History is not limited to the period between 1923 and 1950. There is a clear ulterior motive, those who normally do not even know about these people are now claiming them and trying to hit the republic through their victimization or their personalities. Most of the institutions, organizations and factories opened have been sold or closed down today. The main developments in every field occurred especially after 1960. The establishment of Tusaş, Aselsan, Roketsan, etc.?
What were we doing before 1920? Let's also tell everyone that the Ottoman Empire did not allow printing in its territory until 1727 and missed the industrial revolution. Because it is not told in history books and TV series. Let people not think that we are always flying, exuberant, and soaring, let them take lessons from history. Let them understand how an empire collapsed.
Look, we're parroting right now. An empty and shitty conversation that's going nowhere, trying to prove something...how is it, is it good, do you enjoy it?
That's what retarded politicians want. People wallowing in a spiral of hatred, resentment, dwelling on the past, settling scores. Politicians must be laughing their asses off.