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Why this much effort on bashing Western equipment ?Marder and Bradley won't be engaged by a BMP crew, maybe some militia could run into such a scenario, and roll the dice in such an engagement. But most likely these will be demilitarized by kornet, metis, Lancet, t72, t62, t90, or artillery. Only a dumbass would fight an IFV with another IFV. You fight infantry with IFV, you fight IFV with tanks, you fight tanks with helicopters, and it goes on and on. Same with Leopards and Abrams tanks. Before sending tanks, helicopters and artillery should hunt those machines. Even entrenched infantry with ATGM would be better than using tanks. Unless the tank commander wants to risk losing tanks in an engagement he could have called a KA52 or MI28 to handle.
The massive US military machine is like any other army. The reason conditions for the US were as easy as they were in Iraq was that they weakened Iraq by sending them on a suicide mission for 10 years in Iran. Once that was taken care of they bled them through sanctions for another 10 years. After that was done, they hit them in Kuwait when Saddam got desperate. After they destroyed his forces in Kuwait, there was a no fly zone, for another 10 years.Then 9/11 happened, and they flattened what they had already destroyed for the last 30 years. Hardly did they shape anything through a "massive machine"
Yeah M1 abrams is definitely not best pound for pound tank lmao, that's t90M at 47 tons facing Javelin, Stugna, NLAW, At4, Matador, and basically the entire western atgm arsenal. Houthis and PMU showed that m1 abrams was not that good when they destroyed M1 abrams by the hundreds. And US vs Iraq is a terrible example, such an army was hollowed out after a decade of war with Iran, and showed that in Kuwait 2003 war was just finishing off what Iran had already bled. T90M decimated a NATO armed Soviet army, armed with most expensive ATGM weaponst hat is what you can call best pound for pound tank. It still speaks to the performance of T90 in a high intensity conflict. Which m1 Abrams did not see, as they fought a broken Iraqi army, which fled every engagement, and which at best fired RPG-7 at Abrams. M1 Abrams if tested against the same volume of anti tank fire, ISR and targeting assets, drones, would have a very different report than its performance in Iraq in 2003. Iraq did not possess drones, did not possess ISR, did not possess all NATO weapons and logistic capabilities, and did not possess 120 billion dollar military Budget lol...And put USAF into Ukrainian IADS environment, and the story will get worse, in the last few days we had Wagner shoot down a Ukrainian Su-24 with MANPADS from 8kms away, followed by a day later a Ukrainian Mig-29 getting destroyed.
What I dont want is Russia to work as a full time tard wrangler. We have Poles wanting to get involved later and that is not out of the question, or a joke based on their build ups along with tweets talking about getting more civilians to be militarily trained and the funny part is there were some tweets of poles leaving the country over it. Albanians stirring shit with NATO turning a blind eye to Serbia than they are acting concerned thinking Wagner is in Serbia and in African countries. Assuming a lot of Armenians are pissed off for their president losing some of their territory for being pro-NATO I will still be concerned over his dumbass until the next elections happen. Turks wanting to start some Syrian campaign even when they are being shown for having cooperation with iran, Syria and Russia for bombing the Kurds I don't think Russia would trust them for funding the FSA before and they still do with Qatar when all European countries including the U.S. and Israel stopped funding the FSA when they realized that it's pointless to take over Syria. This forum I am impressed with your guy's military technology progression, but their country is also further distancing itself from the U.S. such as them requesting they wanted 12 more MRLS systems from U.S. the U.S. said no along with F-35, F-16 and other military deals and they just bombed the oil fields where the U.S. military was at in Syria. Azeris of course started some brief shit with Russian peacekeepers. In general Albania, Azerbaijan are close allies to Turkey than other countries, so that just causes me to raise my eyebrows on why all this drama occurred which I don't think is just some coincidence. PMC Wagner still gaining territory and I have heard that 400k+ Russian soldiers are still outside the border of Ukraine, then of course Russia raising the active-duty numbers from 1,000,000 to 1,150,000. I know that even when some parts of Ukraine won't vote to be a part of Russia, they will forever be demilitarized with a Russian military always present in Ukraine. And since NATO wants to keep sending nukes closer to Russia the next best course of action is to have giant ground radar stations being built all over Ukraine to be part of the A-235 system in which NATO would have to kiss its own dream goodbye to contain Russia like every other empire before it which is why I think it's the reason NATO is so desperate to stop their growth and based on my threads at the Russia defense forum I can understand why. Hope we will all be here when WW3 starts, I just want a multipolar world where everyone respects each other and gets along.
After the coming years western Europe and the U.S. will be non-white countries demographically speaking or destroying themselves promoting gay history over math and science classes while continuously fucking their own people with pollution taxes for breathing and exhaling CO2. The Chinese assuming, they have huge ambitions (assuming its greed) will be Russia's next adversaries. Demographics in the U.S. show that Asians always score higher than European whites academically but studies also show that white families with good incomes score higher than Asians with low incomes, in otherwards the Chinese standard of living sucks since it's a pain in the ass to support billions of people to live wealthy which is why I have never seen them as military technologically advanced as the west(only for now), so Russia's next concern for a possible adversary would be Turkey. So I think I understand why some users here have a negative opinion about a "certain country" while I just want them to be close.
The problems areWhy this much effort on bashing Western equipment ?
Even if all the things you have said had been true, it's still better than some Toyota pickups.
Poland to transfer Leopard tank company to Ukraine, says President Duda
Poland to transfer Leopard tank company to Ukraine, says President Duda
Polish leader attends meeting of Lublin Triangle with Ukrainian, Lithuanian counterparts in city of Lviv - Anadolu Ajansı
Company of tanks so it will be 12-14 Leopards from Poland
The satellites will not be monitoring (actually I said detect) the subs but the cruise missile it launched.Edit: Had a conversation with another user not too long ago that everyone monitors each other's ass via satellite, but the problem is finding subs instead of ships.
Avrupa, Ukraynalı sığınmacıları ağırlarken, Orta Doğululara ayrımcı tavrını sürdürüyor
Rusya'nın Ukrayna'ya yönelik savaşında geçen bir haftada ülkelerini terk etmek zorunda kalan sivillere kapılarını açan Avrupa ülkeleri, Orta Doğu ve Afrika'dan gelen sığınmacılara çifte standart uyguluyor. - Anadolu Ajansı
The Ukrainian war and the subsequent immigration revealed how anti-human and discriminatory Europeans were. There are thousands of lawsuits filed against European countries in the European Court of Human Rights regarding the fundamental rights and freedoms gained by refugees. But EU countries do not take these decisions into account. While the Ukrainians are provided with free and unconditional employment and residence, the other immigrants are beaten by the police.
According to the United Nations (UN), since the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia war on February 24, over 1 million Ukrainian civilians left their country and sought refuge in Poland, Hungary and Romania, mostly from neighboring European countries.
These countries, fulfilling their responsibilities under the UN's 1951 Refugee Convention, allowed Ukrainian asylum seekers to cross the border.
In contrast, immigrants from Middle Eastern and African countries are either deported or held in border regions in most of these countries.
Statements advocating double standards
Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto, at the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council, said that while his country was preventing Syrian asylum seekers from admitting civilians from Ukraine, "There should be no comparison between those fleeing the war and those trying to enter another country illegally." defended in his words.
CBS News television correspondent Charlie D'Agata also compared Ukrainian refugees to Middle Easterners in a live broadcast from Kiev. "This is not a place that has seen conflict for years like Iraq or Afghanistan. This is a more civilized and relatively European place where we don't expect to see such things." he said.
"We are not talking about Syrians fleeing the bombardment of the Syrian regime supported by Putin here. We are talking about Europeans who left their country in cars like ours to save their lives," said Phillipe Corbe, employee of the French media BFM TV. He compared Ukrainians with Syrian refugees.
Shabia Mantoo, Spokesperson of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, reacted to the double standards of some Western countries for refugees, saying, "It doesn't matter what their identity is or where they come from. Let's be a little more humane and compassionate." he called.
Agnes Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, criticized Europe's discriminatory attitude towards asylum seekers outside Ukraine, saying on Twitter: "The comments by some journalists and others about racism, strict ignorance and the flow of refugees from Ukraine are utterly disgusting and that Western countries are not dealing with refugees. It is the kind that reveals the treatment it has shown to immigrants for years." made its assessment.
Antonio Vitorino, Director-General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), condemned the racist and discriminatory practice against foreign nationals migrating from Ukraine, and called on the relevant countries to initiate an investigation into such practices.
Please guys stay on topic and avoid non-military related comments about women.
Apart from Bradleys already been destroyed in a magical way... Is there any news about Soledar?
Sudden Surge In Russian Navy Ships And Submarines In Black Sea
>Ukrainian forces will be monitoring a sudden movement of Russian warships and submarines out of their base of Novorossiysk. The naval base, near the Kerch Bridge, is further from Ukrainian controlled coast than the famous base at Sevastopol. Yet the unusual movement may be important.
>This morning Russian Navy ships and submarines left their base at Novorossiysk, in the Black Sea, en-masse. This is highly unusual and may indicate ongoing operations.
>Sources seen by Naval News confirm the exodus. The group included the Project 11711 Ivan Gren class landing ship, Pyotr Morgunov, the largest amphibious ship in the Black Sea.
>It also contained all three Project 636.3 Improved-Kilo class submarines which were present at the base. Analysis suggests that other warships were also sailing, leaving only a few warships and support vessels in the port. It is likely the most empty that Novorossiysk has been in many months.
>Recently Pyotr Morgunov has been to carry supplies from Russia to Sevastopol following the October 8 2022 Ukrainian attack on the Kerch Bridge. Although Russia has managed some repairs, the bridge remains at limited capacity. So the Russian Navy’s landing ships have been pressed into service as transports. However the simultaneous sailing of the submarines suggests that this may be more than a resupply mission.
Rest of article:
Edit: Had a conversation with another user not too long ago that everyone monitors each other's ass via satellite, but the problem is finding subs instead of ships.