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You are wise enough to read current players bravo for that and still posses Türlük Bilinci unlike many so called Kemalists walking around with Ataturk avatars.I am honestly impressed. 🙏 You should also search why three generals and Ümit Özdağ did resign from IYI Party to understand how far opposition parties infiltrated.
Thank you for your kind words. I engage in discussions with people I disagree with no matter what their ideology is. I think reaching out to reality is a very hard task for our easy to be deluded human minds. So the best way is to always obsessively think whether there is a slight chance that the other side is right about at least one thing.

I engaged in discussions with some TGB kids in my university. I have met them in Atatürkçü Düşünce Kulübü. They kind of had taken over the club when I came. They were insistingly trying to convert me to TGB. Anyway they were very anti-CHP and even seemed supportive of AKP. This frustrated me at first but I didnt bail out and tried to engage with them. This seemed to be a very unique political stance and I tried to understand their mentality.

And you know what? I couldnt bend their wrists!

At that time I believed CHP only temporarily cooperates with HDP for the greater good. That they prioritized AKP as the number one threat and decided to call ayı, dayı until passing the bridge. These kids asked me some questions that I couldnt answer.

1) Them: How did Kemal Kiliçdaroglu come to power in CHP?
Me: He came to power after casette operation of Feto.

Then I was going to tell them this doesnt mean he himself has to be a Gulenist or alligned with Gulenists but I realised it would be stupid of Gulenists to just remove the guy on top of CHP so that the next guy who has no affiliations with them would make it to the power. Why would they do that? If the next guy is going to be the same as previous guy, why would Gulenists put effort into removing the guy on top? Obviously they knew, the following guy is at least more useful to them.

2) Them: You think CHP tolerates some HDP-like politicians like Canan in order to get Kurdish bases votes. How do you explain Sezgin Tanrikulu? He isnt even that prominent to Kurdish voter base. He is a blown out cover CIA agent. Why is CHP tolerating to such a person in such a prominent place in their party?

I couldnt answer.

3) Kemal Kilicdaroglu defended Nazli Ilicak. This person was prominent at slandering our patriotic soldiers in Ergenekon and Balyoz suitcases. What good would it bring to CHP to defend such a traitor terrorist? I couldnt answer.

The only thing I could do was using whataboutism and saying but Akp is the one that served Feto all this time and did the ''solution process'' with Pkk and Erdogan said he was the prosecutor of Ergenekon and Balyoz.

They told me they dont like Erdogan or Akp neither but since around 2015 Erdogan fell off with all these globalist powers (liboşlar, gulenists, pkk) and started fighting with them and the state, Mhp etc decided to use Erdogan instead of sending his ass in 2015. This is why after years of mutual insults they suddenly allied in 2015.

The one question of mine they couldnt answer was however: ''if this is indeed the case why doesnt Akp struggle with gulenists in the politics, rejecting CHP and IYIPs proposal of investigation of the political dimension of Gulenist movement?''

Right now I think this was because Erdogan, despite falling off with the Gulen movement; his party was basically too mixed and affiliated with gulenists that he couldnt basically afford that. So he basically kept the people who decided to remain loyal to him rather than Gulen.

About IYIP, dont worry. They have not one bit of my trust neither.
Secular Turks were too fast at embracing their ''Meral Ana'' but Aksener has always been a dark figure in our history. She was the minister of interior during Tansu Ciller era. A dark era marked in our history with very controversial events.

Not many know, she herself admitted in her Haberturk interview, she was one of the founding members of AKP.
So what does this mean? She did share that foundation mentality. Political islam alligned with liboş, gulenists and pkk. Akp's foundation mentality has been the most traitorous mentality in the history of republic of Turkey. After 2015 at least they started to deal with some malign cells. They are still fucking up the education, jurisdical system, economy etc but at least they somehow started dealing with some malign cells.

She also protects a Gulenist, Buğra Kavuncu in his party. All the real patriots that participated in the foundation of IYIP left the party. Umit Ozdag, Yusuf Halaçoglu, Ali Türkşen etc. Only Yavuz Ağıralioğlu remains.

Long story short. We are given death so we can we consent with malaria.
Our politics, our assembly is under enemy siege from every side. I dont even know whether I should vote under this circumstances. My only hope is Muharrem Ince but even he made some controversial things such as criticising Kılıçdar for not being thankful enough to HDP for winning Istanbul.

I really hope the political conjuncture will change until 2023. Our assembly is literally under siege from every side.

Akp- Corrupt, mafiatic, ikhwanist-Death.
Chp- Globalist, Gulenist-Death
MHP- Mafiatic, didnt go to Anitkabir in 23 April therefore worrying regarding the ideology in charge
IYIP- Gulenist- Death
HDP- Do I need to tell?
Deva/Gelecek- Worse than death, literally the worst parts of Akp in foundation
Saadet: Sharia death.

If you realised there isnt a Kemalist party in the assembly right now. Despite the fact that there is a huge Kemalist voter base in the country. If this is the reality, then this means something is intervening with our democracy. Because there is supply and demand right? There is a huge demand for a Kemalist party but there is no supply.

This means one thing: Kemalism is under siege.

Edit: I disagreed with them on the patriotic character of Dogu Perincek. Dogu Perincek is basically the voice of China/Russia. So he looks patriotic right now simply because right now all the major threats towards our country(Pkk, liboş, Gulenists) are directed from the US. He used to support PKK when they were a Soviet proxy. He was against Turkish peace operation against Cyprus because back then Greek administration in Cyprus was leftist.

Also unlike what they claim, Russia isnt our ally. Sure we can collaborate with them in issues regarding Gulenists or the US presence in the area in general but they also try to encircle us in Syria, Iraq. They martyred our soldiers. I do agree with them on we should collaborate more with Russia but I disagree with their notion on the character of relationship we have with Russia.

Also a small tactical difference, I believe we can use our Nato membership as a leverage against the US while they want Turkey out immediately.
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There is no rule in switzerland that says you are not allowed to wear certain clothes, even thought the right wing and islamists call it burqa ban its about ban on face covers in general, you can wear whatever you want as long as your face is not covered at least know what you complain about before bringing it up.
I get the feeling that you have no clue what democracy is, your arguments make zero sense.
How there is no rules if women decides to go out full covered, she will ne fined by authorities?

So, no names then, that is just statement on spirit and context on various posts.


I know but my main concern is that the current main opposition, the current Chp administration came to power with a joint Erdogan+Gulen casette operation. They arent Kemalists, they are globalists.

For example KK congratulated Ahmet Altan after he was released. Why are you congratulating a Feto member who participated in the hoaxes of Ergenekon and Balyoz suitcases?
If I remember correct, he did this for Nazli Ilicak too.
He literally has a CIA member in his party: Sezgin Tanrikulu. In wikileaks, even the guys agent code was leaked. TR 705!

My only hope is Muharrem Ince but I am not sure about him neither.

Turkish nation really needs to get rid of all the political parties in the assembly right now. We really need a reset in our democracy.
Bro, i don't answer these conspiracy theories and baseless allegations. Please, don't quote me for concpiracy theories.


You are wise enough to read current players bravo for that and still posses Türlük Bilinci unlike many so called Kemalists walking around with Ataturk avatars.I am honestly impressed. 🙏 You should also search why three generals and Ümit Özdağ did resign from IYI Party to understand how far opposition parties infiltrated.

Big mouth Ümit, started throwing shit after the party elections.

If he had any truth in what he said, police would be on to İYİ party long before. He is being a lapdog for Erdogan like Mustafa Destici.

Also it's notable that those Erdogan controlled media suddenly began airing Özdag while they never give a single news about other opposition parties. Only Muarrem ince and Ümit Ozdag.

None the less, nobody believes into shit he says; İYİ parties votes surged since the last elections currently 12-13 where as MHP is at 6 - 7.

Like we said many times before lies, slander and propaganda brings Erdogan regime to no where. Erdogan regime demolished instituions, wreaked foreign policy and destroyed economy. Hence his votes are dropping each month although he has control %90 of the Turkish mainstream media.


Kurds blame CHP for being fascist, İslamists blame CHP for being fascist.

İt is great honor to be blamed by those sides.

CHP Spokesperson Faik Öztrak described the use of the phrase "genocide" regarding the 1915 events in the HDP FMC statement as "losing politics". The HDP responded to Öztrak by "know your limits".

The debate was sparked by the HDP's statement supporting the scandalous sharing used by US President Joe Biden regarding the 1915 events.

The political world reacted to the HDP's statement. CHP Party Spokesperson Faik Öztrak criticized the declaration and said, "Do not forget, the crushed understanding of politics made in the shadow of the imperialists cannot be accepted. It is in no way acceptable for the politicians of these lands to follow the imperialist thesis." said.

HDP Party Spokesperson Ebru Günay reacted to this statement from Öztrak.

Günay shared the message "We are not going to learn to be anti-imperialists from you, know your limits" on his social media account.


Big mouth Ümit, started throwing shit after the party elections.

If he had any truth in what he said, police would be on to İYİ party long before. He is being a lapdog for Erdogan like Mustafa Destici.

Also it's notable that those Erdogan controlled media suddenly began airing Özdag while they never give a single news about other opposition parties. Only Muarrem ince and Ümit Ozdag.

None the less, nobody believes into shit he says; İYİ parties votes surged since the last elections currently 12-13 where as MHP is at 6 - 7.

Like we said many times before lies, slander and propaganda brings Erdogan regime to no where. Erdogan regime demolished instituions, wreaked foreign policy and destroyed economy. Hence his votes are dropping each month although he has control %90 of the Turkish mainstream media.
I know you don't want to listen conspiration theories but Ümit Özdağ used to be MIT member.


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Bro, i don't answer these conspiracy theories and baseless allegations. Please, don't quote me for concpiracy theories.
This reminded me of Americans who accused me of believing in conspiracy theories when I told them Gulenists are the US' infiltration group and the US wants to found a Kurdistan on the soils of 4 countries.

They banned me from r/geopolitics due to ''believing in conspiracy theories''.

Some things became just so obvious that at this point denying these are the conspiracy theories.

Are you denying Kemal Kilicdaroglu came to power with Erdogan+Gulens porn tape operation?
Are you claiming wikileaks file about Sezgin Tanrikulu isnt true? That his CIA code isnt TR 705?
Are you claiming the person in this video who defended the prominent Gulenist terrorist Nazli Ilicak wasnt Kemal Kilicdaroglu?

Are you claiming Kemal Kilicdaroglu didnt call Ahmet Altan and deliver his get well wish?

Because if you are blind enough to not see Kemal Kilicdaroglu is someone who cooperates with globalists in Turkey (liboş, HDP, Gulenists) and instead someone who stands for Ataturks principles I dont accept your accusations towards me regarding believing in conspiracy theories and I return it back to you. You are the one believing in the conspiracy theories if you think current CHP is Ataturks party right now.

The US literally first designed the government party AKP then with that casette operation designed the main opposition CHP as an insurance. For years he sat there incompetently without showing any will to make opposition. Around 2015, the moment Akp turned on globalists(had to turn on globalists, not because they are slightly patriotic) the main opposition party almost won the elections in 2015, literally enemy of Erdogan Bahçeli became allies with Erdogan and saved him, in 2019 they lost all the big cities. Suddenly sth happened to opposition. They decided to make proper opposition. I wonder why? I know why because they sat there as insurance and once Akp went ''rogue'' they started the opposition.


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LoL Umit Ozdag lapdog, what about Nihat Genc and others???




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How there is no rules if women decides to go out full covered, she will ne fined by authorities?

So, no names then, that is just statement on spirit and context on various posts.
Its not about clothing but about face cover, in fact my neighbor who is a convert swiss muslim wears a full weil just with open face.
As said, first know what you complain about.


LoL Umit Ozdag lapdog, what about Nihat Genc and others???


I'm not gonna listen upto these lunatics. But it's not hard to guess what they are saying. Everyone is accusing everyone with everything without any proof.

Today., Özdağ is the favorite tool of the Erdogan controlled media. Let's go not far back, only a couple of months ago;

MHP was accusing Özdağ of being;

- Gülenist
- Coupist
- Planner of the coup
- Agent of Israel

These guys are a joke. Not talking about the country's problems but accusing each other with empty rhetoric. You can talk day and night about these conspiracy theories however, polls show people are not interested in this crap.


The country 7 citizens committed suicide in a day.

It is a country that makes the world jealous and admires itself because it has no problems.

In the last 24 hours, 7 of our citizens committed suicide due to unemployment, poverty and desperation.






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The country 7 citizens committed suicide in a day.

It is a country that makes the world jealous and admires itself because it has no problems.

In the last 24 hours, 7 of our citizens committed suicide due to unemployment, poverty and desperation.

View attachment 19599
View attachment 19600

View attachment 19601

View attachment 19602

No no, troll media says no unemployment in Number one Turkey, no suicides in Number one Turkey. Has to be a FETÖ operation to make glorious Turkey and its glorious Leader look bad. Economy best in the world, we aren't importing majority of basic materials for farming from russia because we closed down factories and farms and sold the land to our rich arab brothers. Turkey has no huge trade deficit. Turkey best trade surplus in world.

Very many jobs for youth who graduated from school, they are just lazy to take them, number one!

Turkey deal best with pandemic, number one. Best purchaser of vaccines!

Turkey number one in aiding citizens in these hard times, number one!

Foreign policy number one! Supporting Hamas and MB will surely not backfire on us and actually hurt our own interests in the region. Number one idea!

Corruption? No corruption in number one Turkey. Turkey corruption free number one. All those family members and family friends who never attened a trade school or university and were factory workers beforehand are 100% qualified to sit on boards of corporations and companies and government seats and be appointed threee different jobs getting three high paying salaries! Who cares that they all have been awarded those positions with presidential decrees! No corruption in number on Turkey!

Appointing and surrounding yourself with Imam Hatip graduates as your personel advisors and firing actual competent and experienced advisors is only an idea an number one countries Leader could come up with, number one!

Sabotaging your own armed forces indirectly through corruption and directly through sham cases together with the support of FETÖ and the US, never happened!

We best support our Armed Forces and Soldiers, number one!

Two years, 2023, one hundreds years after declaring an hard fought independence.


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Are we suprised? Of course we aren't because we all know what the akp is in its core.
Bu yalakalar tek kendine Müslüman, bir de ölmüs adamin arkasindan konusmuyor mu serefsiz!

There is no Turkish Politics, it's a big tragicomedy shitshow, with useless old corrupt geezers insulting each other than talking about stuff that really matters.
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For me Babacan is a Menderes 2.0, liberal, pro US, pro NATO, Cemaat friendly and Bilderberg boy. What a toxic mixture. To kücük eniste aka. Davidson also known as Davutoglu we don't need to say anything.

None of the political islamist voters in Turkey ever ask the question how all these western shills know each other. Its odd, because its pretty much come out that most of these ak party members were western shills, feto the political islamist organisation was also/is an american owned entity. Nearly everything ak party partnered with were western agents. Yet political islamists want to believe that somehow erdogan is pro-Turkey, meanwhile all his best friends were american/western agents working against Turkey. All his best friends instead of supporting a traitor decided to put their full backing behind the pro-Turkey man erdogan. Nonsense.


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I'm not gonna listen upto these lunatics. But it's not hard to guess what they are saying. Everyone is accusing everyone with everything without any proof.

Today., Özdağ is the favorite tool of the Erdogan controlled media. Let's go not far back, only a couple of months ago;

MHP was accusing Özdağ of being;

- Gülenist
- Coupist
- Planner of the coup
- Agent of Israel

These guys are a joke. Not talking about the country's problems but accusing each other with empty rhetoric. You can talk day and night about these conspiracy theories however, polls show people are not interested in this crap.

Ther is nothing about MHP in the video, one of the people who speaks in the video are former party member who helped organise. He did screan people and let Meral Apla now it. In stead removing him from the party he removed former generals :D .

So the next person is lunatic to....

IYI parti was from the begin a project.


Ther is nothing about MHP in the video, one of the people who speaks in the video are former party member who helped organise. He did screan people and let Meral Apla now it. In stead removing him from the party he removed former generals :D .

So the next person is lunatic to....

IYI parti was from the begin a project.
Yeah, yeah. Everybody are foreign agents except AKP members.

Like i said, nobody buys this shit anymore.

Also, Reis disagrees with you.

However, Erdogan's words means nothing, 2 days later, they can call IYI party, Satanists who drinks the blood of babies.


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Yeah, yeah. Everybody are foreign agents except AKP members.

Like i said, nobody buys this shit anymore.

Also, Reis disagrees with you.

However, Erdogan's words means nothing, 2 days later, they can call IYI party, Satanists who drinks the blood of babies.

Fact is clearly, nobody is buyin shits from IYI parti. Project party case close.

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