WTF is kenya off their meds or something ?
WTF is kenya off their meds or something ?
Probably the right thing is to smooth out the coastline and find the normal into the sea.WTF is kenya off their meds or something ?What kind of 'greekified' claim is that ?
The thing you are talking about is why I am quite skeptical about Somalia and all the training and equipment Turkey gives to Mogadishu backed forces. The second these guys see an opportunity they wouldn’t only run away but will abandon the equipment we gave them too... if they don’t sell it on the black market before that. Because that’s just how the way is in Africa.
Discipline, professionalism, organizational skills, loyalty... such things just don’t exist in these lands.
The thing you are talking about is why I am quite skeptical about Somalia and all the training and equipment Turkey gives to Mogadishu backed forces. The second these guys see an opportunity they wouldn’t only run away but will abandon the equipment we gave them too... if they don’t sell it on the black market before that. Because that’s just how the way is in Africa.
Discipline, professionalism, organizational skills, loyalty... such things just don’t exist in these lands.
That is an extremely racist view, brother. Please refrain from such harsh and generalizing statements.
far from truth, somalians are different breed, it was pearl of africa before communists took over, i follow news from time to time and slowly but steadily turkish engagement give some fruits, problem is UAE and their infulence on the parts of Somalia unruled by official goverment. central and south africa on other hand is mess from the beginning of colonial times.Why exactly am I a racist? For saying the truth?
far from truth, somalians are different breed, it was pearl of africa before communists took over, i follow news from time to time and slowly but steadily turkish engagement give some fruits, problem is UAE and their infulence on the parts of Somalia unruled by official goverment. central and south africa on other hand is mess from the beginning of colonial times.
That is an extremely racist view, brother. Please refrain from such harsh and generalizing statements.
Aware of it, past is past, what i see now is systematic approach of Turkey towards Somalia, you just not train their military, you have lot of students in Turkey from Somalia who should shape country social and political landscape in future, it is long long term project not shock and awe activity and hopefully it will be successfull, biggest obstacle is so called somali land were rouge leaders are supported from different regional players.Somalia is a tribal society throughout its history its been split between clans, tribes and sultanates.
Dictatorship of Saad Baare may have brought peace and stability it was also a awful dicatorship. Saad Barre even committed genocide on various Somali tribes just to keep stability.
They lost the Ogaden war well to be honest Somalia nearly won until the Soviets and Cubans come to save the day for Ethiopia. Best example of snatching defeat in the jaws of victory.
Aware of it, past is past, what i see now is systematic approach of Turkey towards Somalia, you just not train their military, you have lot of students in Turkey from which should shape country social and political landscape in future, it is long long term project not shock and awe activity and hopefully it will be successfull, biggest obstacle is so called somali land were rouge leaders are supported from different regional players.