TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series


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The former engineering director of Tusaş's UAV department shared an article on Linkedin when he saw the "Oklavalı" Security Experts on TV. I saw this thanks to Delku from Defenceturk.I used translate directly btw.So translation might be a little weird.

Last night (April 18, 2023) in a panel discussion on the cnn channel I saw a person who gave himself title of "security policy specialist" talking about history of unmanned aerial vehicle and Baykar.The comments were heated but not very true.Due to overdose I didn't watch the whole show because I couldn't stand it.But I know to inform the public as a duty as someone who has worked in this field for 30 years.

First of all, in yesterday's program, Baykar A.Ş. It was mentioned that the company did not receive any government support. These are the visible and invisible state supports given to the company are as follows.

1) With the presidential decree issued on September 4, 2019 ,105 million dollars were donated for establishing a drone facility for this company and tax exemptions applied. It should also be emphasized that there was an idle production capacity in Tusaş at this date.

2) There is an important detail that should not be overlooked in this decree.It was necessary to go out to tender for Akıncı and Fighter UAVs project (which take part in the UAV roadmap that ssm had Tusaş prepared in 2010) .But instead, it has been accepted that the tender will be given to this firm.

3) As a matter of fact , general manager of Tusaş (who was appointed in 2016 and was known for his closeness to the government) shortly after takin office gave a warrant to the board of directors not to participate in the Akıncı project as TUSAS and forced a decision in this way.

4) It would not be appropriate to enter the details of the UAV features in the specifications here due to confidentiality.
However, more than 10 of the 15 technical features expected from Akıncı UAV are tusaş with the Anka project.
are acquired and field-tested features. In contrast, the Akıncı project is one of these features.
Developing the TB2 UAV, which has only 3 of them, Baykar A.Ş. company, TUSAŞ senior management
with their contributions (!) without a tender. Anka infrastructure developed with state resources was ignored,
for the redevelopment of this infrastructure, Baykar A.Ş. The state may also incur losses by transferring funds to the firm has been beaten. An important detail, the scope of the Anka project is also very important in Türkiye and its surroundings via satellite.The infrastructure established in one of our bases to control a large number of UAVs is also in Akinci due to its incompatibility.became unusable and the damage inflicted was further multiplied by establishing a duplicate center.

5) “From above” in some of the tenders that TUSAS has entered abroad and have a high probability of winning.
Bids were withdrawn with the instructions received, and Baykar A.Ş. It paved the way for him to bid here with a tb2 product with less capacity than Anka. Unfortunately, some of these tenders were also lost.

6) Due to the decision of the general manager of tusaş not to enter the raider project,About 70 tusas engineer with an average of 6-7 years of experience in the Anka project, who cannot see and are demoralized engineer left the company within 2 years after the decision was taken, a significant part of them He went abroad to work. Unfortunately, it is very easy to compensate for this value of approximately 500 man-years does not appear.

7) tusaş developed on the Anka infrastructure with its own resources without any support from the state.
Although Aksungur iha slows down this brain drain to some extent,due to the negative effects of mobbing on level managers,has accelerated.

8) Regarding the negative discrimination applied to TUSAS as of 2022, "the ball of the scale is a bit too
exporting by thinking that "he escaped" and refraining from the news about this.In this regard, tusaş's way was partially opened, and foreign sales of Anka and Aksungur were started.However, it is unfortunately not possible to reverse the results of the wrong policies in the past.

9) Initially, positive discrimination was made in the domestic sales of Baykar A.Ş.'s tb2 product.Facilitation was provided for additional sales and acceptance tests point out some shortcomings about the product .Hearings that pressure was put on the personnel who brought him, and even a change of duty was made has been.

10) many flying tb2s in the field have accumulated flight hours faster than Anka, as a result It has reached operational maturity and gained success by eliminating its mistakes and deficiencies.

11) Due to this operational success in the country, Baykar A.Ş. company's tb2 product, many countries It has attracted the attention of its customers, and with the successes achieved in fields such as Libya, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, it is also ahead of its exports has been opened. At this stage, positive discrimination in foreign relations and financing shown to the company Although it certainly has some effect on exports, the product has proven itself with its successes.

12) Both Tusaş and Baykar A.Ş. and vestel inc. with companies that develop drones, such as
many subsystems, especially aselsan, rocketsan, sage and havelsan, which provide subsystems to them.
There is an ecosystem of defense industry companies. our “defense policy expert” and
a trend that will turn this ecosystem back after the election, as some other touts have said.
it's not possible. With a good planning, the future of our country in this and other matters is very bright.
and it is a necessity in terms of the region we are in. However, the positive exemplified above
discrimination should not be expected to be applied in the same way after the election. the subject of this so-called
this is exactly why it was escalated and agitated with experts and some other commentators; new
fair competition conditions will prevail in the period.
It starts with a lie at the entrance, no need to read the rest


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Unfortunately.I don't know more than what is written on the Linkedin account.

because sometimes these so called leaks can operate as counter intelligence, basically nonfactual information is put out their intentionally so it can be quickly discredited and with it all other legimate concerns get discredited. Or they can just be pure propaganda hit pieces aimed to discredit an organisation and in this case not so much baykar but AK party.

We would really need to know more about the person who released the information and whether others in the same field are willing to come out and corroborate the events. Which i guess also has its problems in erdogans Turkiye because you would fear being locked up or economically cancelled by the corrupt administration. Especially considering how cultish and mob like much of Turkiye has become, where freedom of thought can be dangerous thing in Turkiye.
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13 1,659
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because sometimes these so called leaks can operate as counter intelligence, basically unactual information is put out their intentionally so it can be quickly discredited and with it all other legimate concerns get discredited. Or they can just be pure propaganda hit pieces aimed to discredit an organisation and in this case not so much baykar but AK party.

We would really need to know more about the person who released the information and whether others in the same field are willing to come out and collaborate the events. Which i guess also has its problems in erdogans Turkiye because you would fear being locked or economincally cancelled up by the corrupt administration. Espeically considering how cultish and mob like the much of Turkiye has become, where freedom of thought can be dangerous thing in Turkiye.
Fyi, it's corroborate


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The former engineering director of Tusaş's UAV department shared an article on Linkedin when he saw the "Oklavalı" Security Experts on TV. I saw this thanks to Delku from Defenceturk.I used translate directly btw.So translation might be a little weird.

Last night (April 18, 2023) in a panel discussion on the cnn channel I saw a person who gave himself title of "security policy specialist" talking about history of unmanned aerial vehicle and Baykar.The comments were heated but not very true.Due to overdose I didn't watch the whole show because I couldn't stand it.But I know to inform the public as a duty as someone who has worked in this field for 30 years.

First of all, in yesterday's program, Baykar A.Ş. It was mentioned that the company did not receive any government support. These are the visible and invisible state supports given to the company are as follows.

1) With the presidential decree issued on September 4, 2019 ,105 million dollars were donated for establishing a drone facility for this company and tax exemptions applied. It should also be emphasized that there was an idle production capacity in Tusaş at this date.

2) There is an important detail that should not be overlooked in this decree.It was necessary to go out to tender for Akıncı and Fighter UAVs project (which take part in the UAV roadmap that ssm had Tusaş prepared in 2010) .But instead, it has been accepted that the tender will be given to this firm.

3) As a matter of fact , general manager of Tusaş (who was appointed in 2016 and was known for his closeness to the government) shortly after takin office gave a warrant to the board of directors not to participate in the Akıncı project as TUSAS and forced a decision in this way.

4) It would not be appropriate to enter the details of the UAV features in the specifications here due to confidentiality.
However, more than 10 of the 15 technical features expected from Akıncı UAV are tusaş with the Anka project.
are acquired and field-tested features. In contrast, the Akıncı project is one of these features.
Developing the TB2 UAV, which has only 3 of them, Baykar A.Ş. company, TUSAŞ senior management
with their contributions (!) without a tender. Anka infrastructure developed with state resources was ignored,
for the redevelopment of this infrastructure, Baykar A.Ş. The state may also incur losses by transferring funds to the firm has been beaten. An important detail, the scope of the Anka project is also very important in Türkiye and its surroundings via satellite.The infrastructure established in one of our bases to control a large number of UAVs is also in Akinci due to its incompatibility.became unusable and the damage inflicted was further multiplied by establishing a duplicate center.

5) “From above” in some of the tenders that TUSAS has entered abroad and have a high probability of winning.
Bids were withdrawn with the instructions received, and Baykar A.Ş. It paved the way for him to bid here with a tb2 product with less capacity than Anka. Unfortunately, some of these tenders were also lost.

6) Due to the decision of the general manager of tusaş not to enter the raider project,About 70 tusas engineer with an average of 6-7 years of experience in the Anka project, who cannot see and are demoralized engineer left the company within 2 years after the decision was taken, a significant part of them He went abroad to work. Unfortunately, it is very easy to compensate for this value of approximately 500 man-years does not appear.

7) tusaş developed on the Anka infrastructure with its own resources without any support from the state.
Although Aksungur iha slows down this brain drain to some extent,due to the negative effects of mobbing on level managers,has accelerated.

8) Regarding the negative discrimination applied to TUSAS as of 2022, "the ball of the scale is a bit too
exporting by thinking that "he escaped" and refraining from the news about this.In this regard, tusaş's way was partially opened, and foreign sales of Anka and Aksungur were started.However, it is unfortunately not possible to reverse the results of the wrong policies in the past.

9) Initially, positive discrimination was made in the domestic sales of Baykar A.Ş.'s tb2 product.Facilitation was provided for additional sales and acceptance tests point out some shortcomings about the product .Hearings that pressure was put on the personnel who brought him, and even a change of duty was made has been.

10) many flying tb2s in the field have accumulated flight hours faster than Anka, as a result It has reached operational maturity and gained success by eliminating its mistakes and deficiencies.

11) Due to this operational success in the country, Baykar A.Ş. company's tb2 product, many countries It has attracted the attention of its customers, and with the successes achieved in fields such as Libya, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, it is also ahead of its exports has been opened. At this stage, positive discrimination in foreign relations and financing shown to the company Although it certainly has some effect on exports, the product has proven itself with its successes.

12) Both Tusaş and Baykar A.Ş. and vestel inc. with companies that develop drones, such as
many subsystems, especially aselsan, rocketsan, sage and havelsan, which provide subsystems to them.
There is an ecosystem of defense industry companies. our “defense policy expert” and
a trend that will turn this ecosystem back after the election, as some other touts have said.
it's not possible. With a good planning, the future of our country in this and other matters is very bright.
and it is a necessity in terms of the region we are in. However, the positive exemplified above
discrimination should not be expected to be applied in the same way after the election. the subject of this so-called
this is exactly why it was escalated and agitated with experts and some other commentators; new
fair competition conditions will prevail in the period.

The tax and VAT exemptions that Baykar receives are given to people who sell tomatoes, you can click the link to see it in the official gazette

The article starts with creating a perception through the headline, but if you read the content of the news in Turkish, you can understand that the 600 (105) million TL is Baykar's money. Baykar states that they will employ 1122 people and make an investment of 600 (105) million TL. They also receive land and tax exemption incentives, which are also given to people who sell tomatoes


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8) Regarding the negative discrimination applied to TUSAS as of 2022, "the ball of the scale is a bit too
exporting by thinking that "he escaped" and refraining from the news about this.In this regard, tusaş's way was partially opened, and foreign sales of Anka and Aksungur were started.However, it is unfortunately not possible to reverse the results of the wrong policies in the past.
Didn't TAI export ANKA UAVs to Tunisia in 2020? I think that his claims are fishy.


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Honestly I look back decades all I can say is thank God that Turkiye has these drones.

My parents watched Turkish news a lot in Australia.

I'll never forget seeing news of soldiers getting killed.

With Turkiye losing 30 soldiers in one day and bases getting ambushed and destroyed. Then you have pkk going into villages and massacring anybody in their path.

Lots of news how teachers got executed daily. Pkk not only tied them they tortured them then executed them in cold blood.

Without these weapons I think this would be still going on.

Eastern Turkiye was like a death zone.


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The former engineering director of Tusaş's UAV department shared an article on Linkedin when he saw the "Oklavalı" Security Experts on TV. I saw this thanks to Delku from Defenceturk.I used translate directly btw.So translation might be a little weird.

Last night (April 18, 2023) in a panel discussion on the cnn channel I saw a person who gave himself title of "security policy specialist" talking about history of unmanned aerial vehicle and Baykar.The comments were heated but not very true.Due to overdose I didn't watch the whole show because I couldn't stand it.But I know to inform the public as a duty as someone who has worked in this field for 30 years.

First of all, in yesterday's program, Baykar A.Ş. It was mentioned that the company did not receive any government support. These are the visible and invisible state supports given to the company are as follows.

1) With the presidential decree issued on September 4, 2019 ,105 million dollars were donated for establishing a drone facility for this company and tax exemptions applied. It should also be emphasized that there was an idle production capacity in Tusaş at this date.

2) There is an important detail that should not be overlooked in this decree.It was necessary to go out to tender for Akıncı and Fighter UAVs project (which take part in the UAV roadmap that ssm had Tusaş prepared in 2010) .But instead, it has been accepted that the tender will be given to this firm.

3) As a matter of fact , general manager of Tusaş (who was appointed in 2016 and was known for his closeness to the government) shortly after takin office gave a warrant to the board of directors not to participate in the Akıncı project as TUSAS and forced a decision in this way.

4) It would not be appropriate to enter the details of the UAV features in the specifications here due to confidentiality.
However, more than 10 of the 15 technical features expected from Akıncı UAV are tusaş with the Anka project.
are acquired and field-tested features. In contrast, the Akıncı project is one of these features.
Developing the TB2 UAV, which has only 3 of them, Baykar A.Ş. company, TUSAŞ senior management
with their contributions (!) without a tender. Anka infrastructure developed with state resources was ignored,
for the redevelopment of this infrastructure, Baykar A.Ş. The state may also incur losses by transferring funds to the firm has been beaten. An important detail, the scope of the Anka project is also very important in Türkiye and its surroundings via satellite.The infrastructure established in one of our bases to control a large number of UAVs is also in Akinci due to its incompatibility.became unusable and the damage inflicted was further multiplied by establishing a duplicate center.

5) “From above” in some of the tenders that TUSAS has entered abroad and have a high probability of winning.
Bids were withdrawn with the instructions received, and Baykar A.Ş. It paved the way for him to bid here with a tb2 product with less capacity than Anka. Unfortunately, some of these tenders were also lost.

6) Due to the decision of the general manager of tusaş not to enter the raider project,About 70 tusas engineer with an average of 6-7 years of experience in the Anka project, who cannot see and are demoralized engineer left the company within 2 years after the decision was taken, a significant part of them He went abroad to work. Unfortunately, it is very easy to compensate for this value of approximately 500 man-years does not appear.

7) tusaş developed on the Anka infrastructure with its own resources without any support from the state.
Although Aksungur iha slows down this brain drain to some extent,due to the negative effects of mobbing on level managers,has accelerated.

8) Regarding the negative discrimination applied to TUSAS as of 2022, "the ball of the scale is a bit too
exporting by thinking that "he escaped" and refraining from the news about this.In this regard, tusaş's way was partially opened, and foreign sales of Anka and Aksungur were started.However, it is unfortunately not possible to reverse the results of the wrong policies in the past.

9) Initially, positive discrimination was made in the domestic sales of Baykar A.Ş.'s tb2 product.Facilitation was provided for additional sales and acceptance tests point out some shortcomings about the product .Hearings that pressure was put on the personnel who brought him, and even a change of duty was made has been.

10) many flying tb2s in the field have accumulated flight hours faster than Anka, as a result It has reached operational maturity and gained success by eliminating its mistakes and deficiencies.

11) Due to this operational success in the country, Baykar A.Ş. company's tb2 product, many countries It has attracted the attention of its customers, and with the successes achieved in fields such as Libya, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, it is also ahead of its exports has been opened. At this stage, positive discrimination in foreign relations and financing shown to the company Although it certainly has some effect on exports, the product has proven itself with its successes.

12) Both Tusaş and Baykar A.Ş. and vestel inc. with companies that develop drones, such as
many subsystems, especially aselsan, rocketsan, sage and havelsan, which provide subsystems to them.
There is an ecosystem of defense industry companies. our “defense policy expert” and
a trend that will turn this ecosystem back after the election, as some other touts have said.
it's not possible. With a good planning, the future of our country in this and other matters is very bright.
and it is a necessity in terms of the region we are in. However, the positive exemplified above
discrimination should not be expected to be applied in the same way after the election. the subject of this so-called
this is exactly why it was escalated and agitated with experts and some other commentators; new
fair competition conditions will prevail in the period.
FETÖ detected.

This is an operation in collaboration with known FETÖ member Cevheri Güven.


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The former engineering director of Tusaş's UAV department shared an article on Linkedin when he saw the "Oklavalı" Security Experts on TV. I saw this thanks to Delku from Defenceturk.I used translate directly btw.So translation might be a little weird.

Last night (April 18, 2023) in a panel discussion on the cnn channel I saw a person who gave himself title of "security policy specialist" talking about history of unmanned aerial vehicle and Baykar.The comments were heated but not very true.Due to overdose I didn't watch the whole show because I couldn't stand it.But I know to inform the public as a duty as someone who has worked in this field for 30 years.

First of all, in yesterday's program, Baykar A.Ş. It was mentioned that the company did not receive any government support. These are the visible and invisible state supports given to the company are as follows.

1) With the presidential decree issued on September 4, 2019 ,105 million dollars were donated for establishing a drone facility for this company and tax exemptions applied. It should also be emphasized that there was an idle production capacity in Tusaş at this date.

2) There is an important detail that should not be overlooked in this decree.It was necessary to go out to tender for Akıncı and Fighter UAVs project (which take part in the UAV roadmap that ssm had Tusaş prepared in 2010) .But instead, it has been accepted that the tender will be given to this firm.

3) As a matter of fact , general manager of Tusaş (who was appointed in 2016 and was known for his closeness to the government) shortly after takin office gave a warrant to the board of directors not to participate in the Akıncı project as TUSAS and forced a decision in this way.

4) It would not be appropriate to enter the details of the UAV features in the specifications here due to confidentiality.
However, more than 10 of the 15 technical features expected from Akıncı UAV are tusaş with the Anka project.
are acquired and field-tested features. In contrast, the Akıncı project is one of these features.
Developing the TB2 UAV, which has only 3 of them, Baykar A.Ş. company, TUSAŞ senior management
with their contributions (!) without a tender. Anka infrastructure developed with state resources was ignored,
for the redevelopment of this infrastructure, Baykar A.Ş. The state may also incur losses by transferring funds to the firm has been beaten. An important detail, the scope of the Anka project is also very important in Türkiye and its surroundings via satellite.The infrastructure established in one of our bases to control a large number of UAVs is also in Akinci due to its incompatibility.became unusable and the damage inflicted was further multiplied by establishing a duplicate center.

5) “From above” in some of the tenders that TUSAS has entered abroad and have a high probability of winning.
Bids were withdrawn with the instructions received, and Baykar A.Ş. It paved the way for him to bid here with a tb2 product with less capacity than Anka. Unfortunately, some of these tenders were also lost.

6) Due to the decision of the general manager of tusaş not to enter the raider project,About 70 tusas engineer with an average of 6-7 years of experience in the Anka project, who cannot see and are demoralized engineer left the company within 2 years after the decision was taken, a significant part of them He went abroad to work. Unfortunately, it is very easy to compensate for this value of approximately 500 man-years does not appear.

7) tusaş developed on the Anka infrastructure with its own resources without any support from the state.
Although Aksungur iha slows down this brain drain to some extent,due to the negative effects of mobbing on level managers,has accelerated.

8) Regarding the negative discrimination applied to TUSAS as of 2022, "the ball of the scale is a bit too
exporting by thinking that "he escaped" and refraining from the news about this.In this regard, tusaş's way was partially opened, and foreign sales of Anka and Aksungur were started.However, it is unfortunately not possible to reverse the results of the wrong policies in the past.

9) Initially, positive discrimination was made in the domestic sales of Baykar A.Ş.'s tb2 product.Facilitation was provided for additional sales and acceptance tests point out some shortcomings about the product .Hearings that pressure was put on the personnel who brought him, and even a change of duty was made has been.

10) many flying tb2s in the field have accumulated flight hours faster than Anka, as a result It has reached operational maturity and gained success by eliminating its mistakes and deficiencies.

11) Due to this operational success in the country, Baykar A.Ş. company's tb2 product, many countries It has attracted the attention of its customers, and with the successes achieved in fields such as Libya, Azerbaijan and Ukraine, it is also ahead of its exports has been opened. At this stage, positive discrimination in foreign relations and financing shown to the company Although it certainly has some effect on exports, the product has proven itself with its successes.

12) Both Tusaş and Baykar A.Ş. and vestel inc. with companies that develop drones, such as
many subsystems, especially aselsan, rocketsan, sage and havelsan, which provide subsystems to them.
There is an ecosystem of defense industry companies. our “defense policy expert” and
a trend that will turn this ecosystem back after the election, as some other touts have said.
it's not possible. With a good planning, the future of our country in this and other matters is very bright.
and it is a necessity in terms of the region we are in. However, the positive exemplified above
discrimination should not be expected to be applied in the same way after the election. the subject of this so-called
this is exactly why it was escalated and agitated with experts and some other commentators; new
fair competition conditions will prevail in the period.
Honestly, most of these claims are childish. He seems to lack strategic thinking on a lot of levels.

1. A tax exemption that applies to anyone who does an investment, is not a financial support of a company. It is simply the law applying to anyone.
Also, Tusas having idle production capacity has nothing to do with development. Also, here is his first strategic blunder. He has completely missed the fact Turkey is supporting multiple projects at the same time to achieve the same goal in order to have at least one functioning solution as fast as possible. This applies to all our strategic investments such as nuclear-power-plants as well as military air-craft, ship and USV manufactoring. This investment in multiple solutions is the correct path since we know some of the projects will fail. NPP is the prime example. This is simply a question of risk management.

2. Again, it is about risk management to have multiple solutions.

3. Why should TUSAS work on Akinci when they have their own Aksungur and Anka 3 projects at the same time? Note, I don't say that TUSAS should be forbidden to help any Turkish company but Baykar were doing well in 2016/2017 so they could afford to do the needed investment themselves. So, he is shooting his own foot here.

4. So what if Turkish companies share technology with each other? That is only to be expected so I don't understand his point of view. Also, Anka can not be compared with Akinci on a lot of parameters. For example, we have not seen it yet but I think that Akinci with its 1.5-ton payload will be the base of our upcoming AWACS similar to SAAB Global Eyes. ANKA could not have pulled of this stunt.

5. Again, total lack of strategic thinking. Anka is already very successful in its own right and at the time was our top-of-the-line drone. For obvious reasons, not all our drone customers would be offered this capability. The situation with Anka might look different today when we have bigger drones ourselves.

6. This is total BS. I am certain that 70 or more engineers quit their jobs over a two-year period to take up other positions, some even abroad but this has hardly anything to do with "lack" of jobs in TUSAS since we know about Aksungur and ANKA 3. Both of those projects are more than enough and interesting enough to occupy any engineer wishing to work. Furthermore, turn-over of 70 engineers over 2 years for a company of that size is a very low number, to begin with.

7. Isn't TUSAS a state company? Again, Turkey should and must support it even if TUSAS was not state-owned as either customer or facilitator.

8. Again, the majority of our drone customers are relatively unstable and poor countries. Did we really want to sell ANKA back then to for example Mali with their close relation to both France and Russia? Most of our customers fall into the same category. TB2 on the other hand is and was used as a cheap expendable platform with little strategic effect since all it carried were a camera and some small but effective free-fall bombs. Similarly, I think we will limit the sale of TFX and ANKA3 to a few trusted countries until the next generation is out.

9. I don't even understand what he is trying to say. It is obvious that any product will have shortcomings in the first versions. Shouldn't the customer tell this to the producer? Also, to my knowledge, Turkey has spent more on ANKA (total +70) than on TB2 (total +130). The difference is that ANKA is significantly more expensive especially initially when TB2 was using COTS parts. If I'm not mistaken, ANKA were around 8-10M$ while TB2 were 1-2M$ for our armed forces. Both have obviously increased since then.

10/11. ?

12. This is my biggest problem with his rant and the reason for this lengthy reply. It is like he does not know our history and our political landscape where one person can destroy our whole society just to spite some political opponent because of some garment or who a person goes to bed with every night. Unfortunately, we have seen political statements recently that indicate that they would shut down or limit Baykar or hand over our space tech development to an American company (What the fuck?????). You can't make this shit up.

As they say, it takes decades to build a successful company but only minutes to ruin it.
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6) Due to the decision of the general manager of tusaş not to enter the raider project,About 70 tusas engineer with an average of 6-7 years of experience in the Anka project, who cannot see and are demoralized engineer left the company within 2 years after the decision was taken, a significant part of them He went abroad to work. Unfortunately, it is very easy to compensate for this value of approximately 500 man-years does not appear.
7) tusaş developed on the Anka infrastructure with its own resources without any support from the state.
Although Aksungur iha slows down this brain drain to some extent,due to the negative effects of mobbing on level managers,has accelerated.
These parts are true, luckily the managers had pulled right strings to revive the UAV design team back to the life.

For the rest, it is partly whining, partly true, partly lies.


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some webiste claims :

TUSAŞ Genel Müdürü Temel Kotil: "ANKA-III ilk ucusunu yaptı, 10 numara bir uçuş oldu. 1 sene sonra teslim edeceğiz."

ANKA-III made its first flight, it was a perfect flight. We will deliver it in 1 year.


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My source says it didn't fly only conducted fast taxi tests but of course, I will take Kotil's words.


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My source says it didn't fly only conducted fast taxi tests but of course, I will take Kotil's words.
Yeah, i read a couple of twits . it seems he mistakenly used "flight" while mentioning as first taxi.

TUSAŞ General Manager Temel Kotil: (This is the most up-to-date information) Our ANKA-3 has taxied, it will fly in 2 weeks. Let's have that much.

anyway we can wait :D no big deal :)


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Yeah, i read a couple of twits . it seems he mistakenly used "flight" while mentioning as first taxi.

TUSAŞ General Manager Temel Kotil: (This is the most up-to-date information) Our ANKA-3 has taxied, it will fly in 2 weeks. Let's have that much.

anyway we can wait :D no big deal :)
He speaks fast sometimes he just can't explain himself clearly.


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FETÖ detected.

This is an operation in collaboration with known FETÖ member Cevheri Güven.
12. This is my biggest problem with his rant and the reason for this lengthy reply. It is like he does not know our history and our political landscape where one person can destroy our whole society just to spite some political opponent because of some garment or who a person goes to bed with every night. Unfortunately, we have seen political statements recently that indicate that they would shut down or limit Baykar or hand over our space tech development to an American company (What the fuck?????). You can't make this shit up.

As they say, it takes decades to build a successful company but only minutes to ruin it.

The company that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu promised to give Atatürk Airport caused the downfall of ANKA.

This company is a trojan horse working with the CIA to destroy the Turkish defense industry. And the game they wanted to play today was exposed. (Of course, people who bury their heads in the sand like an ostrich will continue to interpret the issue differently)

@Cabatli_TR @TR_123456 @Yasar @Zafer @TheInsider @what @Stimpy75 @Stuka @Anmdt @Ryder @dBSPL
The issue is bigger than you think, folks. This time they are playing big. But they will lose.

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