TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions


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Looks like the refugee deal with Greece is in effect.

"What is happening to Afghans in Turkey?
We have previously published about large groups of people, Afgan families, who have been taken from camps in coastal areas and transported across Turkey to the border to Iran.
Now they are also rounded up in large numbers and transported to the Harran container camp in Şanlurfa province, close to the Syrian border.
Previously this camp has been hosting Syrian refugees, all Syrians have been removed and the camp is now used to host Afghan families. "



21 1,982

update : beside international prostitutions mafia we are facing drug as well as organ mafia also take note the foreigners created their own ghettos and starting organized crime

another think to highlight is the finger print of tarikat in the university staff just like Erzincan gold mine in which they throw 20 to 100 tons of Cyanide into the river ( basically making living there impossible for future generations ) here we see a tarikat take over of üniversity which was warned by 28 şubat generals they are taking control of education and econmey to make their radical socio political and socio economic changes the Indonesia's islamic utopia model aka ümmetçilik one of the mayor candidate of akp in karabük actually is a foreigner

rahmetli adil serdar saçan former head of combating organized crime, who made operation against erdogan when he was mayor of Istanbul fetö , sedat peker , alaattin çakici , and the turkey's Jeffry epsine adnan oktar and his pedophile tarikat, talk about tringle of tarikat mafia and (AKP) devleti. we see a clear example there is tarikat activity in the university then we see the different mafia activates in the town then we see AKP government and judiciary's silence

which btw during 28 şubat the generals warn us about islamist will come to power via the rights given to them by constitution then deny the same right they enjoyed to others when they come to power. he also warn the radical changes in order to create a islamic utopia. the father of this ümmetçi islamic utopia ideology is ahmet davutoğlu

erlik's questioning ahmet davutoğlu about Indonesia's islamic utopia model
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update : beside international prostitutions mafia we are facing drug as well as organ mafia also take note the foreigners created their own ghettos and starting organized crime

another think to highlight is the finger print of tarikat in the university staff just like Erzincan gold mine in which they throw 20 to 100 tons of Cyanide into the river ( basically making living there impossible for future generations ) here we see a tarikat take over of üniversity which was warned by 28 şubat generals they are takng control of education and econmey to make their radical socio political and socio economic changes the Indonesia's islamic utopia model aka ümmetçilik one of the mayor candidate of akp i karabük actually i a foreigner

rahmetli adil serdar saçan former head of combating organized crime, who made operation against erdogan when he was mayor of Istanbul fetö , sedat peker , alaattin çakici , and the turkey's Jeffry epsine adnan oktar and his pedophile tarikat, talk about tringle of tarikat mafia and (AKP) devleti. we see a clear example there is tarikat activity in the university then we see the different mafia activates in the town then we see AKP government and judiciary's silence

which btw during 28 şubat the generals warn us about islamist will come to power via the rights given to them by constitution then deny the same right they enjoyed to others when they come to power. he also warn the radical changes in order to create a islamic utopia. the father of this ümmetçi islamic untop ideology is ahmet davutoğlu

erlik's questioning ahmet davutoğlu about Indonesia's islamic utopia model

The religion within a Turkish context is really about pushing cultural marxism onto the people. In some aspects they have to pretend they are against its ideals like LGBTQ rights but on the other hand it allows them to be more aggressive.

In Turkey for example the religion opened Turks up to accepting countless millions of refugees that wouldn't be tolerated in say a country like Poland. In a Turkish context the religion is used to shame the people who dont help the countless beggars who fled the scene their own turmoil instead of dealing with it.

For example there are many reasons why the left/cultural marxists/socialists flood a nation with migrants. Now I'm not attacking migrants here, they are just a much a victim in all of this as anyone else is outside the ruling classes. Flood a country with migrants and you will enlarge the welfare state. These people who have fled war or poverty as is say the case with Afghans, will find a social welfare state much better then what they came from. These people are also votes for socialism.

Another major reason for flooding a country with migrants, it allows the state to break down and destroy national and ethnic conscience. Because nationalists/patriots are the core component who will resist such changes. So if you can flood the country with enough migrants you can weaken the strength of that bloc in a "democracy". Once you got enough voters you can destroy and attack the constitution of a given state. For example AK party and their insistence of removing "Turk" from the constitution. The long term goal if these sorts of people succeed will be that to identity as a Turk will be no different then identifying as nazi or extremist. A similar thing is taking place here in england, where they are trying to tell people flying the English flag is racist and hateful.

Socialists, cultural marxists also need to create as many victim classes as possible. The more victims they create, the more people that will come to depend on the state. This is partly why such massive polarization has taken place under Erdogan/AK party. This is also partly the reason he goes to the south east and tells Kurds that the republic is bad and Ataturk is bad. By brainwashing Kurds that they are eternal victims, it also leads to things where in europe PKK supporting Kurds are actively looking out for Turkish communities to go and attack them and destroy their businesses.

To keep a long story short, by the end of world war one the entire world was pretty much conquered by euro origin peoples. The entire international system that exists today was created and still dominated by them. The Turks despite being crushed in world war one were unconquerable. The western finance that dominates international socialist agenda, who see's cultural marxism as a way of destroying any potential competition arising, understand that the Turk couldn't be conquered by an invading army. So they changed track, conquer the nation from within. Things like Feto are just one leg of that agenda against the Turkish state.

If the people of the nation don't wake up, maybe their gran children will wake up in an overtly occupied nation. In a similar way to how we look at gulf monarchies knowing they are western puppets. Difference is the Turk will be oppressed and persecuted within his own nation.


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You seems to be openly calling for violence on the forum. Also, instead of engaging with arguments, you are calling people out personally. Perhaps mods will want to take a look at it. @Kartal1 @TR_123456


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Neither calling for bloodshed or encouraging someone to is within the rules of this forum.
I cant believe that we have to explain this.


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We're all angry about the refugee problem, but we need to remain calm. Vote for Zafer Partisi and keep the pressure on AKP and CHP. I think CHP can still be saved, they do after all have a lot politicians who are anti-refugee.


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We're all angry about the refugee problem, but we need to remain calm. Vote for Zafer Partisi and keep the pressure on AKP and CHP. I think CHP can still be saved, they do after all have a lot politicians who are anti-refugee.
I don't think they are the answer at all.

I do believe their intentions are sincere, but when push comes to shove, they're sorely lacking.
They claim that they're nationalists, yet their candidate for the mayor of Fatih does this:


Ümit Özdağ's stance on stray dogs are also very wishy-washy.

There's also this:sick::


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Ümit Özdağ is a detriment to the anti-migration movement. He got the very popular anti-refugee sentiment stuck in his single digit percentage party. He should have gone with being a political platform or something like that. Deal with parties as a NGO, force them to accept anti-refugee stances.

And his personal escapades are disgusting.


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Ümit Özdağ is a detriment to the anti-migration movement. He got the very popular anti-refugee sentiment stuck in his single digit percentage party. He should have gone with being a political platform or something like that. Deal with parties as a NGO, force them to accept anti-refugee stances.

And his personal escapades are disgusting.

He appears in very interesting wikileaks documents...


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Looks like the European right-wing has woken up. They'll finally clean up the mess in their own countries. Once they're done and the good times are back, perhaps the left will return.

I wonder, is AKP ready to take in millions more? They show no indication of wanting to stop the flow. The end goal is to ruin our demographics. Looks like FETÖ is still active and they call the shots.

Iran and PKK are working together. Meanwhile the USA helped PKK/YPG empty northern Syria. Now we are giving citizenship to Syrians to facilitate their project.

I'm sorry to say but this country's government needs to be purged. It's an absolute shitshow. How can we continue to ignore the elephant in the room.


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I am out of touch. What happened to the initiative 2/3 years ago where they were building 50k home in Syria and 500k already returned to settle? More were supposed to follow, no?

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