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In the past and still IHH has always been related to Iran.

I wonder how long the akp government will allow these 5th columnists to fester. What was the end goal of trying to enter a military base? Become şehit by Turkish army bullets? Incirlik is a Turkish base with an American section. Base is operated, commanded and guarded by Turkish troops.

This is the second time the 5th columnists pelted stones at the police in the last 30 days.

Turkey won’t change its national security policies just because some people ask for it. IHH needs remember what happened after Turkey decided to mend relations with Israel after Mavi Marmara raid.

So much disinfo regarding Incirlik.

Its a Turkish base with an American section as you said. But people think its a military base owned by the Americans only.

People can protest but how retarded can they be to resort to violence or breaking in a military base.

In Australia we have shoot to kill orders if anybody breaks in. Either shoot to kill or a full on arrest. They are not forgiving.


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Should have tear-gassed them harder and sooner.
Those trying to enter a Turkish base should be persecuted hard.


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Pro-Iranian Kurdish Islamists attacking a military base, what's next?
its a ''sincan kudüs gecesi'' all over again

for all of you who forget about "sincan kudüs gecesi"

everything started with kadak islan crisis between greek and turkey


there was a Turkish cargo ship carrying cement hit the island and the cements was being released into the sea since Greek claim owner ship of the island they believe that the ship owner stand trail at Greek court which turkish side reject they land on island and they pull the ship out of the island and clean the cement which greek side saw it as violation f its sovereignty

greek side landed on one of the islands and the crisis began. the US president Clinton keep pressuring Turkish government to give up the islands. it was bad for diplomatic apparatus to negotiate under this condition since greek side had the upper hand


under the capable leadership of late oramiral güven erkaya turkish navy surrounded the area while turkish sea commandos make a silently approach to the island from turkish mainland while greek navy was busy with turkish navy thinking commandos will come from ships


ali turkşen and his team landed on the other island and raise the turkish flag with this they brought much need equally for the diplomatic apparatus to negotiate

The US agree to sell weapons to both side on conditions that both side leave the islands which turkey and greek agreed.

first Greek side go to Washington to buy weapons then it was the Turkish side turn and here our "sincan kudüs gecesi" story begin. since these weapons give Turkish air force superiority over other middle eastern countries they tried to break the deal they use Erbakan and islamist to make an atmosphere that Turkish republic is falling just like iran and those weapons will fall into the hands of US enemies


sincan's refah party's islamist mayor invited iranian ambasedor to "sincan kudüs gecesi" they raise pictures of leaders of Hezbollah of Lebanon and turkey shouted death to America and Israel and call for overthrow of turkish republic and estableshmet of sharia law regime like iran

to the left bekir yıldız refah party's mayor of sincan to the right Mohammed Reza Bagheri Iranian ambassador
meanwhile at the same famous "sincan kudüs gecesi" night iranian ambassador call for sharia in turkey. this brought shock in washington the jewish lobby ,for the first time, tried to kick turkey out of f35 program. you can also watch iranian's ambassador full speech in youtube if you dont believe me


finally army react to islamist interference in foreign affairs and send tank to sincan as warning


general çevik bir was the guy who usually do the diplomatic negotiations he was able to convince the americans to sell the weapons which included f16s if im not mistaking he also famously said at sincan we gave democracy "balans ayarı" which became islamist anti republic slogan while censoring the condition that the words were said


general çevik bir also reported to general ismail hakkı karadayı chift of armed forces that the wind in Washington is changing and in future it will be impossible to buy weapon from the west. this report cause ismail hakkı karadayı to order the self sufficing of the army and domestics production of weapons and ammo



from left to right ismail hakkı karadayı chfte of general staff hikmet göksel (general who ordered to tank to sincan) oramarial güven erkaya head of navy ahmet çörekçi head of airforce and teoman koman head of MIT. take note that while erdogan pardon Hezbollah terrorist who killed 3 people with domuz bağıat with excuse of health problem at age 71 he wont released ahmet çörekçi who is at prison at age 91 and served turkish nation for 30 years as a soldier

generals recognizing that the islamist are pawns of foreign powers at MGK meeting ,contrary to popular believes at 28 şubat army didn't stage a coup they never take control of the state , they simply "advice " erbakan to sign 18 demands of 28 şubat's MGK which he agreed. and parliament elected new government.

for the sake of simplacity and wont tell about islamist terror attack how saudies and iranians help islamist to overthrow the secular republic nor the cia effect. ill just divide them into 2 group iranian/saudi back groups like temel karamollaoğlu erbakan şevki yılmaz and the cia back ismalist group so called moderate islamist like Fethullah Gülen, Erdogan, Abdullah Gül, Ahmet Davutoğlu, Ali Babacan, and Bülent Arınç but if you ask what was 28th şubat was all about they will say başörtülü bacım. truth will revalue itself eventually can no longer censor the past

@GoatsMilk hope you find it interesting


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LAST MINUTE | The new urban transformation law was passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly:

- The Ministry of Urbanization will now be able to declare the areas with existing buildings as reserve areas. Previously, only vacant areas could be declared reserves. In the new regulation, existing buildings can now be included in the scope of the reserve area without asking the owners. The ministry will be able to declare any place it wants as a reserve area.

- Residences in the place declared as a reserve area will be vacated within 90 days, including the court process.

- The ministry will be able to give housing from another place to the owners of the houses in the places taken to the reserve area.

For example, the area where an existing building is located in Kadıköy can be declared a reserve area and the building can be demolished within 90 days. Depending on the situation, the owner of the house can be given a house either from the same place or from another district, for example, Sultanbeyli.

- The ministry will be authorized in the zoning plan, parceling, license and settlement stages in the reserve areas, and municipalities will be bypassed.

90 days to leave if the government seizes your house as part of a 'reserve area'


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90 days to leave if the government seizes your house as part of a 'reserve area'
This is actually a good law if it ended up being used for the good of the people amd not the opposite

Turkey, for so long, needed immediate rezoning in overly dense cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir

Furthermore, the recent earthquake incident have proved that:
A) opposing political parties can throw away the people's lives if it meant hindering the other party which is proven when Imamoglu blocked the AKP's govt new earthquake-resistant building plans for the old, prone to earthquake, houses in the region and vice versa ofcourse (AKP blocked some CHP advices as well)

B) Overly dense areas in a country filled with potential fault lines can lead to the extinction of the country.Due to the earthquake. Turkey lost in one day more than what Russia lost in 7 months due to the war in Ukraine which is enormous and should serve as a wake up call to the nation

Only time will tell whether this law ends up being a blessing or a curse to the people but it is definitely a step towards solving a big problem that Turkey faces

This is further proven by the fact that those who actually voted "NO" to the resolution are an absolute minority which means that there is a consensus that the current zoning problems and over-densely areas of some Turkish cities need to be fixed



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Firstly, Build many residences, malls and anything on the reserved areas and then confiscate the people's houses...
This kind of sounds ..., you know...


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Firstly, Build many residences, malls and anything on the reserved areas and then confiscate the people's houses...
This kind of sounds ..., you know...
That is why I said that this law could be both a super blessing or a horrid curse to the nation and only time will tell


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We need justice!

The killers of Gaffar Okkan are out after 15 years.


They are not only out but are allowed to enter politics, keep alive a paramilitary organization, even enter the coalition of the ruling powers in Turkiye!

And no! This is not Saudi Arabia, this is not Jordan, not Palestine, this is Turkiye! The modern, secular Republic of Turkiye founded by Mustafa Kemal ATATURK! Kids are forced to wear the military uniform of a foreign paramilitary organization with questionable history even among the supporters of the Palestinian cause by proven killers part of a terrorist organization in Turkiye active from the end of the last century. Is this the country we want for the future generations of Turkiye?

Not only that. Proven terrorists, people financing terrorist organizations are allowed to meet Turkish officials, run magazines that are polluting the minds of Turkish Muslims with radical ideology together with ISIS leaders that are out of prison after only 12 years of prison time in a coordinated matter. Even allowed to translate and mass print forbidden books that are forbidden in the most of the developed countries around the world due to radical ideology spreading. This situation is already out of control. This is above Islamism in the way we know it, it is a green light for terrorist activities to spread their sick ideologies among the common Turks.

Such activities are endangering the secular nature of the Republic of Turkiye, they are endangering the national security of the State, they are endangering the wide spread moderate Islam understandings and the Islamic culture that Turks adopted during the centuries. In future such activities will have a harsh consequences for the global image that the State tries to establish. The image of a trustworthy partner including a force effectively fighting against all kinds of terrorism.


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We need justice!

The killers of Gaffar Okkan are out after 15 years.

View attachment 62927

They are not only out but are allowed to enter politics, keep alive a paramilitary organization, even enter the coalition of the ruling powers in Turkiye!

And no! This is not Saudi Arabia, this is not Jordan, not Palestine, this is Turkiye! The modern, secular Republic of Turkiye founded by Mustafa Kemal ATATURK! Kids are forced to wear the military uniform of a foreign paramilitary organization with questionable history even among the supporters of the Palestinian cause by proven killers part of a terrorist organization in Turkiye active from the end of the last century. Is this the country we want for the future generations of Turkiye?

What is this terrorist organization that you are talking about active in Türkiye?
Honestly, I have no idea.


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What is this terrorist organization that you are talking about active in Türkiye?
Honestly, I have no idea.
We are talking about the Turkish Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Turkish Hezbollah is the Islamist version of PKK. They were partly used by the State in the past to counter leftist PKK influence of the PKK among Kurds. They established their own paramilitary organization in some of the Kurdish regions in Turkiye and countered PKK influence. They also had connections to Iran. They were used as tools for sorting out some of the dirty work of the Deep State and also conducted terrorist activities on the territory of Turkiye. In today's form its name is HUDA PAR and its leader is Zekeriya Yapicioglu.


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We need justice!

The killers of Gaffar Okkan are out after 15 years.

View attachment 62927

They are not only out but are allowed to enter politics, keep alive a paramilitary organization, even enter the coalition of the ruling powers in Turkiye!

And no! This is not Saudi Arabia, this is not Jordan, not Palestine, this is Turkiye! The modern, secular Republic of Turkiye founded by Mustafa Kemal ATATURK! Kids are forced to wear the military uniform of a foreign paramilitary organization with questionable history even among the supporters of the Palestinian cause by proven killers part of a terrorist organization in Turkiye active from the end of the last century. Is this the country we want for the future generations of Turkiye?

Not only that. Proven terrorists, people financing terrorist organizations are allowed to meet Turkish officials, run magazines that are polluting the minds of Turkish Muslims with radical ideology together with ISIS leaders that are out of prison after only 12 years of prison time in a coordinated matter. Even allowed to translate and mass print forbidden books that are forbidden in the most of the developed countries around the world due to radical ideology spreading. This situation is already out of control. This is above Islamism in the way we know it, it is a green light for terrorist activities to spread their sick ideologies among the common Turks.

Such activities are endangering the secular nature of the Republic of Turkiye, they are endangering the national security of the State, they are endangering the wide spread moderate Islam understandings and the Islamic culture that Turks adopted during the centuries. In future such activities will have a harsh consequences for the global image the State is that trying to be established as a trustworthy partner including a force effectively fighting against all kinds of terrorism.
30 years on and only solution our state can come up with is that Hezbollah can be the antithesis of PKK in Turkish Kurds. This will fail badly, like before. Generations will be lost to this nonsense.


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30 years on and only solution our state can come up with is that Hezbollah can be the antithesis of PKK in Turkish Kurds. This will fail badly, like before. Generations will be lost to this nonsense.
What HDP is for the liberal PKK supporters voters HUDA PAR is the same for the conservative Kurds supporting an independent Kurdistan ruled by Sharia law. While different in ideology the ultimate goal is the same. The abolishment of the constitutional order of Turkiye on the base of the views of our leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK and the creation of Kurdish autonomous region.

HUDA PAR is only a part of the problem with growing influence of organizations dangerous to the secular nature of the country and we have more individuals and organizations adopting a radical Islamist ideology, freely roaming in the country, doing business, carrying the potential to form paramilitary cells if the need arises, working hard on propaganda.

These people are connected to various terror cells both in Europe but also in the Middle East and some of them are included in international terror lists being connected to Al-Qaeda, including people who served sentences as the "Leader of Wilayah Turkiye" of the IS. Turkiye is one of the places where Al-Qaeda and IS are moving in a coordinated way and it is mind blowing how people like these are given green light to operate the way they want without any limitation. The national security must not fall victim of calculations based on tactical successes. If it continues in the same way it does I would certainly suspect a different agenda... The leash of these dogs must be tightened or they must accept their fate.


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What HDP is for the liberal PKK supporters voters HUDA PAR is the same for the conservative Kurds supporting an independent Kurdistan ruled by Sharia law. While different in ideology the ultimate goal is the same. The abolishment of the constitutional order of Turkiye on the base of the views of our leader Mustafa Kemal ATATURK and the creation of Kurdish autonomous region.

HUDA PAR is only a part of the problem with growing influence of organizations dangerous to the secular nature of the country and we have more individuals and organizations adopting a radical Islamist ideology, freely roaming in the country, doing business, carrying the potential to form paramilitary cells if the need arises, working hard on propaganda.

These people are connected to various terror cells both in Europe but also in the Middle East and some of them are included in international terror lists being connected to Al-Qaeda, including people who served sentences as the "Leader of Wilayah Turkiye" of the IS. Turkiye is one of the places where Al-Qaeda and IS are moving in a coordinated way and it is mind blowing how people like these are given green light to operate the way they want without any limitation. The national security must not fall victim of calculations based on tactical successes. If it continues in the same way it does I would certainly suspect a different agenda... The leash of these dogs must be tightened or they must accept their fate.
Let's talk a bit about IHH's attack on the Incirlik base on the 5th of November. In result of these unfortunate events there were stoning, escalation and more. This is not an innocent demonstration as some try to portray.

1 week before the events on the 5th of November, Bulent Yildirim the head of IHH (Human Freedom and Rights, Humanitarian Help Foundation) called for a demonstration against the Incirlik airbase that is hosting US forces in a move to try and stop the Israeli operation in Gaza. This comes after a speech of Hulusi Akar the ex MoND and current Defence Commission Chairman regarding the FULL AUTHORITY OF TURKIYE REGARDING THE INCIRLIK AIRBASE in the National Assembly. Despite this clear speech and the fact that Incirlik is under Turkish authority, Bulent Yildirim organized an event to attack the airbase showing it as a US airbase.

Lets return to 2010. Bulent Yildirim is the provoker behind the Mavi Marmara events. He organized a humanitarian help package, sent it to Gaza and in result the IDF intervened, boarded the vessel and 10 people were killed.

Let's see how President Erdogan talked to Bulent Yildirim in 2016.

President Erdogan:

"Did you even ask the Prime Minister regarding the issue of sending humanitarian help? We are already giving the required assistance to Gaza and Palestine. But while we are giving assistance we are not doing it as a demonstration of power but we always did it and we are doing it within the international diplomacy"

Bulent Yildirim disregarded all the warnings of President Erdogan and decided to shape the Turkish foreign affairs according to his liking once again. Bulen Yildirim is moving against the directives of President Erdogan! The normal citizen would ask himself "How are you not listening to the President? Who are you to not listen?".

We can not accept this demonstration as "innocent protest" while we are dealing with a man who doesn't respect the directives of President Erdogan and has the blood of 10 people on his hands due to his previous actions.

Let's look at what Hulusi Akar is saying about Incirlik:

"Sometimes we are asked 'why don't you evacuate Incirlik?' "What will happen if we evacuate? Then you will criticize, 'why did the American bases go to Greece, Dedeağaç, Crete?' "In addition, we have relations and agreements with the USA. Incirlik is a place that is completely owned by the Republic of Turkey. The flag of the Turkish state flies there. All activities are carried out under the orders and knowledge of the base commander. The commander of Incirlik Base is also a Turkish officer. Also "We also have soldiers in foreign countries within the framework of international agreements."

Many of us are on the opinion that the US operations at the Incirlik airbase must be limited and even right of usage must be at least temporarily blocked but this is a decision that must be taken by the State authorities and not by the head of a humanitarian foundation!

Let's look at the event again. What happened at the event? During the event that was at least formally organized by IHH, the flags of Hizb ut-Tahrir organizations were seen.



Hizb ut-Tahrir is a is an international pan-Islamist and Islamic fundamentalist political organization whose stated aim is the re-establishment of the Islamic caliphate to unite the Muslim Ummah and implement Sharia globally. Hizb ut-Tahrir is accepted as a terrorist organization in Turkiye and is known to be a center for recruitment for Al-Qaeda and other such organizations.

IHH must explain what is its relationship with the Hizb ut-Tahrir terrorist organization!

Many of us know what NGOs, foundations like IHH actually are. We know very well what kind of organizations they are and how they operate. Turkiye has fallen many times in the trap of humanitarian aid organizations in many conflict zones around the world and the State's support was misused by these organizations many times. Such humanitarian aid organizations are very important in this way and we must know very well if these organizations are acting under the directives of the Republic of Turkiye or they are using the Republic of Turkiye's support for their own agendas! This is why the relationship between IHH and Hizb ut-Tahrir must be deeply investigated and clear answers must be given.

The perimeter security of the Incirlik airbase is the responsibility of the Turkish security forces. Turkish soldiers, Gendarmerie and Police are ensuring the safety of everybody inside this base. Who are you to throw rocks and to attack the Turkish security forces?!?! Who are you to damage the property of the State?!?! Who are you to prevent the Turkish soldier from performing his duty?!?! This is unacceptable!



Did the Adana Governor gave a green light to this attack? If so he did a grave mistake! President Erdogan must ask this question. If the Governor didn't allow this event then it is a totally different story.

We must not see this event as innocent and we should be aware of the situation.

These are testing events!

1. How big of a crowd we can gather when we need them?

2. What is the level of support we practically receive

3. What is the stance of the security forces regarding this event? They support us or they are against us?

These are only testing events. They are in preparations for even bigger ones.

The foreign politics of the State are not the job of IHH or Bulent Yildirim. Solely the State is taking this decision! IHH must restrain and focus on humanitarian aid instead of shaping the State's politics.

We hope that the ones who dare to raise a hand to the Turkish soldier and policeman, the ones who dare to damage the property of the State will be punished. We hope that IHH will be investigated and the needed steps will be taken towards prevention of such future provocations.

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