Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War



Germany supported the provision of weapons to Ukraine

Newly elected chairman of the CDU party Friedrich Merz

Ukraine's requests for lethal weapons to defend its territory are "no doubt legitimate," said Merkel's future CDU successor.

The future chairman of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, Friedrich Merz, spoke in favor of providing Ukraine with lethal weapons for self-defense. He said this in an interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

He said that Ukraine's requests for lethal weapons to defend its territory "are undoubtedly legitimate given the massive deployment of Russian troops on its eastern border."

Merz also acknowledged the need to give "a clear and decisive response to Putin" to his actions - right up to the question of helping Ukraine to obtain defense weapons to counter this threat.

It became known last week that in the struggle for the post of leader of the CDU, which until recently was Angela Merkel, Friedrich Merz won the victory in an internal party "referendum". The voting results must be approved at the CDU party congress in January 2022.

We will remind, on the eve of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz held a telephone conversation, during which they discussed the situation around Ukraine.




Russian mercenaries deploy to eastern Ukraine - sources​

In recent weeks, Russia has moved tens of thousands of regular troops to staging posts closer to Ukraine and followed up by demanding urgent security guarantees from the West designed, Moscow says, to prevent Ukraine and other neighbouring countries being used as a base to attack it.



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Germany’s new top diplomat, Annalena Baerbock, who once accused Russia of “blackmailing” Berlin to greenlight the gas link, has said that she and the country’s chancellor have reached an agreement on the project.

Baerbock of Germany’s Green party told Die Ziet on Thursday that herself and Chancellor Olaf Scholz had discussed the pipeline and that the pair reached a consensus.

“We have a shared position,” the diplomat reported. “It’s no secret that in the past we had different views on this issue. But as the chancellor has said, and I am now saying, the certification process should proceed on the basis of European law.”
However, the fate of Nord Stream 2 depends also on considerations regarding German energy security, Baerbock added.

The move comes despite the foreign minister’s long-held opposition to the project, who as recently as October accused Moscow of purposefully raising gas prices in Europe as a form of “blackmail” to force Germany to approve the underwater link.

Nord Stream 2, which will bring gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea, was completed in September but has yet to begin operations due to a series of regulatory hurdles. Construction on the pipeline was completed despite strong opposition from the US, Poland, and Ukraine.

Kiev says that it stands to lose billions of dollars in transit fees when the project gets the green light, and in November, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba took credit for delaying the project’s approval, saying, “Nord Stream 2 should have been operating and earning money a long time ago, but the fact that it still does not work and we are fighting against it is the result of our common endeavors.”

Last week, however, Chancellor Scholz insisted that Nord Stream 2 is an apolitical project, saying, “The German authorities will decide this completely independent of politics. The process is moving along.” Officials have said that it will not begin pumping gas until it is approved by regulators, a process which may not be completed in the first half of next year.

If contract for Power of Siberia 2 gets signed during Beijing Olympics it will overshadow any sports result Euros might make there (and cause some hilarious meltdowns)


Ukraine is to blame for the expensive gas price - Putin

Putin commented on the situation with record gas prices in Europe

The reverse flow of gas from Germany to Poland can be directed to Ukraine, which creates a gas shortage and a rise in prices in Europe, the Russian leader believes.

Those who do not allow the Nord Stream 2 project to work are acting stupidly, since they themselves subsequently suffer from high gas prices. Ukraine is also to blame for the gas shortage, which, instead of directly buying gas from the Russian Federation, receives it in reverse from Europe. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the State Council, reports on Friday, December 24, TASS.

It is noted that this is how Putin commented on the report of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who said that in Europe "they themselves are not opening Nord Stream 2 for us, and now they will freeze."

"Regarding Nord Stream 2, yes, I agree with your assessments, it is also stupid for those who do not allow this system to work, because additional gas supplies to the European market would certainly lower the price on the exchange, on the spot." - said Putin.

He also noted that many countries, including Ukraine, themselves did not want to buy gas from Russia directly.

"It was their own choice, they do not want to buy from us directly. And for them the price would have dropped, and significantly. They just cut themselves off the branch on which they sit," the Russian president continued.

Putin also said that the reason for the record rise in prices in Europe should be sought in Kiev, since demand from Ukraine (which basically receives gas not from Russia, but from the West) may be one of the components of the observed surge in spot gas prices in Europe. The Yamal-Europe gas pipeline is currently pumping gas in reverse from Germany to Poland, Putin said, noting that the reverse flow of gas from Germany to Poland could subsequently be sent to Ukraine, which creates a gas shortage and a rise in prices in Europe.

He also mentioned the situation with the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline.

“We have 45% owned by Gazprom, but the Polish side pushed us away from managing this system. They manage this themselves: some consumers do not order additional gas, while others took it in reverse mode and started it in the opposite direction,” Putin said.

“Our gas, as a matter of fact, but this does not increase the quality of Russian gas on the European market, so the price is growing. God be with him, these are their decisions, their deeds, but it’s surprising that they are beginning to accuse us of this. It’s just nonsense. ", - said Putin, adding that the Europeans" are turning everything upside down. "


The media learned that Ukraine offered the Russian Federation in Donbass

Details of Ukraine's proposal for a settlement in Donbass have emerged

The Ukrainian side proposed 10 steps to the TCG for the settlement in Donbass, but they were not announced.

In early December, the Ukrainian delegation to the Trilateral Contact Group proposed 10 steps to resolve the situation in Donbass. Kommersant publishes on Friday, December 24, the details of the offer.

1. The Ukrainian delegation at the TCG meeting on December 8-9 will take all necessary actions to resume the ceasefire from 00:00 Kiev time on December 10, 2021 and return to the implementation of the Measures to strengthen the ceasefire of July 22, 2020.

2. The Ukrainian delegation (December 8-9) will take all the necessary actions for the mutual opening of two new checkpoints of entry-exit (checkpoints Zolote and Schastye) on the line of demarcation and reopening of all existing checkpoints, as well as extending their mode of operation on the eve of New Year and Christmas holidays.

3. The Ukrainian delegation (December 8-9) will provide lists of persons held in connection with the conflict, subject to release or exchange, in order to do everything possible to carry out the exchange by the end of 2021. For this, the Ukrainian side will be ready to complete the previously initiated procedures in relation to identified persons who have expressed a desire to be displaced on the territory of ORDLO or the Russian Federation.

4. In parallel with resolving the issues mentioned in steps 1-3, the Ukrainian side will be ready at the TCG meeting to return to the consideration of the draft law of Ukraine On a special procedure for local self-government in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine with the Steinmeier formula implemented in it.

5. The Ukrainian side (December 8-9) will raise the issue of ensuring safe and reliable access to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission throughout Ukraine in order to fully fulfill its mandate.

6. Conducting a telephone conversation between the President of Ukraine and the President of the Russian Federation regarding:

supporting a return to the ceasefire from December 10, 2021;

statements by two presidents after their telephone conversation about de-escalation around Ukraine's borders;

facilitating the New Year / Christmas mutual release and exchange of persons held in connection with the conflict;

determining the authorized two presidents to start negotiations on the continuation of the transit of Russian gas after 2024.

7. Preparation and approval of the agenda and final documents in preparation for the meeting between the President of Ukraine and the President of the Russian Federation.

8. Holding a meeting between the President of the Russian Federation and the President of Ukraine.

9. Conducting a summit of leaders of the Normandy format.

10. Coordination within the TCG of the following laws with their subsequent submission to the Verkhovna Rada:

about the peculiarities of local self-government of ORDLO with the Steinmeier formula implemented in it;

about amnesty;

about decentralization (taking into account the peculiarities of CADLO);

on a special (free) economic zone;

about the peculiarities of the local elections in ORDLO.

As a reminder, on December 22, the TCG agreed to strictly observe the ceasefire once again.


The OP told why Zelensky does not call Putin

Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak

Yermak said that Zelensky is ready for a meeting with Putin, but when and where it will take place is still unknown.

The conversation between President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will take place when there is confidence in the availability of a subject for negotiations. This was stated by the head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak, writes Focus.

"Our president never calls where he is not sure that his call is expected and ready to be answered," Yermak said.

According to him, there was only one attempt this year to establish contact.

“I don’t remember why the conversation didn’t take place. Therefore, as soon as there is confidence that the President of the Russian Federation is ready to talk and there will be a subject for conversation, it will take place,” the head of the OP said.

He noted that Zelensky is ready for a meeting with Putin, but when and where it will take place is still unknown.

"Negotiations with Russia are ongoing, we communicate within the Normandy format. As you know, Dmitry Kozak is a political adviser to the Russian leader in the Normandy format. We also periodically hold consultations on issues discussed in the TCG," Yermak said.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian Federation proposed the terms of the Putin-Zelensky meeting.


The Russian Federation continues to pull together troops: published photos

Satellite images showed hundreds of armored vehicles and tanks at a military base in the annexed Crimea.

Satellite images taken by the private American company Maxar Technologies show that Russia continues to build up its forces in the annexed Crimea. The photo was published by Reuters on Friday, December 24.

The agency noted that it was unable to independently verify images of Maxar Technologies released late Thursday. The photo shows a base in Crimea that Russia annexed in 2014, filled with hundreds of armored vehicles and tanks as of December 13. At the same time, the Maxar satellite image of the same base in October showed that the base was half empty.

As explained in Maxar, a new brigade-level unit has arrived at the Russian garrison, consisting of several hundred armored vehicles, including infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, self-propelled artillery and air defense systems.



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More than 10,000 Russian troops returning to bases after drills near Ukraine -Interfax​

More than 10,000 Russian troops have been returning to their permanent bases after month-long drills near Ukraine, Interfax news agency reported on Saturday, citing the Russian military.

Interfax said the drills were held in several regions near Ukraine, including in Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014, as well as in the southern Russian regions of Rostov and Kuban.

Russia's deployment of tens of thousands of troops to the north, east and south of Ukraine had fuelled fears in Kyiv and Western capitals that Moscow was planning an attack.

Russia denies any such plans, saying it needs pledges from the West - including a promise from NATO not to expand the alliance eastward towards Russian borders - because its own security is threatened by Ukraine's growing ties with the Western alliance.

Moscow also says that it can deploy its troops on its territory as it sees fit.

Estimates for the number of Russian troops recently moved closer to Ukraine vary from 60,000 to 90,000, with one U.S. intelligence document suggesting that number could be ramped up as high as 175,000.

"A stage of combat coordination of divisions, combat crews, squads at motorized units... has been completed. More than 10,000 military servicemen... will march to their permanent deployment from the territory of the combined arms' area of drills," Interfax quoted the army as saying.


They are returning back just for new year holiday. Comparing 10k with 160k soldiers who are at the border, it won't relive.


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Russia warned the West about reaction to NATO expansion

Putin said that Russia's response to the denial of security guarantees could be "very different."

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West that Moscow's response to NATO expansion "could be very different." TASS reports.

"If the US and NATO refuse to give security guarantees, the response of the Russian Federation may be very different, it will depend on the recommendations of military experts," Putin quotes the publication.

At the same time, the President stressed that Russia will strive to achieve positive results of negotiations on this issue.

"I hope that all the same - and we did not offer something to black out and stop something, from the point of view of this diplomatic process, but in order to achieve a diplomatic negotiating result, enshrined, as I did. I have already said, legally, within the framework of the documents that we have proposed. We will strive for this, "Putin added.

Earlier it was reported that Russia expressed disappointment with the reaction of the United States and NATO to their proposals for security guarantees.


Russia may attack Ukraine from the Sea of Azov - WP

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told The Washington Post that Russia dominates the Sea of Azov in terms of security.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister said that Russia is dictating the security situation in the Sea of Azov. American intelligence does not rule out that Russia's attack on Ukraine may start from the Sea of Azov. It is reported by The Washington Post.

It is noted that despite all the attention of the international community paid to the accumulation of Russian troops on the land borders of Ukraine, if the invasion starts from the sea, the Ukrainian forces will be largely powerless and will not be able to legally take any measures until the first Russian soldier sets foot on dry land.

As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba told the publication, Russia dominates from the point of view of security in the Sea of Azov.

"In the current circumstances, of course, Russia dictates the situation in Azov and mainly uses it as a theater of military operations," the Foreign Minister noted. "And in the event of a war, they will actively use this to put pressure on our southern cities on the Azov coast."

Today there is reason to believe that the coast of the Sea of Azov is of significant strategic and economic value for Russia. The seizure of the Azov coast will allow Russia to connect by land with the Crimea, and will also allow to take control of the port cities of Mariupol and Berdyansk, the newspaper writes.

Earlier it was reported that Russia continues to accumulate troops near the Ukrainian border. This is evidenced by data on social networks and satellite data.


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Meh, Russia's not going to attack. That was my opinion originally then I briefly considered that hey, holy s**t, those madmen might actually do it but then I thought about it again - why would they?

Russia doesn't care about Donbas. They only sit there to keep people's attention off Crimea, which they keep to deny Ukraine gas reserves that could compete with Russia in Europe. Crimea is lacking in water but Russia doesn't care since it just encourages people to move out of Crimea and settle elsewhere in Russia, which helps Russia's plunging demographics. Any who refuse and stay probably don't like Russia all that much so Russia doesn't give a f**k about them.

As for the separatists in Donbas, they would've gotten steamrolled by Ukraine years ago if it wasn't for Russia repeatedly interfering to keep the Ukrainians at bay and thus keep Donbas as a persistent annoyance that prevents everyone from fully focusing on Crimea.

Russia's latest military movements were no different - trying to scare people into thinking they might actually do it and try to get some concessions but it looks like NATO wasn't falling for it. Let's face it, if Russia was actually gearing up to invade the rest of Ukraine then they'd position troops and equipment like 40-50 km from the Ukrainian border not 250-300 km.


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Ukraine has nothing worth invading for only reason they are upset is that Nordstream 2 will cost them billions of dollars since of course they have quite a bad economy as it is. There is also the Power of Siberia 2 where they will run to China and Mongolia. Thanks to Israels enviromentalists Israeli ministry blocks UAE pipeline deal, citing risk to Red Sea by blocking UAE's oil shipments to Europe Israel unknowingly is probably going to help the Russians sell their Arctic oil to Europe. The enviromentalist excuse we all know is BS because Israel has quite the paranoia of its surrounding neighbors for good reasons. They have more gas line projects heading to middle east next. Zarubezhneft plans to develop gas projects in Southeast Asia, the Middle East They also successfully thwarted the oil pipeline to Europe through Syria and thwarted Venezuela from being taken over by the west.

They are also the ringleaders of starting BRICs to replace SWIFT along with wanting quantum communication channels with those countries discussing trade deals. Россия, Китай, Индия и ЮАР создадут первый в мире межконтинентальный канал квантовой связи Everything seems to be going according to their plan to the point I ask what is valauble invading Ukraine for? Ukraine is going to be more of a leech to the west despite getting some additional military bases that have to be financially supported also Russia would have to waste its own money on financing to keep their military there like they did in this war

while the west just backs ukrainian militants. As stated here they have more to gain not invading Ukraine being fat and happy than they do starting an invasion.

I am still waiting for that Russian invasion any day now what about you guys?
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😳 Kadyrov offered to annex Ukraine to Chechnya if Zelensky continues his anti-Russian policy

"Ukrainians are our people" (c) Chechen Ramzan Kadyrov 🤦🏼‍♂️



USA: Relations with Ukraine are stronger than ever

The countries are working together to create a prosperous, democratic and Euro-Atlantic future for Ukraine, the embassy said.

The US Embassy in Kiev on Saturday, December 25, congratulated Ukraine on the 30th anniversary of Washington's recognition of it as an independent and sovereign state. The corresponding message was published on the department's Facebook page.

"Today we celebrate 30 years since the United States officially recognized Ukraine as an independent and sovereign state. Relations between the United States and Ukraine are now stronger than ever," the statement said.

The embassy also noted that the countries are working together to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and create its prosperous, democratic and Euro-Atlantic future.

As you know, the recognition of Ukraine as an independent state by the United States took place almost a month after the All-Ukrainian referendum on independence - December 25, 1991. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on January 3, 1992.

We will remind, on December 24, President Volodymyr Zelensky held a video meeting with more than 20 US senators and congressmen representing the Democratic and Republican parties. The parties discussed the situation in Donbass and near the Ukrainian borders.


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The West's response to Russian demands determines whether Russia invades Ukraine​

Kasper Junge Wester
December 21, 2021


Russian tanks during the large-scale exercise Zapad earlier this year. Photo: Savitskiy Vadim /

The escalation of the conflict in the border area between Ukraine and Russia is causing deep frowns in both Ukraine and NATO. The Russian troop building is seen by many as the initial maneuver for a regular invasion, but it can also prove to be a tool of pressure to push the West into concessions.​

Up to 175,000 Russian soldiers are currently stationed along the Russian-Ukrainian border, and concerns about a potentially imminent invasion are raising growing concerns in Ukraine and NATO. Some observers - including former Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen - fear that in the first phase Russia will block Ukraine's access to the Black Sea and prevent the country from obtaining supplies, in the next phase it will bomb Ukrainian forces and in the third and final phase move in with land troops and move towards the Ukrainian capital Kiev. So far, Russia has deployed an army from the Caucasus and a similar army from Siberia.

According to retired brigadier general and Russia expert Michael H. Clemmesen, the Russian conduct has several purposes. In part, there is real military preparation for an attack, but it is just as much a tool for political pressure against the West and especially the United States, he explains.
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“There is no indication that the Russians are explaining what they are doing with an exercise. Instead, they have sent an ultimatum to the West, demanding not only that we recognize Ukraine's Russian sphere of interest, but also that we withdraw the elements we have established in Eastern Europe since 1997. Therefore, the march may be preparation for an attack, but it may just as well be a question of putting massive pressure on the United States and NATO, «Michael Clemmesen explains to Frontlinjen on Radio4.

Too few forces and a wrong defense doctrine​

If NATO complies with Russia's desire to keep Ukraine out of the defense alliance and in addition accepts the demands Russia has further outlined for reductions in military presence in Eastern Europe, Ukraine is unlikely to be attacked. If this happens anyway, there are several possible scenarios, explains Michael H. Clemmesen, who does not himself believe in a regular air campaign:

"There are three possibilities: Firstly, to attack from the east - that's what the Ukrainians are waiting for, because that's where they have most of their forces - and secondly, there is an opportunity to go towards the coast from the south and the port area near Odessa to smash Ukraine's economy. The last option is a major operation from the northeast in the open areas between Russia and Kiev and down southeast of the Dnieper River. "

Either way, according to the retired brigadier general, Ukraine does not have the great chances in the encounter with a Russia that is far from the strength of the past, but still the Ukrainian military clearly superior on almost all parameters.

"Ukraine has far too few forces and a wrong defense doctrine. You can only fight in the places where you have forces, and you only have 10 percent. of the forces needed to defend the northeastern border. There is plenty of room, so if the ground is frozen, Russia can run around and in depth. The forces that are not in the places where they were to be attacked cannot move due to the superiority of the Russians in the airspace. We do not know how many air forces have been added, but it is certain that Russia will have the total air dominance during the operation, "says Michael H. Clemmesen.

Doubts about Putin's power of action eradicated in 2014​

One of the observers who follows developments from Russian soil and does not doubt that Putin puts action behind the words is Andrey Kazankov, who is Weekendavisen's Russia correspondent.

"Obviously Putin can invade, it almost gives itself up. That was what he did back in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and by provoking the war in Eastern Ukraine. If there was any doubt before 2014, we have since known how it all fits together. We know that Putin may well consider invading Ukraine, and we know that he may well consider taking even more Ukrainian territories, "Andrey Kazankov told the Frontline, continuing:

“Conversely, he knows well what awaits him. Some tough economic sanctions await him from the West, and Ukraine will try to fight back. Putin has experienced this in Eastern Ukraine in contrast to Crimea, where no one was fighting to begin with. But that is the way the country is, and we knew it could happen. "

What will happen in the border country between Ukraine and Russia remains uncertain, and will probably be answered in the near future. However, an invasion does not mean a takeover of the whole of Ukraine, Andrey Kazankov states.

“It is difficult to say what one can agree on because the parties are so far apart. One can fear that the Russians, if they get nothing out of it diplomatically, will solve it on their own through an invasion. However, I do not necessarily think it will be as big as one is afraid of, because Putin is not irrational. We have not seen him make any irrational major attacks in which Russia seriously embraces the role of occupying power. We have seen how he has done so to a limited extent in both Georgia and Ukraine. It will be something completely new if, for example, he takes the whole of Southeast Ukraine, "assesses Andrey Kazankov.

*Google translate from Danish.

This article shows pretty much the thought pattern of Western countries.

IMO (as I mentioned in a different thread) the annexation of Crim should resulted in Finland joining NATO, as quick as Russias annexation. But that chance is lost poor western politicians. But it could be an idea floating now, in the event of Russia invading Ukraine Finland and Sweden should automatically join NATO.


Head of the European Commission: sanctions against Russia in case of invasion of Ukraine are ready



European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that large-scale sanctions in case of further Russian aggression against Ukraine have already been prepared.

Source: Ursula von der Leyen in an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche

Direct speech: "... Any further aggression against Ukraine will be subject to sanctions with enormous consequences. They are already ready.

European countries are united and act in concert with the United States and NATO. We want good relations with Russia, but it depends on its actions. She must stop her provocations. "

Details: Answering the question whether the dialogue between Russia and the United States will freeze the process of Ukraine's integration with NATO and the EU and whether it will also affect other countries, such as Armenia or Georgia, the head of the European Commission said: “We deeply respect the sovereignty of these countries, and also their territorial integrity and their ability to decide their own destiny. I know that the United States also shares these principles. Thus, the Ukrainian people must decide their future. "

According to her, EU support is manifested in the agreements on association and free trade, which "need to be studied and deepened" to make trade in goods and services more profitable for Ukraine, as well as for Georgia and Moldova.
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