The plan is to deliver the first engine to TAI in 2028/2029 to be integrated into the KAAN. Integration and flight tests will probably take at least 2-3 years so the first KAAN with the national engine can be delivered in 2032 if everything goes smoothly. First mechanical integration/fitting tests will be done, after that ground testing activity will continue with ground/taxi runs. Finally, it will fly and will be tested at different altitudes/thrust levels/mach numbers. Prototype KAAN will have 1xF110 and 1xTF-35K. Later another prototype will have 2xTF-35K after the engine passes enough tests.Can Dr Kotil's schedule for the TF35K engine be dismissed as wishful thinking? A few months ago he claimed it would be installed in KAAN in 2028.
With valid prototypes possibly starting to test fly in 2025 (frame 0 was just an exercise in nationalistic bluster IMO), when could testing of the airframe and systems be completed? I imagine that there will be systems not yet fully developed when flight testing starts.
I have no actual knowledge of progress made but I wonder when fully functioning IOC F110 production aircraft will start being delivered. 2030 would be an achievement in my book.
Initial production will all be absorbed by the Turkish air force so I don't see that it matters much if an exportable KAAN is not available for another 10 years.
Any news on the TF10K engine?
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