Not everyone who doesn't think like you are traitors.....20 years ago, 40 years ago no one accused each other for being traitors.
Nowadays, excusing everyone who doesn't thinks like them are trend in Turkey by some certain people. More over many people who are getting these infos from certain Turkish media.
I'm really not interested discussing in politics. As this polarizing, slandering politics of the government got it's reply from people in the local elections. It's just not working on majority anymore, some minority will be believing but everyday their count decreases.
Polarizing and slandering in politics isn't something new. This has been inherited from politicians of old. I am not sure when it exactly started but it was really prevelant in the late 70, left vs right. Even Menderes vs Inonu was quite polarizing. I recall when I was really young (more than 20 years ago) that I thought that 80% of the Turkish people were traitors because they did not vote for the political party I supported at the time. This was due to the propaganda and ideology that I got exposed to from that particular political party.
I am glad that you see this problem, the problem of low level politics and polarizaton. I hope many will follow suit. The majority needs to see the problem first, in order to fix it. People (politicians and/or journalists) are talking about polarization as a problem, but they are looking at it from one side and only accuse their political opponents of it. But this actually is polarization in and of itself. They are the one's adressing the problem but also directly causing it by being subjective instead of objective, which is quite ironic.
The results of the local elections isn't because of people not responding to slandering and polarizing policies anymore though, it is due to other factors. I mean if slander campaigns were effective in elections than Erdogan would've have never been mayor, prime-minister and president after that. As the biggest figure in politics in the recent years he has and is actually being slandered against the most. He has been and still is being called anti-secular, Ataturk hater, corrupt, dicator, kacak saray/aksaray (implaying corruption) and these are just a few off the top of my head. Since early 2010's these slander campaigns have moved abroad to those countries that desire a policy change in Turkey for one reason or another, so they slander whoever is in charge in order to put pressure on the country with the hopes the people electing someone else or not resist a forceful regime change. CHP, MHP, IP, etc also slander their political opponents like the best of them. What I am saying here is, they are all guilty of this. (Turk siyasetinde ve medyasinda seviye yok. Objektif degil subjektif politika yapiyorlar. Camur at izi kalsin. Buda bizim yumusak karnimiz ve dis mudahaleleri karsi daha gucsuz yapiyor. Ulke cikari degil, parti/ideoloji cikari daha cok onemseniyor. Olanda insanlara oluyor ve insanlar birbirlerine koyun, comar, hain gibi sozler soyluyor, aile ve akrabalar bile politik tartisma yuzunden birbirlerine kusuyor. Medya ise bir olayi cimbizlayip subjektif haber yapiyor, olayin tamamina bakip objektif haber yapmiyorlar. Herseyin arkasindan kotu niyet arayip manipule etmeye calisiyorlar. Gazetecilerin hepsini toplasan gazetecilik meslegini hakkini vererek yapanlari saysan bir elin parmaklarini gecmez (umarim burada agir konusmusturum). Bu sadece Turkiyede degil, tum dunyada boyle maalesef (manufactering consent). Media isn't about informing, but rather manipulating and deceiving its viewer/reader). Insanligi korumak icin bazi gazeteler ve gazeteciler meslekten men olamalari lazim, cunku bunlarin insliga yaptiklari zarar cok vahim. Ama 'dusunce ozgurlugu' nun arkasina saklanarak her turlu yalani ve manipulasyonu yapiyorlar. Siyasetcilerdede aynen oyle, objektifligini koruyamayip subjektiflik ile politika uretip insanlari oy ugurunu manipule eden partileri ve siyasetcileri, siyasetten men edilmesi lazim.
Ben sahsen politik partinin genel politikasina bakarim (policy), bir kisinin bir yalnis cikisi yada bir icraatten dolayi tum partiyi genellestimek adaletsizlik olur. Onun icin bir parti sistematik olarak ne yapiyorsa, onun politikasi odur ve ona gore bu politik parti hakkinda bir karar veya gorus uretmek en adaletli ve mantikli olur. Bunu yapmazsak manipulasyonlarin kurbani oluruz, cunku manipulatorler, genel politikaya degil, neyi cimbizlayip manipulasyon icin kullanabilirler ona bakarlar.
Kusura bakma, bende politika'ya girmek istemiyorum ve yazida girmemeye calistim, ama bu konuda biraz dertliyim.