TR Sensors and Detector Programs


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In this video, Haluk Görgün says that KAAN has to process 20 Gigabits of data from its radar each second.
Can we have range/resolution predicts based on this info ? I couldn't find anything to compare on the internet. I'd be glad if someone can tell us how good our radar will be.


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Can we have range/resolution predicts based on this info ?

Very likely not.

I'd be glad if someone can tell us how good our radar will be.

Officially, we don't have any statement on the range performance of MURAD let alone BUFRIS. However, few months ago Temel Kotil stated, Hurjet will have indeginous radar with 200km range. Which will likely be MURAD-100A. the same one as F16 Ozgur. (MURAD and BUFRIS will use the same T/R modules. And will had commonality in software) We can do some speculation from here.

Here are few very simplified formula given by AESA radar calculator's developer to calculate range and resolution.

If you increase the peak power of T/R modules from 30w to 60w, it will only increases the range by 19%. (To increase the range by 100% you need to increase the peak power up to 16 times.)



However, considering everything is same, if you increase the numbers of T/R modules two times, you will get increase in range by 68%. That's why additional T/R modules matters.



Now, even with a conservative estimate, Let's say, Hurjet's radar 200km range is meant to be against 5m2 RCS target. BUFRIS having 2000 T/R modules means increase in range would be 50%.



That means, 300km detection range for BUFRIS's frontal aperture against 5m2 RCS target.

However, MURAD-100A will have PRF limited to 150KHz. Given BUFRIS will have more than enough of electric power & processing capability available to it, if we increase PRF of MURAD-600A to 300KHz. The range performance against 5m2 RCS target will increase quite a bit. All in all, we estimate around 250km detection range against 1m2 target. (Keep in mind, we are talking about single Beam cued search. Not multi-beam volume search)

As for angular resolution, it depends on beamwidth. Which can be roughly calculated based on this formula. (By dividing 100 by the square root of number of TRM.)

100/44.7= 2.23. (44.7 is the square root of 2000)

(One thing to keep in mind, real life beamwidth could be even narrower given superior antenna gain technology)
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Can we have range/resolution predicts based on this info ? I couldn't find anything to compare on the internet. I'd be glad if someone can tell us how good our radar will be.
This quote is from the "Communications" section of the "AESA Radar: Revolutionary Capabilities for Multiple Missions"(page 7).

"Researchers demonstrated the transfer of a 72 megabyte synthetic aperture radar image in 3.5 seconds at a data rate of 274 megabytes per second (mbps). By comparison, the transfer would take 48 minutes on today’s standard Link 16. Company researchers ultimately demonstrated laboratory transmission rates of 548 mbps using the F-22 radar array—and received data rates of up to 1 gigabyte per second."

1 Gigabyte is equivalent to 8 Gigabit.

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