Look Garry I want to be sure we are on the same page here. Those are block 20 F-16s
https://gagadget.com/en/298075-ukra...ty-to-launch-air-to-air-missiles-and-improve/ they are not F-16Vs with SABR radars think of it as a goodwill gesture of giving spare change than something game changing they needed to get rid of those anyways for some F-35s. If I am using google correctly block 20s use pulse radars that see fighter aircrafts like from 50kms away.
Those are MLU enhanced bird, they could either be a Block 5,10,15,20 in their pre-MLU block. MLU themselves differs from operators, for example Indonesian APG-68v9 equipped Block 15 F-16 MLU are actually closer to Block 52+ minus the engine. The Dutch and Danish MLU F-16 are closer to Block 40 in some regards and are equipped with APG-66v(2), not the best Western radar out there but adequate for the job.
Your source of radar range comes from games. According to
Forecast International, the APG-66v1 has ~48nm detection range (not track) and we know the APG-66v(2) has an improved 25% detection range than that of v1, so that's an estimated range of 60 nm or 100km. Being able to do TWS scanning of 10 and tracking 6 and simultaneous launch of all 6 AMRAAM, pretty good for a radar from 1983 in comparison to the latest Russian IRBIS-E (2007) that has a capability of around 30 track and 8 launch. Its not like the IRBIS-E being the most advanced Russian radar is impressive,
it once detected 3 target from 268 km but only tracked one of it from around only 100km
One important features of MLU birds is the Bird slicer IFF, not found in either the Block 25/30/40, will help them a lot in BVR combat by being able to classify friend or foe from 100nm or 185km.
Which then could be exploited by the AMRAAM, a much more advanced and mature missile than the standard R-77 of the VKS in a long range engagement. Even better if the US would willingly donate latest C8 or even D variant AMRAAM (reported to be in excess of 200+km).
Cockpit wise the MLU are similar to Block 40 and 50, but MLU bird uses color display. So these MLU birds are quite capable being a throw away weapons that's on their way to retirement until F-35 arrives.
Off course there's no denying that overall the Su-35 and MiG-31BM are a more superior aircraft by raw power and some exotic armaments like the R-37, not to mention Ukraine's lack of force multiplier like AWACS, tankers etc. But on its own and with the correct tactics the F-16 could hold and even win, UAF only needs to figure it out without AWACS.
Don't say no yet, in the Iran-Iraq war Iraqi Mirage F-1EQs scored multiple hits against far more superior F-14A using proper tactics like the Giraffe maneuver. The technological difference between this MLU birds are not as extreme as the F-14 and Mirage F1.
Maybe in the long run NATO would like to donate some of their AWACS to support these MLU birds and makes them operate more effectively ? Who knows.
Literally any russian aircraft that uses a phase array radar from su-27, su-30, su-35, su-57, mig-29, mig-31 and mig-35 would be enough with the soon to be Su-70 and Su-75s.
I've given examples on Russia's radar performance above, not very impressive I must say. MiG-29/Su-27 doesn't have any phased array radar, the SU-57 is only in its early operational use and the Su-75 is at the moment a pet project.
. Even than the F-16s will be limited to just Ukraine's airspace being prone to missile or drone strikes in runways because launching an aircraft from a NATO airspace to Russia sounds like a bad idea as much as lobbing a ballistic missile to another country.
You have been theorizing this for ages now...with no visible effects. The Russian air force still fail to prove that I'm wrong and this post is from January 2022.
Although I'm referring to NATO, Ukraine is trained by NATO so by extension, if you can't ground the UAF on their airfield, the chance of doing such with actual NATO is slimmer.

Moving on to a supposed vulnerability of airbases to ballistic missiles. Contrary to popular beliefs, Airpower remains the best way to counter ballistic missiles. In an actual combat, the movement of a battalion of lets say an Iskander ballistic missile battalion WILL be noticed by superior NATO ISR and intelligence.
If the commanders sees an imminent missile strike on its airbase, they could order a scramble. Remember that most ballistic missiles uses GPS/INS guidance that means the coordinate are uploaded before the launch. if in those hour or so when the the coordinates are uploaded the fighters are no longer present it would be no use. At best those launches are a complete waste of missiles.
Now Just to inform fighter jets could scramble in just mere 5 minutes.
Ready Five, also referred to as
Alert Five in the film
Top Gun, is a condition of high alert for aircraft crews on the flight deck of an
aircraft carrier, in which they are ready to launch within five minutes. Fighter aircraft are placed on the steam catapult complete with flight crew, armament, and fuel, ready to defend the
carrier battle group from any unforeseen threat.