TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet


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Most people fail to see that TR has been regularly investing in its defense industry for more than 4 decades. People think projects pop up out of thin air and in their own limited knowledge think that no one can develop a jet trainer or a GaN-based AESA radar in 2 years. Well, 2022 and 2023 will be very enlightening for skeptics.

Rajendra Chola

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Nobody says TF-X will be in service and flying in 4 years officially. Meanwhile Hurjet Trainer will be in service in 4 years. The project has started awhile ago despite of,it might had come to your realization nowadays, it dates back to 4 years and more ago.

Also don't forget Turkey has been adding stuff on F-16 and trying to localize the subcomponents as the domestic technologies mature. So there is a certain expertise on some the fields. But after all nobody fully makes a true fighter on their own without taking any bit of expertise (including major or minor) from abroad, except the US and Russia i would say. If they say they do, then it means they conceal something.

I consider this part as an insult for people currently working on full-time to make 2 advanced wind tunnels in opertation by 2023-24 (one supersonic - TAI, one subsonic - Tubitak), one RCS measuring lab - Tubitak (you may simply search the thread for reference). Meanwhile Turkey already holds some facilities for entry level testing and thanks to the TAI's past with some european countries the test consultancy is received when needed so far.

And people who in past worked for radar testing facilities, and RCS measurement labs since 2005.

And yes nobody denies Turkey has got the expertise from UK, TAI and BAE has signed the cooperation and consultancy agreement officially and publicly.

And what have I said contradicted yours? I haven't talked about TFX here at all. I said a trainer variant would be inducted in 4 years and you agree with me. What's there to differ?

I differ with some people a fighter variant of Hurjet is time away. Is it so hard to read English?

Wind tunnels aren't the only lab required for development of an aircraft. They are the basic requirements to start a project. Just to give an example of India, cos my friend worked on it. India designed an arrester hook for our land based test facility for Tejas Naval variant. My friend's company was responsible for creating an test and validation system for the land based arrester hook system. Now these add to the dev timelines. Infact some stuffs may not even be planned intially when a project is started but as time goes on, they realize the need to create test facilities for each of developed components and parts.

I was mentioned to that parts. And I also mentioned Turkey has good agreement with foreign companies and their labs to accomplish testing faster. This is good for Turkey and I lamented India did not have this chance.

I didn't even criticize turkey in the first place. Whether you or anyone believe it or not, I am actually more looking forward to Hurjet than TFX.

Anyway I am out of this thread.


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Wind tunnels aren't the only lab required for development of an aircraft. They are the basic requirements to start a project. Just to give an example of India, cos my friend worked on it. India designed an arrester hook for our land based test facility for Tejas Naval variant. My friend's company was responsible for creating an test and validation system for the land based arrester hook system. Now these add to the dev timelines. Infact some stuffs may not even be planned intially when a project is started but as time goes on, they realize the need to create test facilities for each of developed components and parts.
And my part about the wind tunnel is only an example to give you glimpse of what is going on that is only the major and vital part, yet those are not the first wind tunnel in Turkey neither. Just like you have given an example with a very niche test about Tejas Naval, i have made one about those, should i mention every bit of the testing facility they have deployed in last 2 years for Hurjet trianer and combat versions?.

Fighter is TF-X, Hurjet-C is at best is a light combat aircraft, just like KA-50. And the official timeline exactly says "2025 for delivery of trainer, 2027 for combat variant" and this is a doable time plan. Assuming project has commenced in 2018, it is 7 years for trainer, 9 years for combat version, which seems sufficient.


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Let me be more eloborate

1. The F-18 growler Next gen jammer uses GaN also the F-35 is getting new modules which of course will be the same shit. in terms of radars and changed to GaN prodction and even have some modules available for military radars like aircrafts

Now having 360 degree radar coverage isnt that bad and all since its argued that the Su-57 current version has 240 degrees and one of the officiials of KRET stated the himalayas has active detection making it 360 degree coverage The F-22A was not possible for a 240 degree radar design because it was too expensive and I am assuming the Sukhoi LTS went 360 degree infrared with the F-35 because its cheaper. The Su-57 new avionics upgrade is a different story for 2022-2024 page 63 those 3 aircrafts received new EW modules and systems after 2014. Than they are pushing on this for radar coverage.


to save everyone the headaches of what this is about here, the Current F-35 and Su-57 have old radars with replacement plans for them so 360 degree GaN isnt going to be all that exclusive just for the TAI TFX when it seems that both countries wont have a problem making something equal or in Russias case better, and not to be a dick but I see those replacements happening before the TAI-TFX is officially an operational aircraft.

2. They are some condescending moderators at secretprojects in their TAI-TFX thread but not too long ago they were deciding who is going to export them the engines. But the performance of three stream cycle engines will be better than turbofan engines that they already had in the past. and https://webcache.googleusercontent....s/2021/5/18/228542/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us they will create turbofan engines but supercruise and range performances with fuel efficency goes to aircrafts with 3 stream cycle engines. For bonus purposes they can go for detonation engines. https://www.aerospacetestinginterna...est-success-with-pulse-detonation-engine.html

3. Su-57 already had DIRCM dont know if its part of their avionics package upgrade for better DIRCM, F-35 has proposed Thndr DIRCM but MSDM uses 1 meter size missiles for self defense nothing of that missile size caliber on the TFX but proposed on the pantsir systems being quadpacked of same size but no propositions on their aircrafts. Su-57 has internal hypersonic air to ground missiles Larva-MD but nothing on the F-35 side. but where Turkey stands in missiles other than the SOM series being domestic there is nothing much heard.


When something is entirely a different generation or one generation up it has to have a significant advantage over an aircraft that has a lower generation. stealth aircrafts beat regular fighter aircrafts because of RCS differences where stealth can engage at BVR distances and regular aircrafts short distances, however a near hypersonic near orbit aircraft should be considered a different generation aircraft in my opinions because the air to air missiles going up altitudes will burn alot of fuel..... and the only way to target such high altitude aircrafts is to ascend into the air and not descend. At best from my personal opinion the NGAD, whatever F-35 block,TFX. Su-57 variant or F-22s if getting upgraded or not will only fall in 5th gen, 5th gen +, 5th gen ++ category rating. GaAS and regular turbo engines are 5th gen, GaN and 3 stream cycle engines are 5th gen+, DIRCM is 5th gen + or self defense 1 meter minauture missiles might be 5th gen ++, using regular flares and shafts is just 5th gen, photonic radars, microwave guns, 700km range missiles using several air to air missiles in one like the MRK DP project or near hypersonic flight would be considered 6th gen because of the huge technological leap it has over conventional radars, engines, weapons, etc.


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I would be genuinely happy if Turkey can produce an "fighter" variant in 4 years and not an trainer. Then it means something to learn from Turkey to all world nations including India, US, Russia, China on how to design a design, prototype, test and induct an "fighter" in 4 years.

My comment was I said I believe Turkey could induct an trainer variant in 4 years. Since Mr. Glass has talked, it is right.

Turkey has been heavily involved during the F-35 project. Long before that, Turkey has a good track record of overhauling and maintaining a sizeable F-16 fleet. That all counts for something.

Don't mention India in the same sentence with the likes of Russia, US and China. These are nations that have a mature defence and aviation industry. India mostly buys off the shelf stuff and is involved in joint ventures. Projects such as Tejas that are supposedly domestic are hardly successful.

I would give Turkey a much higher chance of success as opposed to nations that claim self sufficiency, but are rather predominantly off the shelf buyers. Turkey would be able to produce a much better fighter during first attempt.


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Alongside Russia and U.S. dont get me wrong Turkey is on my top 5 military country list, because I have noticed they have done anechoic radar chamber constructions which of course is used to create stealth aircrafts, production facilities for drones and domestic EW and air defense systems being created despite purchases of S-400, Altay tanks, etc.


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There are some very valuable informations in this thread but seriously the toxicity in some posts really hurt my eyes. Can we lay off toxicity please?


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Turkey has always been the ally reluctantly accepted. So it's true as @TheInsider says we had to invest and keep it under the radar. US hitting Muavenet with SSM in the 90's during training exercise is the best example of this. The ship was handed to TN without proper cleanup so they needed to damage it.

Looking at how the West is slow to react to any threat against muslim minorities is the best example of how they think and who they perceive as enemies.

So Aselsan started with communication in the late 60's and 70's (especially after the Cyprus issue). Our Indian friends should very well know just looking at the S400 deal of how double standards is religion for Western alliance. So I suggest you do as @Nilgiri said and see how it goes, take it as an adventure.


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I think we shouldn't turn this thread India vs Turkey. Both country tryto develop an defence industry and both Getting some assitance till being fully independent.


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Let me be more eloborate

1. The F-18 growler Next gen jammer uses GaN also the F-35 is getting new modules which of course will be the same shit. in terms of radars and changed to GaN prodction and even have some modules available for military radars like aircrafts

View attachment 37674 Now having 360 degree radar coverage isnt that bad and all since its argued that the Su-57 current version has 240 degrees and one of the officiials of KRET stated the himalayas has active detection making it 360 degree coverage The F-22A was not possible for a 240 degree radar design because it was too expensive and I am assuming the Sukhoi LTS went 360 degree infrared with the F-35 because its cheaper. The Su-57 new avionics upgrade is a different story for 2022-2024 page 63 those 3 aircrafts received new EW modules and systems after 2014. Than they are pushing on this for radar coverage.

View attachment 37675

to save everyone the headaches of what this is about here, the Current F-35 and Su-57 have old radars with replacement plans for them so 360 degree GaN isnt going to be all that exclusive just for the TAI TFX when it seems that both countries wont have a problem making something equal or in Russias case better, and not to be a dick but I see those replacements happening before the TAI-TFX is officially an operational aircraft.

2. They are some condescending moderators at secretprojects in their TAI-TFX thread but not too long ago they were deciding who is going to export them the engines. But the performance of three stream cycle engines will be better than turbofan engines that they already had in the past. and https://webcache.googleusercontent....s/2021/5/18/228542/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us they will create turbofan engines but supercruise and range performances with fuel efficency goes to aircrafts with 3 stream cycle engines. For bonus purposes they can go for detonation engines. https://www.aerospacetestinginterna...est-success-with-pulse-detonation-engine.html

3. Su-57 already had DIRCM dont know if its part of their avionics package upgrade for better DIRCM, F-35 has proposed Thndr DIRCM but MSDM uses 1 meter size missiles for self defense nothing of that missile size caliber on the TFX but proposed on the pantsir systems being quadpacked of same size but no propositions on their aircrafts. Su-57 has internal hypersonic air to ground missiles Larva-MD but nothing on the F-35 side. but where Turkey stands in missiles other than the SOM series being domestic there is nothing much heard.


When something is entirely a different generation or one generation up it has to have a significant advantage over an aircraft that has a lower generation. stealth aircrafts beat regular fighter aircrafts because of RCS differences where stealth can engage at BVR distances and regular aircrafts short distances, however a near hypersonic near orbit aircraft should be considered a different generation aircraft in my opinions because the air to air missiles going up altitudes will burn alot of fuel..... and the only way to target such high altitude aircrafts is to ascend into the air and not descend. At best from my personal opinion the NGAD, whatever F-35 block,TFX. Su-57 variant or F-22s if getting upgraded or not will only fall in 5th gen, 5th gen +, 5th gen ++ category rating. GaAS and regular turbo engines are 5th gen, GaN and 3 stream cycle engines are 5th gen+, DIRCM is 5th gen + or self defense 1 meter minauture missiles might be 5th gen ++, using regular flares and shafts is just 5th gen, photonic radars, microwave guns, 700km range missiles using several air to air missiles in one like the MRK DP project or near hypersonic flight would be considered 6th gen because of the huge technological leap it has over conventional radars, engines, weapons, etc.

The ultimate goal of TfX is to develop an aircraft that can achieve the operational capabilities defined for 5+ and even 6th generation aircrafts. Artificial intelligence based deep learning systems and neuron networks, augmented reality, pilot-aircraft vocal interaction are also a defined capability for 5+ or 6th generation aircrafts and Tf-X will have all of these.

In the engineering simulator developed for Hürjet, the tests of artificial intelligence based deep learning system continue. It was said that over 500,000 hours of flights were conducted. Studies and flight scenarios continue in constant interaction with Turkish pilots and the system has reached a level of maturity. Currently, Hürjet's artificial intelligence has learned autonomous flight and can command the aircraft by calculating better than an experienced pilot.

It was also said that Hürjet will act as a test-bed and later more advanced and matured artificial intelligence will be integrated to TFX. Due to flight safety regulations, certification is not given for these systems at the moment. When this certification system is matured in the international level, these flights will take place out of simulators so Turkish fixed wing fighter drones will be the first users of these systems.

According to the some information given by TAI CEO, TFX will have the capabilities to land and take off on a runway on its own, almost like a drone. In a real threat environment, the AI based matured deep learning system will act as the second pilot and will be in communication with the pilot. It will even be able to take control when necessary and will give continuous feedback to the pilot about how the most effective maneuver, missile selection, measure against the type of threat should be. At the same time, TFX will have features that can manage many drones at the same time.

Human in Hürjet simulator against AI computer of TFX



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How about starting to give thread banns? That jeet has become extremly annoying and his useless claims are piling up.

Turkey isnt India either lol What u failed to do in 40 years we will successfully do in 4 years, thats just the way it is.
At we did in 70's with marut is what you haven't done yet , so dude let's wait till u find another excuse for failure


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Turkey has always been the ally reluctantly accepted. So it's true as @TheInsider says we had to invest and keep it under the radar. US hitting Muavenet with SSM in the 90's during training exercise is the best example of this. The ship was handed to TN without proper cleanup so they needed to damage it.

Looking at how the West is slow to react to any threat against muslim minorities is the best example of how they think and who they perceive as enemies.

So Aselsan started with communication in the late 60's and 70's (especially after the Cyprus issue). Our Indian friends should very well know just looking at the S400 deal of how double standards is religion for Western alliance. So I suggest you do as @Nilgiri said and see how it goes, take it as an adventure.
Agree with what you said
And as I said before, as long as there is a crescent and a star in your flag, as long as islam is still a part of Turkish identity, the West will never accept you guys

That is why Turkey should create its own path and be strong regionally and the best in the region in terms of military as well


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Agree with what you said
And as I said before, as long as there is a crescent and a star in your flag, as long as islam is still a part of Turkish identity, the West will never accept you guys

That is why Turkey should create its own path and be strong regionally and the best in the region in terms of military as well

That is obviously nothing, but the whole truth.


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Dear members this is “TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects “ thread. Please stay on topic. Posts not related to this thread will be deleted.


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I understood very well what you wanted to say and commented within this framework but generally the main reason for such prejudices of foreign members about Turkish aviation projects is their lack of konwledge about Turkey. Contrary to what you think, the Hürjet project started in August 2017 and the project continues very successfully with a delay of approximately 6-8 months. The critical design phase is over and the first prototype is currently in production. Next to the trainer variant of this aircraft, a "combat" variant that will provide close air support will also reveal and these studies are carried out simultaneously. It is probable that these variants will appear with a difference of a few years. Although TAI has all kinds of capabilities in this regard, I do not think that the Air Force will want a Hürjet-based "fighter" because TFX, which is the favorite of the air forces, will have met with the sky in the years Hürjet entered the inventory and will be subjected to extensive tests in order to get inventory approval. Likewise, Baykar and TAI's unmanned aerial superiority and SEAD/DEAD supersonic fighter aircraft will be in the sky in the same years.

Turkey is one of the few countries that can modernize its F16 aircraft to Block-70 standard. The last leg of this modernization, the GaN AESA nose radar prototype, is counting down the days to make test flights on the Akinci drone and this radar will later be integrated into F16 aircraft. Although Hürjet is being developed to be able to land and take off on aircraft carriers, Turkey's ultimate goal is to land and take off supersonic fighter and combat drones on aircraft carriers, and Turkey is currently developing supersonic drones to hunt manned aircrafts, thus planning to add a new dimension to air warfare. Hürjet on the other hand will be used as a 2nd line manned combat aircraft to provide air support to ground units. If the air force really wants a one-seat fighter aircraft, then Hürjet will evolve into this in a short time.

Let me say it how it is. This prejudice from certain members has a basis. It has political reasons. Some wouldn't like to hear it, but that is just the way it is. I won't elaborate much on it.

We know that Turkey is very capable. I don't for a moment doubt that Turkey can produce serious quality.
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Our Indian friends should very well know just looking at the S400 deal of how double standards is religion for Western alliance. So I suggest you do as @Nilgiri said and see how it goes, take it as an adventure.

I think we shouldn't turn this thread India vs Turkey. Both country tryto develop an defence industry and both Getting some assitance till being fully independent.

I was away for a few days (and wont be back fully till after new years)....and seems some replies etc got deleted to put the thread back on track.

I have long agreed with these sentiments....both countries on road of progress of their larger context.

TF-X and AMCA are respectively programs that illustrate ambition vis a vis the pragmatic bases developed so far....but there are many more for both to show this.

So reading too much into it to aggrandize or put-down things (without proper knowledge or understanding especially) is not productive...especially as we just have time + downstream realisation to be final record/proof on it.

It just angers people and more ignorance comes out and it can cascade (though not like some other fora thankfully as mods are attuned to it here). It is kind of typical predictable forum agitation in the end.

Some Turkish members wanted to counter-agitate vs the agitator clearly....and just reverse uno-ed the blah blah assertions with again no actual display of requisite knowledge on the matter.

If they want to be educated on the matter at hand, they can come to the correct thread to do that rather than go into "eye for an eye" format here....past it being off topic.

I acknowledge appreciate the calmer objective basis some also provided to try steer things away from subjective + emotional basis by some Turks I long respect here.

But how do we more objectively establish underlying basis to TF-X program w.r.t Turkey?

Or who is credible to debate it (when they bring in/assert on whole countries) when they are not from Turkey especially?

Read on to find out... what are core numbers that show TF-X has commensurate bedrock (without needing to go into heavy nuanced details)


Turkey is established industrial and growing country of consequence (and this is what finally means something to bedrock to support TF-X etc)

Its modern nationstate founder was aligned to secularism and left great impact downstream.

It is why I had great pleasure to interact with intellectual Turks in Canada.

One (different to my buddy's thesis advisor I already mentioned) was even dept. head in one of my universities for my easy feat.

Just another example, I can mention some more too.

Without that founder's impact (on secular basis, reformed mind and recognising education importance), I would not have nowhere as likely done Turkey would have been far more backward today without Ataturk founding principles.

It is essentially why I give benefit of doubt to Turkey on intellectual+deployed matters in timeframes it sets for itself that others can observe and monitor objectively if they find objectivity something worthy.

This bears a larger basis/impact with TF-X and other such projects in the end (Credibility wise).

For example, Turkey this completed decade increased its granted international patents per year from about 300 (in 2010) to nearly 1000 (in 2020).

India the number ramp over same time was from about 2000/year to 8000/year.

All relevant ratios like population size can be applied....and shown that both are improving well relative to their context (inherited in 2000 - 2010 etc).

Turkey is about twice ahead here in per capita terms to India (i.e India with 16 times more people, should be at about 16000 patents granted abroad per year).

Same can be done w.r.t China and Russia....and a worthy exercise to analyse if one approaches it with good faith intent to learn.

There is a reason India for example does increasingly get mentioned on certain things:
Taiwan admits it recruited engineers and retired submariners from the U.S., Britain, Australia, South Korea, India, Spain, and Canada

This all establishes the baseline credibility for all high-tech strategic projects like TFX.


But on that same basis I find it amusing some non-Turks butting in here to "like" and even add their asserted sustenance to the ignorance displayed toward my country.

Turkish members responding in emotional way I can understand somewhat (and I have zero need to respond to them given they didn't start it and are likely fairly young+impulsive in most instances)

....but others with axe to grind (given the most distasteful things they have spammed elsewhere) have special hypocrisy and lack of credibility (given they are not Turkish or Indian in this bilateral agitation that took place here)...

More so given they selectively use this on India rather than their OWN country first (and focus there)given they are outside the ballpark here (and by MAGNITUDES)

If they are 1/6th of India, surely they would have 1/6th here? Or at least 1/10th? To then somewhat credibly try assert fortitude tiers in the arena?

i.e 8000/10 = 800 patents per year granted abroad....correct?

Are they even at 100 though? Or even 50? Or have to keep going lower than even that? Is that low number increasing or stagnant in well below <50 range?

Is the exercise worth confirming with vetted science output as well?

Forget 5th Gen TF-X like aircraft.....lets go to missiles and space ecosystem (that lower tiers of are much more simpler to reach).

You see even Iran and North Korea having acquired, developed and deployed ballistic missile technology for some time and scale...have also developed space launchers with time. It happens for a reason sustainably in general in the world.

The exception is quite singular and striking.... those that can't get to sounding rocket level from that (very much related to the patent + industrial + intellectual fortitude)

Something they don't introspect in the echo chambers they dwell and fester in....along with other matters of actual note.

So they predictably "cheerlead" when they surface here...something they got addicted to for a number of reasons.

Their selective deranged assertion on who can and cannot be mentioned among actual intellectually + industrially expanding countries means diddly squat in the end.

It is why I treat TF-X seriously just like AMCA....compared to paperweight placeholder stuff from ~30 int. granted patent a year countries (with no infrastructure + funding layout for such projects)...and the dregs that show up blabbing/liking to curry favour and/or (hypocritically and irrationally) put down India's growing capability and credibility.

Sociopathic emotionalism is correlated to this expressed lack of intellectual ability....furthermore connected to how in just short span of few days....even asserted brother Turks got kicked out en masse from their "top class" "very professional" fora.

It is with this new forum here (precipitated by that ejection and set up robustly for actual discussion), we get to actual matters of note w.r.t TF-X.

I am thankful for that as that is best way to shed rational light on misunderstanding stemming from wherever (among those that actually receptive to it).


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I'm afraid you've likely lost most of the readers in all that insinuation, hinting and jogging peoples brains, tenderly though it may have been :)

I know it must have been mentioned in the thread somewhere, but at this stage does it really matter if Turkey has a domestic engine for our jets, or is everything about the design and making it fly with any engine ?

Hürkus is flying, but do we have a any flying around with domestic engine ?

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