Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus News & Update


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Cool wikipedia copy paste kid.. You know better than people living here or historians. Listen it from people who experienced it. Embargoes placed on after TRNC declared.. KTFD was not isolated. No need to educate you I guess live in your dreamworld

oh, of course, you know better than a published, scientific work that was named as a source.. but I am glad that you could google it quickly...
bad propaganda, try harder...


CityPress Ltd. - UK funded ... hmmmm LMFAO, the author also... wow... just wow -

you should share some news from the Cewan portal etc...
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There are those who insist on squeezing the TRNC issue into the RTE-AKP equation. There is a media and non-governmental organizations that have been fed by the EU and Greek Cypriots for years. He worked against the Turks and Turkey. We can see its fruits here as well. A community deceived, intimidated, helpless and in need of foreign aid, who could not answer the questions asked from above, was deceived that the Greek part was developed. So much so that if Akıncı fails to win on Sunday, they will almost grieve with the Greeks. Do not look at these people and defend the nonsense about the TRNC such as "they don't love us, we feed them". TRNC is an independent state and was founded by a people's war. It is not a state planned by great powers such as Armenia, and projected. In summary, I recommend you to follow Emete Gözügüzelli and Cemal Aslan on Twitter about TRNC. My heart is in favor of Ersin Tatar winning, if not, the TRNC will count for another 5 years.


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Cool wikipedia copy paste kid.. You know better than people living here or historians. Listen it from people who experienced it. Embargoes placed on after TRNC declared.. KTFD was not isolated. No need to educate you I guess live in your dreamworld


Lol, Rauf Denktas was a lawyer, so how come he didn't fork up the money for that Lawyer. There must have been a deeper reason.

We've made a lot of those mistakes in the past. But it won't do any good to cry over spilled milk. That's why it's better to have an established autocrat beaucracy that reacts to stuff like this, than have politicians do the work.


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There is a fact we passed away. Such as the secular people of the TRNC is certainly an important sector of the population in Turkey. It is not right to interfere with people's lifestyle and it creates a dislike in them. investments should be made in areas where you want the TRNC from Turkey should be a priority subject in school infrastructure in areas such as hospital industry. In addition, education should be given importance. For example, METU opened a university and R&D center there. Such steps should be accelerated. Scientific and technological studies of young people should be supported, financial support should be provided to start-ups, TRNC should be made a tourism paradise, and after the discovery of natural gas, projects that will support the TRNC people should be initiated.


3 1,807
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I know he is a bit anti-AKP but he knows and summarized whole thing very well.

İSMAİL SAYMAZ - Kıbrıs’ın 31 Mart’ı

Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nde (KKTC) önceki günkü cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimi, Ankara'nın açıkça destek verdiği Başbakan Ersin Tatar'ın galibiyetiyle sonuçlandı.

AK Parti'nin, federasyonu savunduğu için adını bile anmak istemediği Cumhurbaşkanı Mustafa Akıncı ise kıl payı farkla ikinci oldu. Tatar yüzde 32.3, Akıncı ise yüzde 29.8 oy aldı. Adaylardan hiçbiri yüzde 50'yi geçemediği için 18 Ekim'de ikinci tur yapılacak. Sandık sonuçları Akıncı'nın yeniden seçileceğini gösteriyor.

Yüzde 21.7 ile üçüncü olan eski Başbakan Tufan Erhürman'ın Cumhuriyetçi Türk Partisi büyük ihtimalle Akıncı'yı destekleyecek. Yalnızca CTP'liler değil… Ankara'nın seçimlere müdahale ettiğine inanan kim varsa… Çünkü 31 Mart 2019'daki yerel seçimi andıran bir kampanya, bugünlerde Kıbrıs'ta tekrar ediliyor.

AK Parti, adada bağımsız devlet olarak var olmayı savunan ve Ankara ile uyumlu bir siyaset izleyen Tatar'ın kazanması için, Türkiye-KKTC ilişkilerinde bu güne kadar pek tanık olunmayan bir tutum takındı.

Örneğin… Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Yardımcısı Fuat Oktay'ın Danışmanı Ali Genç ile 20 kişilik ekibinin Tatar'ın kampanyası için bir aydır adada çalıştığı ileri sürüldü. Tatar ve Genç'in geç saatlerde otelde buluştuğuna ilişkin fotoğraflar yayınlandı.

Bitmedi. MARAŞ'IN AÇILIŞI Tatar, seçimden beş gün önce Ankara'ya çağrıldı. Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Tatar'ın yaptığı ortak açıklamada 1974 yılından bu yana Türk tarafının müzakere maddesi olarak gördüğü Maraş'ın sahilinin ziyarete açılacağı açıklandı. Mersin'den Kıbrıs'a su taşıyan hattın dokuz ay sonra onarıldığı ilan edildi.

Bu iki hamle Kıbrıs'ta seçim rüşveti olarak görüldü. Tatar'ın koalisyon ortağı olan ve cumhurbaşkanı adayları arasında bulunan Dışişleri Bakanı Kudret Özersay istifa etti. Özersay'ın lideri olduğu Halkın Partisi koalisyondan çekilince hükümet düştü. Tatar'ı, Maraş'ın açılışını kendisinden saklamakla suçlayan Özersay, “Avantaj elde etmek için devleti yok saymıştır” dedi. Hal böyle olunca… Maraş'ın açılışına diğer adaylar katılmadı. KKTC'nin ulusal önderi Rauf Denktaş'ın oğlu Serdar Denktaş dahil…

YOKSULLUK YARDIMI Cumhurbaşkanı adayı olan Serdar Denktaş, 9 Ekim'den itibaren yoksulluk yardımı yapılacağını, oy satın alındığını ve seçime “görülmemiş bir müdahalenin olduğunu” iddia etti.

Denktaş, Kıbrıslıların oy tercihlerine göre Türkiye'yi sevenler ve sevmeyenler diye ayrıştırıldığını iddia ederek, şöyle dedi: “Cumhurbaşkanı (Rauf) Denktaş'ı Türkiye'den, ‘Git vatanında konuş' diye gönderen zihniyet, beni neredeyse vatan haini ilan edecek.”

Tatar'a gelince… Başbakan, söylenenleri umursamadı. Türkiye'nin desteğinden ve Maraş'ı ziyarete açmaktan memnundu. Hatta seçim yasaklarını Türkiye'de katıldığı televizyon programlarıyla deldi. O kadar ki KKTC'nin YSK'sı, su hattı açılışını canlı yayınlayan devlet televizyonunu uyarmak zorunda kaldı. Böyle bir kampanya sonunda Tatar, ada tarihinin en düşük katılımlı seçiminden birinci çıktı. Sol muhalefeti oluşturan Akıncı ve Erhürman'ın toplam oyu yüzde 52'yi buluyor. Diğer adaylardan Kudret Özersay ve Serdar Denktaş'ın seçmenleri Akıncı'yı, Türkiye göçmenlerinin oy verdiği Erhan Arıklı'nın tabanı Tatar'ı destekleyebilir. Yapılacak erken seçimde Tatar, başbakanlık koltuğundan da olabilir.

KKTC'Yİ RUMLARA İTMEK Türk dış politikasının yıllardır savunageldiği “KKTC egemen bir devlettir” argümanı AK Parti tarafından çürütülüyor. Adalıların iradesine yönelik müdahale, gelecekte müzakere masasında KKTC'nin elini zayıflatmaktan, Rumların tezini güçlendirmekten başka bir sonuç vermeyecek. Üstelik AK Parti, Tatar'ı desteklemekle yetinmiyor, ana muhalefeti düşmanlaştırıyor.

1974'te Rumlara karşı savaşırken vurulan Akıncı ve ailesi hain ilan ediliyor. İstanbul'da Ekrem İmamoğlu'na ne yapıldıysa, Kıbrıs'ta Akıncı'ya aynısı yapılıyor. Bu yaklaşım, ciddi bir kısmı Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti vatandaşlığı almış olan Kıbrıslı Türkleri, Rumların kucağına itiyor.

Halbuki Libya'daki Sarrac hükümeti hariç Akdeniz'de dostu kalmayan Ankara'nın KKTC'yi karşısına alacak hamlelerden uzak durması gerekir.

Kıbrıslıların iradesine her şeyden önce bizler, KKTC'nin egemenliğinin garantörü olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti saygı göstermelidir. AK Parti, içinden kendisinin çıkmadığı seçim sandığını milli irade saymama huyundan vazgeçmelidir.

Unutmayalım: 31 Mart'ta iradesi yok sayılan İstanbullular… 23 Haziran'da tekrarı yapılan seçimlerde demokrasi dersi vermişti. Bu da Kıbrıs'ın 31 Mart'ıdır.



3 1,807
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Both in TRNC and TR, insulting or threatening a foreign state leader is a serious crime. If that guy would be here, he will be beaten to death by the TRNC police. Most ignorant people are unaware that it is a crime and jump in provocation by the media. In TRNC, we don't have proper laws for personal insult, most things are regarded as freedom of speech but insulting head of the state is a serious crime.

Suddenly Turkish Government and media controlled by them stopped news about TRNC, and started repairing relations.. May be they noticed their candidate is not going to win.




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Both in TRNC and TR, insulting or threatening a foreign state leader is a serious crime. If that guy would be here, he will be beaten to death by the TRNC police. Most ignorant people are unaware that it is a crime and jump in provocation by the media. In TRNC, we don't have proper laws for personal insult, most things are regarded as freedom of speech but insulting head of the state is a serious crime.

Suddenly Turkish Government and media controlled by them stopped news about TRNC, and started repairing relations.. May be they noticed their candidate is not going to win.



He was most likely reported to be arrested.


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😂 Mate we have concrete bunkers in both sides of the border since 1974, I spent 1 year in one of those bunkers while guarding the border. This lady is full of lies just like Ahaber.. People laugh her in TRNC.
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That makes perfectly sense, if they are old. But didn't they build new bunkers ?


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Not everyone who doesn't think like you are traitors.....20 years ago, 40 years ago no one accused each other for being traitors.

Nowadays, excusing everyone who doesn't thinks like them are trend in Turkey by some certain people. More over many people who are getting these infos from certain Turkish media.

I'm really not interested discussing in politics. As this polarizing, slandering politics of the government got it's reply from people in the local elections. It's just not working on majority anymore, some minority will be believing but everyday their count decreases.

He also insulted Tayfur Sokmen who is a national hero in Turkey the man who allowed Hatay to become part of Turkey as he worked with Ataturk. Before Ataturk passed away he liberated Hatay alongside Tayfur Sokmen. Akinci felt the need to insult him.

Akinci is a big time traitor forget his beef with Tayyip when he constantly insults Turkey like our operations in Syria and Libya and also how he sold his daughter to a Greek man.

He works against Turkish interests so would be good if Turkiye slaps him and reminds him without us he would be a slave to the greeks.
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3 1,807
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That makes perfectly sense, if they are old. But didn't they build new bunkers ?

We have very old bunkers too, in order to make changes both sides require permission from the UN, time to time bunkers need repairs. We have sand bags etc. after sometime they got holes and spill out. As far as I know they did not build anything new. Both sides recently build new border gates...

Think like this, building bunkers and border gates only legitimizes the border which they don't recognize.. On the other hand, aren't they buying new weapons? YES they are arming up but that is irrelevant to whole thing.. It is peace talks, a political chess which is on place for 46 years.. They are buying new weapons from Israel, and TSK bring some Leo2s as a response. This is not a new thing or related to Akıncı etc. People like emete are re-serving the things that are always been here as a new thing.. Giving Land (First offered by Denktash), nationalist greeks coming to borders, peace talks, bunkers... funny and dumb propaganda that only worsens TRNC & TR relations and creates unnecessary hatred



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I mean if the President of KKTC is doing peace talks. Who is going to monitor him and the maps/deals he may make ?
Remember this?, she removed the map. These trolls (paid by AKP) caused distress even among nationalists here because they are constantly producing lies to demonize Akıncı/opposition while harming relation between Turkey and Turkish Cypriots. Polarization through deception, lies and false perception caused a lot outrage against Turkish Government by most of the Turkish Cypriots, on the other hand this promoted hatred against those people who supports Akıncı by the others and Turks in Turkey. People jump in those lies and get provoked. Constant lies by Trolls and Media which is extremely heartbreaking. I neither support Tatar nor Akıncı but I am disgusted with the things done in order to promote Tatar.

This is the guy who created the map based on Greek claims (which are unacceptable) back in 2013 (Greeks make exaggerated requests to sabotage peace talks / discourage Turkish Cypriots to protect statues quo) Ata Atun is a former advisor to previous President Derviş Eroğlu (who is extreme nationalist from UBP, Tatar's party) Even the nationalists feel disturbed by the amount of lies by the trolls. We have never offered a map to Greeks. They are making some claims and only maps that exist are from Annan Plan.

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The Greek side supports Akıncı. Why is that?
The Greeks have their own armies as the majority of the population and they want the Turkish soldiers to leave the island and the TRNC to join them. Why is that?
While in Greece the Greeks close relations with the major powers do not want to be on the island, while Turkey's invitation to Cyprus. Why is that?
The Greeks do not want Maraş to be opened and want it to be handed over to them. Why is that?
The Greek Cypriot economy collapsed and the ATM is in a 100 euro queue, and while it is a country that cannot produce anything, it can deceive the Turkish Cypriots. Why is that?
The Turkish Cypriots do not mind that the land taken with blood is given to the Greek part for free. Why is that?
Akıncı has invested his political career on the Greek horse. Why is that?
Akıncı is selling the TRNC for his own interests. Why is that?

The TRNC may not be established again, the Turkish Cypriots may not be saved again. The Turkish army may not come again.


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