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Let's talk a bit about IHH's attack on the Incirlik base on the 5th of November. In result of these unfortunate events there were stoning, escalation and more. This is not an innocent demonstration as some try to portray.

1 week before the events on the 5th of November, Bulent Yildirim the head of IHH (Human Freedom and Rights, Humanitarian Help Foundation) called for a demonstration against the Incirlik airbase that is hosting US forces in a move to try and stop the Israeli operation in Gaza. This comes after a speech of Hulusi Akar the ex MoND and current Defence Commission Chairman regarding the FULL AUTHORITY OF TURKIYE REGARDING THE INCIRLIK AIRBASE in the National Assembly. Despite this clear speech and the fact that Incirlik is under Turkish authority, Bulent Yildirim organized an event to attack the airbase showing it as a US airbase.

Lets return to 2010. Bulent Yildirim is the provoker behind the Mavi Marmara events. He organized a humanitarian help package, sent it to Gaza and in result the IDF intervened, boarded the vessel and 10 people were killed.

Let's see how President Erdogan talked to Bulent Yildirim in 2016.

President Erdogan:

"Did you even ask the Prime Minister regarding the issue of sending humanitarian help? We are already giving the required assistance to Gaza and Palestine. But while we are giving assistance we are not doing it as a demonstration of power but we always did it and we are doing it within the international diplomacy"

Bulent Yildirim disregarded all the warnings of President Erdogan and decided to shape the Turkish foreign affairs according to his liking once again. Bulen Yildirim is moving against the directives of President Erdogan! The normal citizen would ask himself "How are you not listening to the President? Who are you to not listen?".

We can not accept this demonstration as "innocent protest" while we are dealing with a man who doesn't respect the directives of President Erdogan and has the blood of 10 people on his hands due to his previous actions.

Let's look at what Hulusi Akar is saying about Incirlik:

"Sometimes we are asked 'why don't you evacuate Incirlik?' "What will happen if we evacuate? Then you will criticize, 'why did the American bases go to Greece, Dedeağaç, Crete?' "In addition, we have relations and agreements with the USA. Incirlik is a place that is completely owned by the Republic of Turkey. The flag of the Turkish state flies there. All activities are carried out under the orders and knowledge of the base commander. The commander of Incirlik Base is also a Turkish officer. Also "We also have soldiers in foreign countries within the framework of international agreements."

Many of us are on the opinion that the US operations at the Incirlik airbase must be limited and even right of usage must be at least temporarily blocked but this is a decision that must be taken by the State authorities and not by the head of a humanitarian foundation!

Let's look at the event again. What happened at the event? During the event that was at least formally organized by IHH, the flags of Hizb ut-Tahrir organizations were seen.

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View attachment 62995

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a is an international pan-Islamist and Islamic fundamentalist political organization whose stated aim is the re-establishment of the Islamic caliphate to unite the Muslim Ummah and implement Sharia globally. Hizb ut-Tahrir is accepted as a terrorist organization in Turkiye and is known to be a center for recruitment for Al-Qaeda and other such organizations.

IHH must explain what is its relationship with the Hizb ut-Tahrir terrorist organization!

Many of us know what NGOs, foundations like IHH actually are. We know very well what kind of organizations they are and how they operate. Turkiye has fallen many times in the trap of humanitarian aid organizations in many conflict zones around the world and the State's support was misused by these organizations many times. Such humanitarian aid organizations are very important in this way and we must know very well if these organizations are acting under the directives of the Republic of Turkiye or they are using the Republic of Turkiye's support for their own agendas! This is why the relationship between IHH and Hizb ut-Tahrir must be deeply investigated and clear answers must be given.

The perimeter security of the Incirlik airbase is the responsibility of the Turkish security forces. Turkish soldiers, Gendarmerie and Police are ensuring the safety of everybody inside this base. Who are you to throw rocks and to attack the Turkish security forces?!?! Who are you to damage the property of the State?!?! Who are you to prevent the Turkish soldier from performing his duty?!?! This is unacceptable!

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View attachment 62997

Did the Adana Governor gave a green light to this attack? If so he did a grave mistake! President Erdogan must ask this question. If the Governor didn't allow this event then it is a totally different story.

We must not see this event as innocent and we should be aware of the situation.

These are testing events!

1. How big of a crowd we can gather when we need them?

2. What is the level of support we practically receive

3. What is the stance of the security forces regarding this event? They support us or they are against us?

These are only testing events. They are in preparations for even bigger ones.

The foreign politics of the State are not the job of IHH or Bulent Yildirim. Solely the State is taking this decision! IHH must restrain and focus on humanitarian aid instead of shaping the State's politics.

We hope that the ones who dare to raise a hand to the Turkish soldier and policeman, the ones who dare to damage the property of the State will be punished. We hope that IHH will be investigated and the needed steps will be taken towards prevention of such future provocations.
While we are talking about it look what I just saw from yesterday.

It is speculated that IHH will set out for Gaza with their ship fleets together with their other partners.



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FETO's political leg has been identified.

Serra Sarıgil, who complained about the assassination of Hrant Dink, was also the lawyer of Muzaffer Tekin, who was the instigator behind the assassination.

CHP member Veli Ağbaba, who also chanted slogans for Hrant Dink, also tweeted in 2012 that he visited Ogün Samast, who once carried out his assassination.

Sera Kadıgil, the lawyer of retired captain Muzaffer Tekin, the detained defendant of the Ümraniye case, went to the European Court of Human Rights, citing the "long arrest process".

CHP members are so brazen that they play the role of both criminals and victims to disrupt the country.


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Erdogan will try everything not to respect the reelection limit. Unfortunately, this will also block people like Selçuk Bayraktar.


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How cute, he wants to be Ilham Aliyev.
Don’t listen to this propaganda bro. AKP supporters assured us that this will be his last term. They sweared up and down that he will retire. I believe AKPians more than what comes out of Erdogans mouth. They know better than anyone.


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You probably saw this guy harass a vendor in New York, later to be identified as a high ranking official, working 22 years in the state department, and a deputy director during Obama years (working as he says on the Afghanistan-Pakistan region). Here's an interview he did before being ousted as a brazen racist:

Note what he says about U.S. support for Islamic orgs and political parties:
Israel & the USA government thought an Islamic based religious organisation can be easily manipulated as they won’t be politically aware or technologically sound.
This has always been their stance, and it has been pretty damn successful. When you barely have a high school education, you cannot analyze anything. You just don't have the tools of critical thinking, background in history and political thinking, understanding of or an ingrained sense of civic duty, nothing. In this sense, you can be manipulated much easier than other forces.


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You probably saw this guy harass a vendor in New York, later to be identified as a high ranking official, working 22 years in the state department, and a deputy director during Obama years (working as he says on the Afghanistan-Pakistan region). Here's an interview he did before being ousted as a brazen racist:

Note what he says about U.S. support for Islamic orgs and political parties:

This has always been their stance, and it has been pretty damn successful. When you barely have a high school education, you cannot analyze anything. You just don't have the tools of critical thinking, background in history and political thinking, understanding of or an ingrained sense of civic duty, nothing. In this sense, you can be manipulated much easier than other forces.

Ah, I was just about to post it. But i knew you would probbaly pick it up.


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Unable to fetch translation. What's this about?
After Starbucks protests, new venue they found is the Balat Jewish hospital where other doctors are now protesting war in Gaza with red paint on their uniforms. Balat Jewish hospital is a private hospital formed in 1898, run by the hospital foundation under the purview of Ministry of Health and Directorate General of Foundations. Its doctors are all Turkish citizens, and not at all related to Israel in any shape or form. I'm not adding the part where all Turkish Jewish foundations have already condemned the Israeli attacks since they began.

Another sick stunt.


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Erdogan will try everything not to respect the reelection limit. Unfortunately, this will also block people like Selçuk Bayraktar.

I've seen nothing to suggest that Selcuk would make a good statesman. If its because he made a drone while his father in law is president why don't we elect one of the billionaire Kocs since their far more financially successful, considerably more successful even.


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You probably saw this guy harass a vendor in New York, later to be identified as a high ranking official, working 22 years in the state department, and a deputy director during Obama years (working as he says on the Afghanistan-Pakistan region). Here's an interview he did before being ousted as a brazen racist:

Note what he says about U.S. support for Islamic orgs and political parties:

This has always been their stance, and it has been pretty damn successful. When you barely have a high school education, you cannot analyze anything. You just don't have the tools of critical thinking, background in history and political thinking, understanding of or an ingrained sense of civic duty, nothing. In this sense, you can be manipulated much easier than other forces.

When you look at the collective results of political islamists its been a total failure. If i were part of the British MOD and i wanted to undermine Turkiye i would do everything to support political islamism. That way the country will end up ruining herself.


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This is not a one off incident. There is a reason why Turkey was put in the grey list by FATF for money laundering with few African states, Bulgaria, Syria, Vietnam and UAE. Multiple international narcoterrorists made Turkey their homes to escape from Interpol for nearly a decade. After the elections and after Soylu's 7 year term, they just decided to mostly close off this venue, like most other things few years too late.

"Croatian drug lord Nenad Petrak, who was wanted with a Red Bulletin, became a citizen of the Republic of Turkey by buying an apartment worth 250 thousand dollars. How can citizenship be granted despite intelligence investigations, fingerprint and facial recognition systems? Who is in this gang that is selling citizenship?"



21 1,982
When you look at the collective results of political islamists its been a total failure. If i were part of the British MOD and i wanted to undermine Turkiye i would do everything to support political islamism. That way the country will end up ruining herself.
the sad part is 40 years later these people will come and say yeah erdogan was biritih agent hence he doesnt count and walk the same path all over again


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the sad part is 40 years later these people will come and say yeah erdogan was biritih agent hence he doesnt count and walk the same path all over again

Just like communists, its been hell everywhere its touched, but they tell you it wasn't real communism. And when they get into power it will be good communism.

Political islam has the same problem, it doesn't work in the modern age, it really stopped working 300 years ago. But that's never real islam, the real islam is medieval islam from a thousand years, that has no bearing on todays worlds. A golden age of islam that still got easily destroyed and swept aside by the Tengri worshipping Mongol empire.

The new political islamists who tell Muslims the last ones were failures and western agents, will be the wests new agents. The nation stagnates, regresses fails. rinse and repeat. With idiotic chants of "victory is near" just like in Gaza as the juice blow the entire place away.

In many ways Political islam is the white mans curse for Muslims. Just like the British knew the wahhabists would rot and destroy the Ottoman state from within they financed it and supported it with such vigour that today the islam most Muslims are getting world wide is emanating out from their vassal saudi arabia. The common Muslim is completely oblivious to this game that's been played on him and his children.

One of the hallmarks of this form of "islam" is how petty everything becomes, the slightest difference of thought or opinion on theocratic questions can cause wars. We went from the Ottomans who could comfortably rule over europeans, africans and asians under many different faiths to today where you get pakistani imams/dawah grifters here in england claiming its haram not to have a beard and that can be enough to argue over, to destroy relations.

Let me add something else, the majority of dawah grifters and shaykhs out there are going around condition Muslims to see the Turks and the Ottomans as kaffirs. There is even that super ugly/crooked looking clown who goes round telling Muslims that the Orthodox Russians, Greeks, Serbs, are the good guys and the Muslims Ottomans are Kaffirs and the enemies.


this ulgy gremlin looking clown is just one of many pushing anti Turk European propaganda against the Turks. Money must be coming from euro powers and their gulf vassals.

But it makes perfect sense, if im the westerner and i hate Islamic civilisation i have to cripple the Turks. You cripple the Turks and Islam is no challenge to the west.
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