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Rangers and locals captured a PKK terrorist near Idil in Şırnak. When the PKK announced that it would stop its armed actions until May 14th, these donkeys misunderstood the issue.

The PKK terrorist captured in Yavşan Village Region of İdil district of Şırnak; It was revealed that Selim Adıyaman, code-named Harun Elbak, operating in the Cudi structure of the PKK Terrorist Organization, and he was in the Gray Category.

Its insane how ugly the common pkk terrorist is. Far too much incest has not only rotted their brains but turned them into some of the ugliest looking clowns on earth.


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"We must bring him down, not by a coup, but by sponsoring the opposition."

"We must support the Kurds against him."

"We must organize and combine the opposition against him."

I think Gandi Kemal deserves a statue somewhere in a small street next to a pizzeria in Detroit, where his Gülenist friends can visit the statue to make selfies with unibrow alevi kurds from the Cemhouse and play saz together.
They brought him up now they want to take him down, bound to happen to the pets of masters.


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Can anybody explain why main opposition candidate considered as Turkish Gandhi?
Is there any story behind it or is this a joke?


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They brought him up now they want to take him down, bound to happen to the pets of masters.

Its fascinating how open he is. Work with allies in the region to isolate Turkiye in her own region. support "kurds" which basically means PKK terrorism and regional sepratism to further destablise and balkanise the region, to harm Turkiye and ultimately help Isreal.

A big reason why many people automatically come down on the side of Russia is because they had enough of american bullshit that will even side with a demon as long its against a devil.

But you got to wonder by saying it openly that it gets relied back to AK party supporters and make them support erdogan harder? Is it intentional like they keep giving erdogan life lines?
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Can anybody explain why main opposition candidate considered as Turkish Gandhi?
Is there any story behind it or is this a joke?
I'm not trying to upset anyone, but there is a disconnect regarding Turkish experience and subcontinental one. Turks generally take pride on the independence war and boast about "borders drawn with blood, not with a pen/ruler". Things like civil disobedience etc. are seen as weak or ineffective. That's also related to the protest culture being dead (because kurdish separatists attach themselves to every protest and it loses support/dies off). The point is, significance of what Ghandi did is not really understood over here, and sometimes he's seen as a slightly comedic historical figure.

Kılıçdaroğlu frequently uses Ghandi-esque methods like his demoracy march a few years back. It doesn't work because Erdoğan and his supporters just ridicule the methods and manage to at least discredit the opposition in one way or another. To be honest, civil disobedience looks pretty pathetic when it doesn't work.

TL;DR: He looks like Gandhi.


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Its fascinating how open he is. Work with allies in the region to isolate Turkiye in her own region. support "kurds" which basically means PKK terrorism and regional sepratism to further destablise and balkanise the region, to harm Turkiye and ultimately help Isreal.

A big reason why many people automatically come down on the side of Russia is because they had enough of american bullshit that will even side with a demon as long its against a devil.

But you got to wonder by saying it openly that it gets relied back to AK party supporters and make them support erdogan harder? Is it intentional like they keep giving erdogan life lines?
You want to put damage to Turkey? Kepp AKP in power, the party itself is designed by Pennysylvania based imam, people forget this fact all too easily.


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You want to put damage to Turkey? Kepp AKP in power, the party itself is designed by Pennysylvania based imam, people forget this fact all too easily.

i'm one step ahead of this thought process, i've been of the opinion that all major political parties are compromised. If they can create feto and own ak party, they can create or take ownership of any political party in Turkiye. We could all just be watching theatre that's directed from the USA. On a side note nearly all political islamists movements are owned by the west either directly or controlled via one of their gulf subsidiaries.

But whats interesting about america is how their open anti-stance helps ak party, they are not so stupid as to not know what they are doing. For example if they wanted CHP to win, they could come out and say we have our problems with AK party but if CHP comes to power the american presence in the region will be under threat. Then the common voter in Turkiye who has little critical thinking abilities will say, "look erdogan is their man, but they fear CHP". That way CHP would get votes off it. Instead they say and do things that helps AK party get votes.

It almost seems to easy to manipulate the thought process of people when you have access to the media or important international figures.


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Can anybody explain why main opposition candidate considered as Turkish Gandhi?
Is there any story behind it or is this a joke?



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Just a reminder when posting Turkish language videos, to give at least a short/summary translation in English for the international audience here.


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Sabri Ok, a member of the PKK terrorist organization's central committee of head-donkeys, admitted that the May 14 decision was taken under pressure from foreign powers:

"Until today, elections were seen as routine and normal by society. But not this time. This government stayed in power for 20 years (wtf lol) with the nation state mind, Eurasian mind, Ergenekon mind. But it is no longer possible for this government to continue. That's why this election is really important. I have to say this, there is no doubt that many people, many states, international powers, sometimes directly and openly, sometimes in different ways, have sent messages and greetings to our leadership, saying 'if one day you decide on inaction, on a ceasefire, we will play our part'. The forces demanding inaction and ceasefire have seen our decision, but the Turkish state does not recognize this decision.

Stating that they watched A Haber's news about Duran Kalkan, Ok said, "Sir, heval Abbas said, 'We support this, we don't support that. Who do they think the PKK is. The PKK is already an ideological and political movement. Our aim is to do politics. Of course we will support some people, we will not support others." Stating that HDP's decision to enter the elections with the Green Left Party was "correct and reasonable", Ok said, "The Kurdish people and the democratic political movement have experiences from the past. Changing their parties and logos is a one-day job. They should learn and vote. This situation will not cause HDP to lose anything."

Yeşil Sol=HDP+Hevalistic Lgbt movement

Pkk's pre-election position with foreign power support = The Yeşil Parti's election manifesto promising the withdrawal of the Turkish army from Iraq and Syria and the cessation of operations against the PKK
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These morons should not be let near political power
Since the Gezi protests of 2013, the Akkuyu and Sinop NPP projects have been instrumentalized not only in the elections but also in many other events to demand a halt, threaten contractors or promise the public that they will be stopped if they are elected just like saluting some external factors. When you tell them how empty these promises are, they tell you this: What if it explodes? I don't know if NPPs can explode, but this type propaganda method has long since exploded.

In normal countries, people vote according to which people and parties they most want to govern the country. As Turkish people, we are choosing who and which cliques should not take part in the governance of the country. No one vote with peace of mind.


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These morons should not be let near political power
Before calling names and jumping to conclusions, did you ask him for a source? I went to Gulizar kacar’s Twitter page and couldn’t find anything. Can either of you be kind enough to provide a link or a screenshot of your source?


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They brought him up now they want to take him down, bound to happen to the pets of masters.
His mentor is saying these things about about him 🤷🏻‍♂️



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Albert Einstein: ''Dont believe everything you read on the internet''.
The statement was made one week before the June 24 elections. The exact wording is: We will cancel the Akkuyu and Sinop nuclear power plants in line with international obligations. Karaca is the CHP's deputy chairperson for nature rights as of February 12, 2018 and deputy chairperson for human rights as of 2020. She is very active in the party organization, one of KK's most trusted politicians and a member of the FMC. Since her ideas and promises on Akkuyu and Sinop are already well known to the public, her current promises focus more on emergency decree related people. If you say that these type have no role in the strategy and policy-making mechanism of the CHP, and if you share a ranked list of which people in the CHP we should take into consideration and which ones we should not, we will disregard their speeches and conclude that they have no weight in the party.


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Check here the brain quality of the 'Generation Z' thats gonna support Muharrem Ince.

Ince asks the crowd a fake question:

1."Civillians have a normal passport (red). Politicians have a diplomatic passport (green). We can travel everywhere without visa and no borderguard will search our bags, even when we are retired from office. Are you against this? Who is against this?"


2. Ince is embarrassed and trying to convince them otherwise: "When i was in the parliament, Turkey had a trade conflict with the UK. I was in the parliamentiary commission, it was about importtaxes on alcohol. The Brittish got a real headache from me, i had the hottest conversations with London. They wont forget that, i am in their books. Last year i was in London with family. If i hadnt a diplomatic passport, they would turn my suitcases up an down for hours and even ripp my underwears off. So this diplomatic passport is a protection from the Turkish state. You see now why its important to keep it?"

Watch at 06.30

So this is the very high intelligent Generation Z that leaves the country because of Erdogan? How could it be braindrain when they havent any brains? They dont even know what a diplomatic passport is.


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I dont think they will get a ministry. Inviting HÜDAPAR is just a strategy to steal win votes from non-atheist Kurds.

HÜDAPAR is HDP's rival for the Kurdish vote. And there are a lot of Kurds in Turkey.

There are no AKP-fans against thid decision.

But there a lot of CHP-fans against Gandi Kemal's decision to work with HDP/PKK.

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