Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim.
Good day to Others.
Good day to Others.
I'm glad he's entertained and give me themany times over.
thank god we Indonesians eat riceThe invasion of Ukraine has another very important threat: Wheat!
Everyone has their eyes on natural gas in the winter's cold, but a long-term war between two important wheat producers (as it seems to be) will cause sharp increases in wheat prices.
Its effect is felt immediately. Social upheavals erupt all over the world. In that case, those who can't find bread can't even eat cake!
Economic sanctions can be a "weapon" in Iran. However, when the subject is Russia in the global stagfilation environment, the sanctions lose their weapon character. Because what you call a weapon is a tool that, by definition, does not harm its user.
If Ukraine is unable to produce wheat due to the Russian occupation and Russia due to the sanctions, everyone, including those who impose the sanctions, will suffer from this.
The invasion of Ukraine has another very important threat: Wheat!
Everyone has their eyes on natural gas in the winter's cold, but a long-term war between two important wheat producers (as it seems to be) will cause sharp increases in wheat prices.
Its effect is felt immediately. Social upheavals erupt all over the world. In that case, those who can't find bread can't even eat cake!
Economic sanctions can be a "weapon" in Iran. However, when the subject is Russia in the global stagfilation environment, the sanctions lose their weapon character. Because what you call a weapon is a tool that, by definition, does not harm its user.
If Ukraine is unable to produce wheat due to the Russian occupation and Russia due to the sanctions, everyone, including those who impose the sanctions, will suffer from this.