TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet


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I hope you understand what I’m trying to say to you. You can, of course, predict exactly what can or will happen in the future. If you have all the necessary informations.
Don’t let us go further and let’s wait what will happen.
That's not even physically possible due to heisenberg uncertainty principle but i digress


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You can, of course, predict exactly what can or will happen in the future. If you have all the necessary informations.
This is impossible for humans. We can neither know all the initial conditions of the problem nor have the necessary compute to calculate a solution(future event). And everything else is just a guess.

He cannot precisely know or predict the future milestones of TF6000, let alone the TF35000.
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These last few posts and the timeline given about KAAN are like a poker table bidding.
First it was Mr Kotil who gave us 2028 as the first indigenous KAAN engine to fly the plane.
Tusas MD Demiroglu said that in first half of 2030 KAAN will fly with completely indigenous engines.
Then Current SSB recently said 2030 is the date.
Now our members are increasing the bidding war to 2031-2032-2033-2034.

First we need to see a demonstrator fired. Then a prototype that can fly the KAAN.
We don’t know yet, what sort of difficulties we will be confronted with in the days and years to come.
Even after the engines fly the first time, there may be many new obstacles we need to overcome.
Do we know if we have solved the cooling of the extensively complex, heat generating avionics present in a stealth plane? Have we managed to cool the engine effectively so that IR signature is minimised and dispersed?

The F22 has a special system with which it cools down the large avionic heat generation. It uses a totally integrated liquid based environmental control system (ECS) that provides thermal conditioning throughout the flight envelope for the pilot and the avionics. It uses a liquid cooling system rather than air as it gives better and more positive results. It uses the plane’s fuel to cool down the heated refrigerant as it cycles through the system.

The engine’s heat signature is masked through specially designed air ducts that cools the air around the engine with a totally closed loop operation system of refrigerant and heat exchanger.

These are just some of the few new technologies that Tusas has to implement and test on a physical engine and plane.
Just check out some of the ground breaking innovations F22 has, in below article.

It is no small feat to get a stealth plane up and flying with all the bells and whistles. It may take time to harmonise everything. But to know when all will be complete, is an open ended string. Let us wait and see and believe in what the people who know what they are doing, in stead of theorising without any foundation.

There is no increase in the bid. The current timeline of the national engine envisions the engine integration in 2029 followed by flight tests and the delivery of the first KAAN with the national engine in 2032. There is also no change for the delivery date of Kaan with F110. It is still the end of 2028 early 2029.

You will hear more about TF-35000 this year. The design will be frozen this year. Some parts of the prototype are in production. I expect to see a realistic mockup in IDEF but we will see. The first ignition will happen in 2026.
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