I see, 1xMAM-T on inner pylon, 2xMAM-L on second pylon, 2 empty outer pylonsAm I seeing A2A missiles what the hell?
There is no point without AESA integration.I see, 1xMAM-T on inner pylon, 2xMAM-L on second pylon, 2 empty outer pylons
But, we should see A2A missiles soon.
Why ? .. wvr missiles could be used without radar ... They need only a EO sensorThere is no point without AESA integration.
It's possible but unlikely, radar gives so much more effectiveness.Why ? .. wvr missiles could be used without radar ... They need only a EO sensor
But it increases the costs of the platform massivelyIt's possible but unlikely, radar gives so much more effectiveness.
You can also use BVR missiles and get the target info from AWACS, but again there are many strings and limitations attached.
The extra power of 2x750hp is likely needed for powering the radar and additional systems like jammers etc. Therefor I expect
Version A: for classic air to ground mission (like TB2 but bigger)
Version B: for advanced sensors including A2A missions
Rather looks like tandem 2 x MAM-C on the outer pylons.MAM-T is obvious. But the others are highly possible A2A missiles such as Bozdogan.
WoW it was horrifying even for me. I can't imagine the enemy's feelings against this machine. Just wowImpressive capabilities. Think about it as more than 50 long range swarm kamikaze drones have image stabilization, autonomous object tracking, moving object detection, swarm autonomous target trasfer, GPS denied day/night visual navigation.
Turkey's kamikaze drone projects are the reminder of nightmare for the enemy. In its last statement, STM manager also mentioned the existence of long-range kamikaze drone projects and longer range variants of existing drones. There is currently no known effective defense capability against this technology.
Atmaca wasnt develop to be launched from air platforms .. som c2 missile will have this capabilityAt what point turkey will be able to use atmaca anti ship missile on a drone ?
Aksungur is unlikely to be able to do since it's max payload is <750kg and the missile is 750kg ,while Akinci payload is 1500kg so it's possible to mount 2 missiles
At what point turkey will be able to use atmaca anti ship missile on a drone ?
Aksungur is unlikely to be able to do since it's max payload is <750kg and the missile is 750kg ,while Akinci payload is 1500kg so it's possible to mount 2 missiles
They try to sabotage or destroy our relation with Russia. Thats the reason of Western TB2 hype.I’m really bored from ever growing Bayraktar TB-2 success analyses in abroad.
Here another from Jerusalem Post.
What is OMGSF?OMGSF will be a more suitable missile for this type of mission.
Orta menzilli gemi savar füzesi = mid range anti ship missileWhat is OMGSF?