Yes.. already in water.
But how many more years to commission, i personally have seen the progress and the ship is nowhere close to completion yet majority of acceptance tests remain not completed while still there is medium scale steel job, and electronics are not integrated yet.
How many years to gain experience on operating the ship, experience on amphibious operations of such large scale involving TCG Anadolu, at least 2 years with exercises needed here, yet there are another 3-4 years to place attack helicopters on it.
There are things more important than an aircraft carrier built to please a single person and his followers, this is not like i wouldn't want an aircraft carrier but an aircraft carrier is nothing without ships to protect it. Only viable after 2030 -2035 after all major assets have been completed. If we have TF-2000 , TF-100, Milden, i wouldn't object in any way to have an aircraft carrier.
Theoritically all can be done at once but:
Is there sufficient money and manpower, or available capacity and experience in design of such a hull, unless it will procured directly like Anadolu with no know-how gained in design?
It is viable in long term, like milden has been considered from 2010s and realized in 2020s, such a project can be considered after starting construction of first TF-2000,and realized +10 years from then.