Transforming heat into energy new plan by Türkiye's Zero Waste Project
Technology that makes it possible to produce energy from waste hot water above 60 degrees Celsius is a new renewable energy system that produces electrical...
We are very close to that target. In 2022 over %40 of electricity is generated from renewables. I guess with the nuclear energy plant in Akkuyu the ratio might fall to some extent as it will alone add %10 more to the current production capacity.There's so much more potential in inner Anatolia or on the rooftops of any southern city.
Great project but I wont cherish until we can reach over 50% from renewables midterm.
Akkuyu is not finished yet. There are 3 more units under construction. And before 2026 the last unit will not be put into operation. Therefore, we need to wait longer for it to reach its true potential.We are very close to that target. In 2022 over %40 of electricity is generated from renewables. I guess with the nuclear energy plant in Akkuyu the ratio might fall to some extent as it will alone add %10 more to the current production capacity.
Yes, but I doubt we can add that much renewable electricity. We need to add 4800 MW of renewables in 3 years so that ratio stays similar.Akkuyu is not finished yet. There are 3 more units under construction. And before 2026 the last unit will not be put into operation. Therefore, we need to wait longer for it to reach its true potential.
Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar confirmed that Turkey is working on small modular nuclear reactors. We can say that the goal of building a mini nuclear power plant in partnership with Rolce Royce has become certain.Rolls-Royce, EUAS International ICC to coop. in SMRs
Rolls-Royce and Turkey’s EUAS International ICC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to carry out a study to evaluate both the technical, economical and legal applicability; and also the possibility of joint production of compact nuclear power stations (aka SMR) to underpin clean economic growth.
This announcement will help the provision of low carbon energy systems and marks an exciting new chapter in the strong relationship between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Turkey.
The agreement, which Rolls-Royce has signed in its role as a member of a consortium designing this power station, commits to a study that will look at the technical, licensing, commercial and investment cases for the deployment of the consortium’s power station; potential construction processes; and market potential in Turkey and globally.
The consortium which is designing the power station comprises Assystem, Atkins, BAM Nuttall, Laing O’Rourke, National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), Rolls-Royce, Jacobs, The Welding Institute (TWI) and Nuclear AMRC.
David Orr, consortium director, Rolls-Royce, said: “Addressing climate change is not only our planet’s most pressing long term challenge but also can be a crucial economic opportunity. Our power station is affordable, fast to deploy and is an attractive investment that will stimulate tens of thousands of jobs regionally and embed prosperity and quality of life for decades to come. Turkey’s domestic and regional nuclear power opportunities are incredibly exciting, and we look forward to exploring how our consortium’s power station will support its energy, economic and industrial ambitions.”
Yahya Yılmaz Bayraktarlı, CEO, EUAS International ICC, stated, “Our vision is to diversify electricity resources with nuclear power. We aim to develop a sustainable nuclear industry, which contributes to economic growth and social wealth of the country. Turkey already develops nuclear power plants of larger scale with its international partners. Competitiveness in price is an important indicator for us. The feasibility of small modular reactors is a research and development issue we continuously monitor.”
Components for compact power station will be manufactured in standardised sections in factories, before being transported to sites for rapid assembly inside a weatherproof canopy. This cuts costs by avoiding weather disruptions, provides excellent conditions for workers and secures incremental efficiency savings by using streamlined and advanced manufacturing processes for its components.
The result is lower upfront costs, and a faster, predictable construction and commissioning periods.
Collaboration between Turkey’s energy sector and Rolls-Royce has been active since 2013 when a joint supply chain study was undertaken with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey and Istanbul Technical University.
This new agreement will see phased collaboration during the next two years.
Rolls-Royce and Turkey’s EUAS International ICC agree study for compact nuclear power stations
Rolls-Royce and Turkey’s EUAS International ICC agree study for compact nuclear power stationswww.rolls-royce.com
Elektrik Üretim AŞ establishes a new company with the title of "EUAS International"
The Presidential Decision on the subject was published in the Official Gazette.
Accordingly, the capital amount for Ankara-based EUAS International, to be established by EÜAŞ as the controlling shareholder, with 150 million nominal shares, each worth 1 dollar, was determined as 2 billion 195 million 565 thousand liras.
In the decision, it was stated that the capital size was calculated on the dollar exchange rate dated March 31.
Elektrik Üretim AŞ "EUAS International" unvanlı yeni şirket kuruyor
Elektrik Üretim AŞ (EÜAŞ) tarafından "EUAS International AŞ" unvanlı yeni şirket kurulacak. - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
Let's wait and see what they cook.
@Cabatli_TR @Test7 @TR_123456 @Yasar @Zafer @TheInsider @what @Ryder @Stimpy75 @Stuka @MADDOGEnergy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar confirmed that Turkey is working on small modular nuclear reactors. We can say that the goal of building a mini nuclear power plant in partnership with Rolce Royce has become certain.
Bakan Bayraktar, Akkuyu NGS'de konuştu: 2028'e kadar projenin tümüyle devreye alınmasını hedefliyoruz
Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı Bayraktar, Akkuyu Nükleer Güç Santrali'ne dair, "Çok kısa bir süre içerisinde bu projeden elektrik üretmeye ve 2028'e kadar projenin tümüyle devreye alınmasını hedefliyoruz." ifadesini kullandı. - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
I think we can accept this statement as the starting point of technology transfer.Collaboration between Turkey’s energy sector and Rolls-Royce has been active since 2013 when a joint supply chain study was undertaken with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey and Istanbul Technical University.
My sources in the energy market told me that the British did not transfer technology for nuclear power plants, but instead they shared their experiences so that we could develop our own technology in master and doctorate studies at their standards. So this is a much better thing than even technology transfer....I think we can accept this statement as the starting point of technology transfer.