey. these traitors although are ethnic turkish but they are arab nationalist anti turkist racist its a long story to tell go research their action

View attachment 62150

the women in the left is hilal kaplan who is working in TRT right now back in time during so called çozum sureci i remember she was keep saying said Abdullah Öcalan is not an athiest and he perform namaz in secret thus he is a secret muslim but turkish army is murderer


take note that hilal kaplan and rasim ozan kütahyalı (husbend of nagehan alçi) this 3 were the generals that commanded the phycological war against Turkish army in 2000s during so called çozum sureci.

View attachment 62153

it was they who accuse army of assassination planning on erdogans deputy fetöcu Bülent Arınç without any evidence thus the opening of kozmik oda the theft of state secrets as well as martyrdom of 800 turkish spy within pkk

View attachment 62151

hilal kaplan recveing award from Armenians for calling Turkish state and Atatürk genocidal

View attachment 62152

hilal kaplan
attending so called Armenian genocidal rally

like i said they are not only enemy of state but turkishness as well they believe that Turks should fully assimilated into arabic culture and all ummah has right on turkey afghans pakistanies and arabs ... you get the idea. they will do everything to kill turkishness it was they who gather the really in istanbul and call for mehmetcik gazze'ye

None of this would occur without Erdogan's approval btw


21 2,010
pelikan group psychological war effected some of the best and brightest of turkish nation


ilker başburg cheift of general staff was jailed for 18.5 years for crime of terrorism becoming the first terrorist who is also in charge of defence of a state

general engin alan former cheift of specials forces who captured PKK's number one (öcalan) and number two druing çozum sureci and oslo talks PKK demanded erdogan to arrest him and put him in jail

erdogan granted their wish after general alan didnt stand up during a ceremony. he was jaild for crime of terrorism


admiral cem gurdeniz Father of Mavi vatan arrested and jailed


Adil Serdar Saçan chefit of fighting orgnized crime it was he who arrested mafia boss like alaattin çakıcı

and tarikat leaders like adnan oktar who used children of his followers for child prostitution as well as recording sex tap of high value target it is said adnan oktar has sex tap of fatih erbakan ( son of necmeddin erbekan) for that reasons fatih erbakan protected adnan oktar for a long time until Adil Serdar Saçan arrested him thus led to his arrest druing ergenekon and balyoz trails


nagehan alçı played a key role in blacking the name of Adil Serdar Saçan hence pave the way for his arrest. she also once visited armenia and then karabağ and famously said i am an armenian and karabağ belongs to armenians. she was one of the greatest generals who commanded the psychological war aginst turkish army


and hasan atilla uğur father of oğuzhan uğur . he was intelligence agent in his court defence he told to judge that he knows that he is memeber of Fetö and his ruling has no value
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21 2,010
and the people who lost their life becuse of pelikan group's lies


teoman koman former head of MIT



Kuddusi Okkır they pervented treatment for his illnes and only 5 days before his death they relase him for hospitalization

turkish officer Muzaffer Tekin his bloodline served turkish nation for generation his great grand ancestors was a head of janissary ocak his other ancestors serve in ottoman- russia wars , bakan wars , war of independence , cyprus war and this glorius bloodline ended with him dying in jail


Türkan Saylan she was among the first who raise the alarm about fetö's plan of taking over turkish state back in 1999 in 2000s she died after been kept in jail and pervented treatment


professor Uçkun Geray
nicknamed Hocaların hocası was turkish strategist who served his nation he died in jail . he was pervented to take his medicent with him to jail


intelegnce agent Kaşif Kozinoğlu served his nation he was among the 3 general that go to karabağ during first karabağ war once he saved the live of american agent. in 2000s AKP-PKK-Fetö alliance he was in outside of the country ,since that agent had blood debt to him he call Kaşif Kozinoğlu to secret meeting and told him to dont go back to turkey they want to kill you. meanwhile pelikan group's lies in media accused him of crimes he didnt comitted so he had 2 choice stay outside and give ammo to pelikan group to blackend his name or come back and prove he had nothing to hide when he come back he received intel that he will be killed soon so he said that to all the so called journalist until he died


21 2,010


late oramiral güven erkaya was fully aware of fetö and islamist plan


ismail hakkı karadayı chift of general staff reject fetö's award


fethullah gülen said to erbakan and refah party that they screw up the plan to take over the state


ah be paşalarım. if you had executed these pelikan traitors after 28th şubat, none of this would have happened and turkey wouldn't host 13 million illegal alien
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because probably he is presidential candidate for pelikan group


recently it was they who exploted the news of kuwiti guy get beaten by turkish guy like a bomb in arab world and they also change the story compeletly so it look like turks are racist. they did it on purpose exactly just when erdogan was going to UAE to get investment. they are media giant and has the backing of both tarikats as well as arab countries and recently they start making trouble both for Erdogan and turkey. these traitors although are ethnic turkish but they are arab nationalist anti turkist racist its a long story to tell go research their action

View attachment 62150

the women in the left is hilal kaplan who is working in TRT right now back in time during so called çozum sureci i remember she was keep saying said Abdullah Öcalan is not an athiest and he perform namaz in secret thus he is a secret muslim but turkish army is murderer


take note that hilal kaplan and rasim ozan kütahyalı (husbend of nagehan alçi) this 3 were the generals that commanded the phycological war against Turkish army in 2000s during so called çozum sureci.

View attachment 62153

it was they who accuse army of assassination planning on erdogans deputy fetöcu Bülent Arınç without any evidence thus the opening of kozmik oda the theft of state secrets as well as martyrdom of 800 turkish spy within pkk

View attachment 62151

hilal kaplan recveing award from Armenians for calling Turkish state and Atatürk genocidal

View attachment 62152

hilal kaplan
attending so called Armenian genocidal rally

like i said they are not only enemy of state but turkishness as well they believe that Turks should fully assimilated into arabic culture and all ummah has right on turkey afghans pakistanies and arabs ... you get the idea. they will do everything to kill turkishness it was they who gather the rally in istanbul and call for mehmetcik gazze'ye

Still, he should deal with Pelikan group first.

Attacking Selçuk Bayraktar will only lose him public support.


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Selçuk Bayraktar is not a prophet and not every move he makes is a correct one. It is wrong to visit a US carrier while the US is an open ally of PKK and on top of that, he was posing like a clown to the cameras. He should have rejected the invitation with dignity. If he wants to be a political figure and wants to gain the US backing, he will be treated as such.

Maximilien Robespierre

Very sad Indeed, very sad the ones who are running this so called republic of Turks are much happy to support arabic causes than celebrate their own republic.

We are in dire times a country that is full of enemies of the Turkish culture and Its people.

A country that is overran by foreign immigrants.

A country full of Its people who can't afford to live like other.

My fellow Turkish bretherns we either crush this dire times or get swallowed by the hell we created for ourselves.

To the Turks of this forum be happy that Ataturk created this modern republic for us, If It wasn't for him we were probably living under the Greeks or Armenians.


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Some non-Turks with Turkish names and IDs for days are screaming "How can you even celebrate and have fun while our Ummah brothers are being slaughtered in Palestine! Curse the Kuffar Republic!". At this time Turkey had whole three days of mourning for the dead Palestinians, cafes and bars were closed down, concerts were stopped... just because of Palestine. Erdogan and all of his Islamist got killiklari are screaming about going to a war in Gaza and other such fairy tales while making Turkey a laughing stock in front of the whole world.

At the same time just right now I am watching a boxing gala from Riyadh, Saudi Arabian where Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou will fight. Hundreds of millions were throw there to organize the fight, music stars from around the world are making a great show, all kind of famous people are in attendance and Saudis are having a party...
But our wanna be-Arabs and anti-Turks are again trying to be More Catholic than the Pope.

Poor Turkey... It is really sad to see this country turned into such a mess- destroyed from inside by the internal enemies of the nation in front of our eyes and with the approval of majority of the population.


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Guys keep the discussion civilized! Stay away from offensive comments and generalizing offensive words against whole ethnic groups or nationalities.

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