ruZZian army made new discovery. They start to use "Cope-Tires" to protect military planes from drones. 

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Their GDP will grow a little bit, but is falling behind their rivals, significantly. The Russian deficit is also going to balloon this year. They're expected to spend north of $200 Billion usd this year, after Putin signed a military spending bill of $52 Billion usd for 2023. Combined with significant inflation (the Ruble had been training at upwards of 100 to 1 usd), this prolonged war is going to hurt the Russian people significantly.
Ukraine matters much less on the world stage than Russia does. Ukraine will, eventually be a member of NATO and the EU. They won't be forced to go at this alone in the post war world. Russia is clinging to its last grasp of world power and deeply cannot afford to lose swaths of its young, productive men.
This I can agreeRussia's air force and Navy are not a significant threat to NATO. The American led NATO coalition still rule the Atlantic and northern Pacific. Russia's aircraft technology still remains considerably behind that of NATO and their surface ships are no match for their American adversaries,
The "hope" you keep referencing is simply not true. Russia is taking extreme measures right now to keep liquidity within their system and to stop the Ruble from collapsing even further. The Ruble has lost more than 20% of its value vs the USD. Significant inflation is a real problem right now, especially in rural Russia.Again most of the time this "hope" of Western camps that the Russian economy will collapse has again and again failed to come to fruition.
Over time this sporadic talk about economic collapse just fades and no one is paying attention anymore.
I don't think so, the prerequisite to joining NATO and the EU is Ukraine must be first at peace. War will not end even if the Russians are pushed back all the way to pre 2014 border.
And looking at the pace of advance, this war will outlast either Putin or Biden, and the world by then will be totally different from the world we saw today. Again just a reminder that the similar but smaller-scale Iran-Iraq war lasted for 8 years, the Ukraine-Russia war should last longer especially when you look at the population of the two.
For Russia imo, the best course of action is simply to carry on war until the geopolitical landscape changes and popular support waned in Washington. If anything to be learned from the war of the last century is the U.S will eventually lose interest. So If the West is clinging to its goal to exhaust Russia, then imo Russia must bet on its ability to outlast the Americans in intent. Just like what the Viet Cong and the Taliban did in their respective war with the Americans. Will war be 10 year, 20, 30, 40 ?
This I can agree
I hope he does a wonderful job of procuring military help from the West for his country!
Ukraine’s new Defence Minister Rustem Enver oğlu Umerov has been adviser to former Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People chair Mustafa Dzhemilev. Since December 2020, Umerov has co-chaired the Crimea Platform diplomatic initiative. Umerov helped spearhead the construction of 1,000 apartments for internally-displaced Crimean Tatars and other Ukrainian citizens with Turkish support. In early April 2021, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan agreed to begin building the apartments.
"The armed forces will receive 1,500 tanks in 2023. This number will also include modernized vehicles removed from storage,"Some information on the T-90Ms.
Вопрос о производстве танков в России в 2023 году
Как сообщила газета Ведомости в материале Алексея Никольского и Ильи Лакстыгала Вооруженные силы получат 1500 танков в 2023 году. В это число войдут и модернизированные машины, снятые с хранения, заместитель председателя Совета безопасности России Дмитрий Медведев стал…
As the Vedomosti newspaper reported in an article by Alexei Nikolsky and Ilya Lakstygal, “The armed forces will receive 1,500 tanks in 2023. This number will also include modernized vehicles removed from storage,” Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev became the first leader since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine to name the annual production of one of the main types of combat platforms actively used in hostilities - the main battle tanks.
According to a source close to the Ministry of Defense, it is indeed planned to produce several hundred new T-90M and T-14 tanks, and most of the rest will be modernized T-72 and T-80 tanks taken from military equipment storage bases. A number of older T-62 tanks will also be upgraded. In the fall of 2022, visiting the 103rd armored repair plant in Chita, State Duma deputy Andrey Gurulyov said that the company had a contract for the modernization of 400 T-62s. In the 80s. Soviet factories produced more than 2,000 new tanks a year. Only "Uralvagonzavod" (UVZ) in 1985, at its peak, according to the book "T-72 / T-90. Experience in creating domestic main battle tanks”, produced 1559 T-72 tanks. In the post-Soviet period, the maximum rate of production of T-90 tanks was achieved in the 2000s.
From the bmpd side, we indicatethat the data that the notorious “1500 tanks” will be mostly non-new production vehicles was actually confirmed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who, in an interview with Russian television on March 25, said: “[Western] arsonists plan to send 420-440 tanks to Ukraine. During this time, we will produce new ones and modernize over 1,600 existing ones. The total number of Russian tanks will exceed three times the number of tanks in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Even more than three times.”
Interesting find by Viktor Murakhovsky
Виктор Мураховский
New rocket? The picture shows a T-90M tank firing in the Seversky direction. The second picture shows a frame from the commander's video viewing device. The fire is conducted by a guided missile (letter "U", marked), its tracer is visible above the aiming line (marked), at a distance of 6830 meters (marked). It is known that the missile "Invar-M" has a range of 5000 meters.
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View attachment 60793
As far as what is known the optics on the T-90M and whatever ATGM they used allowed the tank to hit a target from 6,830 meters. The Sprinter ATGM on the T-14 is estimated at 8km to 12km ranges, as I am making this post I asked Russia defense net users where the hell they got 20km estimated ranges.
View attachment 60794
The Svinets offered like 700-800mm depth penetrations while the Vacuum rounds based on the T-14 offered 1000mm penetration. I am assuming the diet Vacuum is estimated to have the same penetration capabilities to be fitted on those autoloaders. Overall its a great idea to sort of get a glimpse of the tank's capability with their production numbers in the battlefield. Assuming maybe there will be bigger production in 2024 since the current production by the end of 2023 suggest there is still a shitload of ththem.
I think sanctions work backwards because somehow, they are ranked 5th place in (PPP) and looking at Tams posts at sino defense forum and Jaguarwarriors posts in india defense forum its like when will Ukraine ever beat Russia in showing more destroyed armored vehicles when the majority of best shit from Russia has yet to come."The armed forces will receive 1,500 tanks in 2023. This number will also include modernized vehicles removed from storage,"
I'd be willing to bet significant money that Russia comes nowhere close to producing / refurbishing 1500 mbts in 2023. The year is more than half over and there is no reputable indication that Russia has introduced anywhere close to that number into their military. If they manage 1/3 of that (500) I'd consider that a to be a significant win for Russian industry.
As with most crap that the Russian state spews, take their numbers with a substantial grain of salt. I have little doubt that the Russians will be able to produce / refurbish 1500 MBTs EVENTUALLY, but not not anywhere close to as fast as they claim. This is typical Russian exaggeration, not unlike when that make wild claims about destroying vast swaths of Ukrainian military equipment, only for us to find out that it's a minimal amount compared to their claim.
This is a silly notion. The West is not going to send their top of the line anything to Ukraine, so that Russia can better / fully understand the capabilities of those weapons. That has nothing to do with "not caring" about Ukraine. That's all about geostrategic decisions. By the way, those same decisions are made domestically all the time as well. Why do you think it is that when Russia sends bombers over theI dont think Ukraine is Poland or Israel tier in regard to they get the best equipment from the U.S. So what block F-16s and what M1a2 variants they will get will be interesting. Will they get the block F-16s with pulse doppler radars and Aim-120As that they dont give a shit about ukraine, will they give F-16 blocks with AESA radars and Aim-120Bs that they sort of give a shit about Ukraine or will they get F-16s with SABR radars and aim-120C and Ds that they really do give a shit about Ukraine. Will they get baseline M1a2s, M1a2 SEPs with the most armoured protection of 940-960mm in turret against KEP rounds where they dont give a shit about Ukraine. SEPv2s where they sort of give a shit about Ukraine, or SEPv3s and SEPv4s where they really do give a shit about Ukraine since it offers more armoured protection with Trophy APS against pesky ATGMs and 3rd gen FLIR 2.6 times 8= 20.8km range to identify targets