What it took you almost 2 weeks to come up with an answer. Let's make things clear , your par of Sub Continent was instrumental in the subjugation of India and all of it achieved by 150k British troops. It took 300k Austro-Hungarian soldiers to do same in Bosnia 1878. You helped Inda more then once in very particular way , didn't you? Unfortunately your country is prone to the natural disasters and you got helped so many times. But hey bad tings happen but what I really can't stand that someone from your part of the world comes up and with mumbo jumbo stories demand of me to support my enemy and at the same time wanting that I be his "Muslim" brother. I have to in your opinion take concern for 16 children which you have and food prices? Bosnians, Albanians, Turks and Azeris are chips on the table to " balance " the world for you? Well I can say here , is it because we're white? So you want the balance of power with your irrelevant army, huge population over my ass and you seriously think that I will be OK with that? Also since your friend is Imran Hussain supporter , in other words you think that you have the right on the Turkish forum to demand that Turks hate themselves and that I glorify Ratlko Mladic? All of that and even with so called religious flavor?
What are you actually talking about? Your reply makes no sense at all. More off-topics again. Which part of this gibberish is relevant to our previous replies? Write properly. You didn't make anything clear.
The West did not support the Serbs during the Bosnian Genocide. They just turned a blind eye
The Serbs were actually supported by Russia, China & some Arab countries who helped them with sanctions evasion.
The West & Bosnia are freinds now. UK right now is our MAJOR ally for example.
And what turning blind eyes means basically? Check the link i provided in my previous reply. The statement of our contingent commander clearly indicates which side the West and it's media supported.

What most people do not know even today is that, the UN Peace Keeping mission was launched in Bosnia without UN Security Council Peacekeeping mandate simply because the big powers could not agree on a common agenda.
Deployment of peacekeeping units from Muslim countries was put on hold in 1993, as many European nations objected to their deployment in Bosnia- Herzegovina
The situation on the ground was getting worse that demanded additional troops, which NATO countries were unable to commit.
Operations in Bosnia were primarily a NATO-run operations, which later came under the flag of UN Peacekeepers, but in reality what I witnessed was: NATO continued its firm hold with the French and the British playing the lead role in all decision making. Interestingly, Americans were kept out of all operational decision-making process.
We even experienced UN Observers from the West looking upon BANBAT with suspicious eyes.
During our mission we faced a very hostile Western media including CNN. In consequence, I had to go on a number of interviews with medias like BBC, SKY TV UK, Peter Jennings Show ABC TV USA and a number of papers like LA Times and Philadelphia Times as part of my struggle to fight the negative media campaign against BANBAT.
According to my judgement, the European nations were upset with BANBAT because hey came to believe wrongfully that the battlefield losses of the Serbs were somehow linked to the arrival of the BANBAT in the area, and this is not what the lead European nations wanted to see. War in Bosnia continued for five years or so, simply because two of the leading European nations had a clear political objective to let the war continue till Bosnia lives no longer as a Muslim majority country in the heart of Christian Europe. This was the prime reason for enforcing arms embargo on the Bosnians while the Serbs were getting free supply of weapons from elements of the Serbian army.