Somali'nin yeni kabinesinde Adalet Bakanlığı koltuğuna oturan ve Türkiye mezunu olan Abdulkadir Muhammed Nur, "Ülkelerimiz arasındaki ilişkinin ahlaki bir temeli bulunuyor. Türkiye’nin Somali’deki yeri asla siyasi bir yer değil." dedi. - Anadolu Ajansı
edit: Abdulkadir Muhammed Nur became the "Minister of Justice" in Somalia who is studied with a Turkish scholarship. Mr. Nur thanked Turkey and Turkish people, for touching the lives of thousands of foreign students with these Scholarships.
Also in an interview with AA: "There is moral basis for the relationship between our two countries. Turkey's place in Somalia, never a political place," he said. The achievements of Mr. Nur, who has a bright academic background and who knows and feels Turkish culture closely, will have active role in the shaping future of relations between the two brotherly countries.