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It would be really cool if KE can be operated from highways with a small logistical footprint like Gripen. Could be an attractive option for BAF. Countries that doesn't have adequate BMD to protect its airbases could then capitalize on this.

One thing I envisioned with KE within a context like ours, apart from it's own BVR capability it could an effective force multiplier for Integrated air and missile defense.

BD army is procuring HISAR O, but one major concern when deploying these systems is the longer its radars stay on, the more vulnerable they become to enemy ISR and targeting.

But with KE patrolling above, if it is networked with ground based IAMD, then air defence batteries could remain passive most of the time relying on stealthy KE to scan for threats form above. Once threats are detected by KE and the information is passed on to AD batteries through data links, they can rapidly switch on their radars and engage the threats, then go dark again within minutes.

Also, given there is always less AD systems compared to the numbers of assets they need to defend, if KE can detect threats from far way, you will get extra reaction time compared to ground based short range detection. Which then can be leveraged to reposition highly mobile AD batteries like HISAR A and Korkut to threats' estimated flight path to Intercept them. Ukranaians did have success in this way against Russian kamikaze drones.

Hence, if KE can be operated from runways like Gripen, then many friendly countries could have entire system of quite effective sustainable defensive counterair capability without the need to invest billions in traditional 4th gen aircrafts like Eurfighter or Rafale and the fixed airbases needed to accommodate them as well as highly expensive BMB capabilities to defend those aircrafts on the grounds.

For example, BD it could barely afford 1x squadron of Eurfighter for approximately $3 billions. And then of course both of our neighbors has hghly capable ballistic missiles. Those precious and highly expensive aircrafts can be destroyed on the ground before it could even get into the fight. So, you either need a patriot or SAMP/T battery for $500-1000 millions. So, we could end up spending $3.5 billions for 1x squadron of 4.5th gen fighters and 1x battery of BMB capable SAM. Yet not nearly enough to have sufficient deterrence.

Instead let's imagine, 4x batteries of SIPER block II (for $300-350 millions each) 32x KE/2x squadron (for $50 millions each) 5-6x batteries of HISAR O for ($80-100 millions each) all networked together could very well hold its ground against a force capable as Indian air force. And this all can be done for the same amount of $3.5 billions.
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Is there an empty space for pilot seat and canopy?

Why didn't the first prototype have this cover?


Can you notice the difference?

İt seems to me interesting that cover flap is in the special place where pilotseat and cockpit are supposed to be.

Let's keep dreaming manned micro stealth fighter.

Bir taşla iki kuş. Savaş uçağı yapma maliyeti bedavaya gelecek.

İlk prototipte bu kapak gibi şey yok.
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View attachment 69725

Is there an empty space for pilot seat and canopy?

İt seems to me interesting that cover flap is in the special place where pilotseat and cockpit are supposed to be.

Let's keep dreaming manned micro stealth fighter.

Bir taşla iki kuş. Savaş uçağı yapma maliyeti bedavaya gelecek.

Not nearly enough space. It's likely for SATCOM and other comm antennas.

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