A fixed wing traditional aircraft trying to land, fail and trying to take off after a touch and go on a carrier with skijump would be a first in history if they did that. I really wish they won't try that. There really isn't any place on Anadolu for a touch and go.
Üstadım, in addition to that: another thing that makes me think is safety net. TB-3 contact with the runway could be at very low speeds and a safety net on the part of the line that is not to be run could really come in handy. But a jet with a turbofan and a landing weight of at least 4 tons will probably touch down around 100knot minimum. It will have to run a longer line and if it cannot stop, it will contact the safety net at very high speed.
And of course, the fact that the safety net will be opened at each landing and that these aircraft will use all or almost all of the runway for each landing and take-off will be factors that will limit the runway preparation time and therefore the hour / sortie capacity.