Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus News & Update


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It is so surprising how easily people in Turkey manipulated by the media. Yes everyone is against you and trying to destroy Turkey, enemies inside and enemies outside, whole world against you. Time to time self-criticism is a bless.

First of all I am not even Akıncı supporter and a real patriot. Whenever some one criticizes or opposes the government in Turkey, they suddenly become, "puppet of west", "brothers of Greeks", "tools of jews" etc.. There are 5-10 extremely anti-turkey Turkish Cypriots who go to South and complain about Turkey who tries to insult Turkey, yet main stream media in Turkey and Government uses them to demonize opposition in North Cyprus or Turkish Cypriots while dividing our People. Greeks are our eternal enemies, how come we are their brothers? Akıncı is not their brother too.. He is protecting our interests against them but also tries to stay sovereign. Yes one of his daughter is married to a Greek, so what. And he didn't insulted Tayfur Sokmen, "he just said I am not the guy who will decide to merge with Turkey like Tayfur Sokmen did in Hatay, things are different here" where is the insult.. He was the first one to condemn Coup in 2016, he is a true democrat and pacifist.

Turkish Cypriots also mostly supports East Med strategy, intervention to Libya, Syria or Iraq. Fight against PKK and other Proxies. What we are not supporting is worsening relations with West or Egypt and Israel which pushed them to our Enemies side! That is completely based on ideological politics. Dictators are everywhere yet you demonize Sisi ( 7 years have passed since mursi), Arabs backstab you every time yet you still keep demonizing only* Israel.. even they are supporting pkk (which is not the only country doing it) there is no gain in having bad relations with them. If someone like Akıncı tells this you stamp him as puppet of greeks or jews.

Turkish Cypriots are also fighting for their future, interests and democracy. Do you know that Turkish Cypriots become minority in their own country. People from Turkey(Not from west mostly east), Syrians, Nigerians, Pakistanis and many more are changing our demographics and lifestyle. Turkey says giving aid, instead of schools they are building empty mosques with that aid. Constantly blackmailing local government to build more mosques open quran courses and giving citizenship to people coming from Turkey. If you try to take someones land and remove them, of course they get pissed off. We feel our culture, our sovereignty and identity are threatened.

When Akıncı elected first thing he said was "We are not baby nation (Yavru vatan) we are a brother nation (kardeş ülke) like Azerbaijan, this baby needs to stand up and grow, stronger TRNC only benefits Turkey" he said. This is what most of the Turkish Cypriots are thinking. After he said this Turkish Government and media started to demonize him, push him, tried to control and contain him.. Then he become more against Turkey.. Even they formed a mob (from mainlanders) and attacked him in front of OUR PARLIMENT, Those mobs also attacked and insulted our parliment.

I suggest everyone to listen before judging. We (Turks) don't need more division within, we need union with respecting our differences.

Yeah so basically most of Turkey's problems can be boiled down to Erdogan and his dipshit foreign policy, gotcha. You will find very little love for him on this forum so thats a plus.


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Yeah sure, what do you want for that? land? (we already gave, do you want more) We were not existed before u saved our asses, yes u are right. Ottoman Empire sold the island to UK, TC did not include it in Misak'ı Milli, UK try to destroy Turkish identity for 100 year, Greeks attack and terrorize.. Turks fought back to give motherland right in this island.. Why would do you think Turkey (after selling, and giving up in Lozan) become guarantor of Cyprus.. Because we fought for that.. Turkey helped us in 1974 yes, we are grateful for that for every day, but Turkish Cypriots fought 15 years before Turkish
Army came to aid... We fought for our sovereignty and expected some respect. We are grateful and thanking Turkey everyway but since 1974 Every Turk from mainland (even Government officials) says we saved you.. we saved you.. we saved you.. you owe us.. you could not existed if we saved you.. you would not survive with out you.. :)) for 46 years... yes you saved your brothers.. Thank you bro :)

We gave you land, rights in east med, military bases, we are good customer of your exports... what do you want more to respect our existence :))

We don't want dependence we want independence!
We DID save you. Just because you are sick of the argument doesnt make it any less true or lessen the true meaning of the sacrifice that all those soldiers.

You are just willing to sell yourself to appease a goverment who has not only sought your extermination but to join Greece aswell. We want the best for TRNC, Akinci does not and cannot provide the best solution by his very nature. They know they can get massive concessions from a Greek lover like him so they milk the shit out of him. That leaked map was the greatest insult to our fallen soldiers.


It is good to see still some free media exists.
Hahhaha!!! "Free media" that requires membership to read its articles. No wonder you had to share it as a picture instead of giving us a link. :LOL:

I checked the titles in its columns. Sounded extremely anti-nationalist/anti-government and it very much has a general "Cumhuriyet" feel to it. I'm glad it's not open access so that the rants of its trash authors don't reach a lot of people.


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A serious analysis about Cyprus ;
I think Tatar will loose this election.
That's the beauty of democracy. If your country is developed enough to not fall for external interference, they'll automatically reject the candidate receiving foreign support.

RTE and AKP doesn't have braincells enough to understand that. He thinks that his open support is going to sway the ummah :D

I fear that RTE vindictiveness is going to hit KKTC hard because he is petty.

14:30 "Tatar asiri pragmatik" :)

23:14 "3 yil boyunca Türkiyeden maddi kaynak almadan idare edebilmistik" In short RTE kept much needed money from KKTC for 3 years.
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2 961
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That's the beauty of democracy. If your country is developed enough to not fall for external interference, they'll automatically reject the candidate receiving foreign support.

RTE and AKP doesn't have braincells enough to understand that. He thinks that his open support is going to sway the ummah :D

I fear that RTE vindictiveness is going to hit KKTC hard because he is petty.

14:30 "Tatar asiri pragmatik" :)

23:14 "3 yil boyunca Türkiyeden maddi kaynak almadan idare edebilmistik" In short RTE kept much needed money from KKTC for 3 years.

And we should believe words of someone supports Akıncı? Same Akıncı constantly play mainland vs cyprus Turk agenda? No thanks.


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Yeah so basically most of Turkey's problems can be boiled down to Erdogan and his dipshit foreign policy, gotcha. You will find very little love for him on this forum so thats a plus.
Sadly the fact is, everyone will join the bandwagon as soon as someone is insulting RTE and the AKP (not regarding his real fcked up decisions made since 2015), but it is some kind of mechanism. You could literally fck someone's mom, insulting everything, approaching everyone aggressively, negate or ignore every argument, selling your word as the Bible by itself, insulting everyone as media manipulated, etc., as long as you add one last sentence (AKP is bad, RTE is an evil traitor) after that, you got freehand, backed by almost every member...
Suddenly irrational shit (like interviews of the 80/90s, when nobody knew that there is gas around Cyprus, or backing a CIA puppet, who is more pro-EU and pro Greece than Greeks themselves) becoming facts and heavy wisdom... Just my opinion, and a cheap tactic of our fellow dude, to gather the mods behind him... Defending his point of view by mentioning our government IS Armenia NK tactics at its finest... ARM is defending the occupation by saying RTE and Turkey are the reason for everything even though it's an internal AZ matter...
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Sadly the fact is, everyone will join the bandwagon as soon as someone is insulting RTE and the AKP, not regarding his real fcked up decisions made, but it is some kind of mechanism.. You could literally fck someones mom, insulting everything, approaching everyone aggressively, negate or ignore every argument, selling your word as the Bible by itself, insulting everyone as mediemaniplulated etc., as long as you add one last sentence (AKP, RTE IS A BTCH, A TRAITOR, THE EVIL) after that, you got free hand, backed by almost every member...
Suddenly irrational shit (like interviews of the 80/90s,when nobody knew that there is gas around Cyprus, or backing a CIA puppet, who is more proEU and proGreece than greeks themselves) becoming facts and heavy wisdom... Just my opinion, and a cheap tactic of our fellow dude, to gather the mods behind him.. Defending his point of view by mentioning our government... Armenia NK tactics at its finest... Defending the occupation by saying RTE and Turkey is the reason for everything even though it's an internal AZ matter...
You sound very frustrated.

But we have to keep reminding each other of the bad decisions taken, and keep warning each other. But we can't get blinded by this either.

You are entitled to your opinion and so are anyone else.

Some realities cannot be denied. Some of us are very vocal and aren't shy of criticizing, but there are also those who chooses not to criticize because they're afraid or just blindly trust in the leadership.

KKTC is luckily in a position to show their dissatisfaction through voting, and if you have watched the interview you will hear that KKTC hasn't received economic support for the past 3 years. A country founded on not producing anything just barely scrapes by. I for one hope KKTC can do something about production, but they're stuck atm.

The fault for all policies implemented are on RTE as well as praises. That is how it works.

But if you know why KKTC didn't receive financial aid for the past 3 years, please do tell.


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You sound very frustrated.

But we have to keep reminding each other of the bad decisions taken, and keep warning each other. But we can't get blinded by this either.

You are entitled to your opinion and so are anyone else.

Some realities cannot be denied. Some of us are very vocal and aren't shy of criticizing, but there are also those who chooses not to criticize because they're afraid or just blindly trust in the leadership.

KKTC is luckily in a position to show their dissatisfaction through voting, and if you have watched the interview you will hear that KKTC hasn't received economic support for the past 3 years. A country founded on not producing anything just barely scrapes by. I for one hope KKTC can do something about production, but they're stuck atm.

The fault for all policies implemented are on RTE as well as praises. That is how it works.

But if you know why KKTC didn't receive financial aid for the past 3 years, please do tell.
Pls.. Not again 😭 so we are listening to Akıncı propaganda, to avoid TR propaganda, and we start to win an argumentation about internal KKTC, by mentioning the TR government using Armenian propaganda tactics... Really? No, that is too easy... Way too cheap.. I am frustrated, that everyone is switching their minds, ignoring facts, because one proGreek dude is saying that the reason... for all the betrayals, greeces involment and suspicious EU backing of akinci... is the TR government, calling everyone mediamanipulated... Wow to that... And to criticize all that is now frustration? Hmmm

And to finish this up...
I don't know why there was less support, I don't know why the TR government should be te reason for the KKTC problems, we had them long before, and I don't know why a random interview is proofing shit..
The only thing I know...
The moment a TR politician gets backed by EU, Greece, our "allies", he is possibly just a traitor and puppet.. Doesn't matter if we are talking about kilicDARMoglu or akinci... And to be clear about the media manipulation.. Libya is craving for Gadaffi, but he was the archenemy of the western media.. Just an example
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Pls.. Not again 😭 so we are listening to Akıncı propaganda, to avoid TR propaganda, and we start to win an argumentation about internal KKTC, by mentioning the TR government using Armenian propaganda tactics... Really? No, that is too easy... Way too cheap.. I am frustrated, that everyone is switching their minds, ignoring facts, because one proGreek dude is saying that the reason... for all the betrayals, greeces involment and suspicious EU backing of akinci... is the TR government, calling everyone mediamanipulated... Wow to that... And to criticize all that is now frustration? Hmmm
Mate you can be like that as much as you want. But at the end of the day it is KKTC's citizens that decides the outcome. That one simple fact cannot be denied.

You are even ignoring that Cypro said he's not an Akinci supporter. And you keep blaming him for propoganda.

I think it's quite unhealthy what you're doing.


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Mate you can be like that as much as you want. But at the end of the day it is KKTC's citizens that decides the outcome. That one simple fact cannot be denied.

You are even ignoring that Cypro said he's not an Akinci supporter. And you keep blaming him for propoganda.

I think it's quite unhealthy what you're doing.
Then what was his point dude??! You were the first one posting videos about Akincis "betrayals", I involved myself to back you, that was my intention, but to see how everyone is talking about the TR government instead of about an EU backed candidate, is just insane!! He switched from pro-Akinci - he engaged on you very harsh - to "Nuhhh Eim noHd prO Akıncı", after there were some hard facts to dismantle his points and criticize his:
(btw nice move, u used the tool, well done, Cypro)

And we don't have to stigmatize everyone with another opinion or point of view as an AKP member, involved in internal governmental matters, you did this to me in PDF and now all that starts again, just because I won't eat everything served, whether it is government media or western/pro-Western media. As long as a TR politician gets backed by the west, he won't serve our national interests, that smth I learned in my life
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2 961
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Mate you can be like that as much as you want. But at the end of the day it is KKTC's citizens that decides the outcome. That one simple fact cannot be denied.

You are even ignoring that Cypro said he's not an Akinci supporter. And you keep blaming him for propoganda.

I think it's quite unhealthy what you're doing.
Wrong North Cyprus belongs to entire Turkish Nation as much Istanbul , Ankara vs... Also its strategic value is absolute(on par with Bosphrous) , it can not allowed to fall other hands.

Also this guy running very cunning agenda and you guys really need to stop falling for it.His most likely neither Turk or Greek.
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20 3,275
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Wrong North Cyprus belongs to entire Turkish Nation as much Istanbul , Ankara vs... Also its strategic value is absolute(on par with Bosphrous) , it can not allowed to fall other hands.

Also this guy running very cunning agenda and you guys need to fucking stop falling for it.His most likely neither Turk or Greek.

The Bold Part of your reply is just wrong. We recognise KKTC as a sovereign nation. So its not like Istanbul or Ankara. You know this. Strategic value is important of course.
The Italic Part of your reply might be right :) I dont know him.


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Than what was his point dude??! You were the first one posting videos about Akincis "betrayals", I involved myself to back you, that was my intention, but to see how everyone is talking about the TR gouvement instead of about a EU backed candidate, is just insane!! He switched from proAkinci - he engaged on you very harsh - to Nuuu Eim noHd prO Akıncı, after there were some hard facts to dismantle his points.. (btw nice move, u used the tool, well done, Cypro)

And we don't have to stigmatize everyone with an other opinion or point of view as a AKP member, involved in internal governmental matters, you did this to me in PDF and now all that starts again, just because I won't eat everything served, whether it is government media, or western/proWestern media.. As long as a TR politician gets backed by the west, he won't serve our national interests, that smth I learned in my life
That was not my intention, I apologize.

I am still under the impression that the president could cut and sell out KKTC once he is elected. I don't trust Akinci, but it doesn't change that KKTC are the ones to pick the president, so if we (Turkey) meddle too much the person we like won't fare well.

I am still against giving any land back to GC and I remember it has been used as a bargain chip in the past too, and that's treason imo. Yes, you are right that the west would only support a politician that would server their interests. Thus that leaves us in a dilemma with regard to who to vote for.


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That was not my intention, I apologize.

I am still under the impression that the president could cut and sell out KKTC once he is elected. I don't trust Akinci, but it doesn't change that KKTC are the ones to pick the president, so if we (Turkey) meddle too much the person we like won't fare well.

I am still against giving any land back to GC and I remember it has been used as a bargain chip in the past too, and that's treason imo. Yes, you are right that the west would only support a politician that would server their interests. Thus that leaves us in a dilemma with regard to who to vote for.
(You don't have to apologize - don't worry)

And that is the reason why I criticize this occurring dynamic - this thread is now only about the TR "mainland government" and that the "mainlanders" interfere in "internal matters" ?! (nobody should ever try to separate TR from KKTC matters) ...

Since when has Cyprus been autonomous, my brother? - could that have been a political/strategic decision? It was certainly not the case that Cyprus had been Turkish for 500 years? -

The only thing I saw here was:

- an aggressive pro-Akinci attitude at the beginning of the topic

- after too much justified criticism and contra-arguments, a change to "anti-Akinci" but at the same time a switch to "pro-western liberalism, he has seen much of the western world and that is making him a reliable source, an 'intellectual' "

- Used the following tactics to divert the subject from any facts about Akinci:

- draw attention to the AKP
- emphasize that KKTC has nothing to do with Islam
- Mention several times that the TR media are controlled by the state and show their own "dubious" pro-Akinci sources are reliable.


We are a nationalistic and critical thinking team (I am grateful for that), I don't want my people to be manipulated by someone here by specifically mentioning certain points over and over again.

First, there were extra-large letters -
then an auto-translated text in Turkish -
and then the "victim card" ... after separating "mainlanders" from "islanders"

I don't want to say he's Greek, Armenian or no idea what ... but he's definitely not honest and a manipulative person ... who plays tactically, with his own agenda...


3 1,807
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That's the beauty of democracy. If your country is developed enough to not fall for external interference, they'll automatically reject the candidate receiving foreign support.

RTE and AKP doesn't have braincells enough to understand that. He thinks that his open support is going to sway the ummah :D

I fear that RTE vindictiveness is going to hit KKTC hard because he is petty.

14:30 "Tatar asiri pragmatik" :)

23:14 "3 yil boyunca Türkiyeden maddi kaynak almadan idare edebilmistik" In short RTE kept much needed money from KKTC for 3 years.

Yes, we already punished by RTE for not being puppet. When Turkey gives "AID" They request some of it to be spend on new mosques, new imam hatips, let's say we need to improve roads, No Cypriot company can get that project, only Companies from Turkey who are close to AKP gets it. Also we have a defence agreement since 1970s where Turkey pays some portion of the defence budget.. For the first time in the history this aid cut by AKP government just because there was a government they did not want.

Another insult is while you use the "aid" as a tool of hegemony and not giving it properly.. You always SAY we are giving their money... "Beslemeler" "bizden beslenenler" "nankörler" bütçenizi biz veriyoruz.. 99% paranızı biz veriyoruz.. Cool story bro.. another fake rhetoric that ruins our relations.. We said we could survive, and survived 3 years without it until Tatar become PM with intervention.. But without fulfilling AKP's requests he couldn't get aid for a long time.

And you know here there are a lot of Turkish Citizens who need healthcare (which is free in TRNC) who needs education etc. Population increased a lot and we need infrastructure here that is why we are partly depended on aid. Also 1980s we had industry, tourism and a recognized State before TRNC, a federal state.. They destroyed it to cripple North Cyprus, intentionally they turned Northern Cyprus to a depended country. It is another sad story that you should research. This things accumulated in years, still some idiots think they conquered this land, and paying all the budget and owning it. Despite it is unrecognized because of wrong political decisions (or intentionally crippling) It is a functioning state with its unique culture and traditions. I wonder what will happen if you do same to Azerbaijanis, annexing Nakhchivan. People like Mehmet Metiner, Emete Gözügüzelli (who is a half Cypriot) and Sefa Karahasan is provoking people, filling them with lies and creating a rift. Without mutual respect we will distance ourselves more which is the real threat waiting us. Not the west is dividing us, Turks are dividing us.

"Yardım yaparsın ama sürekli insanın yüzüne de vurmazsın." It is so weird for us.. and it is not fitting our culture. That's why a lot of Turkish Cypriots are pissed off. It all started when RTE called us "Besleme".. "Yardım etme.. rahat bırak"
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I know it doesn't have anything to do with KKTC, but I thought it's prudent to post it here anyway. I wonder what happened to all those millions if not billions they got.


3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus

I know it doesn't have anything to do with KKTC, but I thought it's prudent to post it here anyway. I wonder what happened to all those millions if not billions they got.

EU is so pissed off with greeks selling citizenship of EU and giving away valuable passports to Russians and Chinese etc. Greek Cyprus used to be money loundering place before joining EU and they are still trying to keep that dirty business, selling EU citizenship for 2 Mil Euro. If you have EU citizenship you can invest wherever you want in the EU, travel and benefit from every right while paying tax as citizen. Get citizenship from GC and live in France. For years EU was on them because of that. Now I guess finally they back off because They need EU to be on their side against Turkey.
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Also 1980s we had industry, tourism and a recognized State before TRNC, a federal state.. They destroyed it to cripple North Cyprus, intentionally they turned Northern Cyprus to a depended country. It is another sad story that you should research.
On February 13, 1975, the Turkish federal state of Cyprus was proclaimed by the Turkish-Cyprus politician Rauf Denktas on 37% of the island area that was controlled by the Turkish army. Such a solution was rejected by the Greek Cypriot side and also by the international community.

(just a hobby, debunking some agenda-efforts)

Stefan Talmon: Collective non-recognition of illegal states. Basics and legal consequences of an internationally coordinated sanction, illustrated using the example of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (= Jus publicum. Volume 154). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2006, pp. 45-48. ~ 170€ p. exemplar

Prof. Dr. Stefan Talmon - Institute for International Law:

Stefan Talmon LL.M. M.A. holds the chair for public law, international law, and European law.
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3 1,807
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Northern Cyprus
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Northern Cyprus
On February 13, 1975, the Turkish federal state of Cyprus was proclaimed by the Turkish-Cyprus politician Rauf Denktas on 37% of the island area that was controlled by the Turkish army. Such a solution was rejected by the Greek Cypriot side and also by the international community.

(just a hobby, debunking some agenda-efforts)

Stefan Talmon: Collective non-recognition of illegal states. Basics and legal consequences of an internationally coordinated sanction, illustrated using the example of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (= Jus publicum. Volume 154). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2006, pp. 45-48

Cool wikipedia copy paste kid.. You know better than people living here or historians. Listen it from people who experienced it. Embargoes placed on after TRNC declared.. KTFD was not isolated. No need to educate you I guess live in your dreamworld


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