Police beating a woman who was just walking away.
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Erdogan and the AKP have demonstrated time and time again that they dont care to act against DEM and whatever other foreign supported groups there are. So since they have proven themselves unreliable and now even openly cooperate with them, why shold they ever be permitted to permanently seize power? They actively enable the threats to Turkish national security, whilst destroying any opportunity for the Turkish public to voice their opinionAnd what is the right side?
Europe massively supports the CHP, DEM & Co so again what is the right side?
Do you really want a Turkish government controlled by the CIA and Europe like in the former Gladio Network Goverments until the 2000s?
A state within a state?
Only to hear years later from people that you didn't see it coming and didn't know?
When foreign countries provide massive media and organizational support to the opposition, and do so actively, it is a signal to me of what they want.
So what do you want? Because there's nothing in between....
These are not cops they are thugs.Police beating a woman who was just walking away.
@IC3M@N FX is right, it's not a conspiracy. Gladio Network exists and its two main arms to enact the green belt were İlim Yayma Cemiyeti and Komünizmle Mücadele Derneği. The two main offsprings of these two organizations were Cemaat and MHP (all prominent members were former members of the aforementioned two organizations). These were used to design politics in Turkey during the cold war and influence governments. (Read Paul L. Williams, Daniele Ganser, and above all Mumcu books; the Yurdakul & Yalçın book is not bad either)50% of your post is BS and conspiracy theories.
The World is not black and white, and the AKP is cozing up on DEM anyway. So whats your point? Continue with the dictator, let thousands be prisoned, billions be stolen because you believe the propaganda you are fed?
be quite troll we are not here to burn our country rather take back what is ours !!Wake up TURKIYE
No one will forget how young people were beaten and shot at while PKK supporters gather in peace.
These police officers don't deserve to get off easy, either. The people will not forget that the police is acting like Saddams Republican Guard.
my man