Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Ukraine, with help from the West, should be planning to exploit Russia's geography and it's spread thin air defense systems to absolutely decimate the energy and natural resource components of Western Russia, using cheap, long range drones by the thousands.

The size of Russia makes is damn near impossible for them to assemble enough air defense to protect everything of importance simultaneously. Russia had to move many of its air defense systems that would otherwise protect these regions, into Ukraine to protect troops on the ground. In term it has made their energy grid, and it's oil export terminals and silos vulnerable, with reduced air defense. It would be cheap to build thousands of long range, rudimentary attack drones and absolutely overwhlem Russia's air defenses, causing large scale fires in the cities, leaving their populous without electricity for weeks at a time and damaging their ability to export oil and gas cheaply and easily. Pipelines across Russia could be targeted and so could things like fire stations and hydro electricity repair infrastructure, making it even harder for their population, forcing Russia to spend precious resources rectifying internal issues, and allowing them to spend less resources on the war.

Long range drones (750-1000 km) can be assembled for $2000-$2500 usd. 100,000 of them could be build for a measly $200,000,000-$250,000,000 usd. Those 100,000 drones could absolutely paralyze western Russia, while simultaneously draining their stocks of short / medium range air defense missiles.

This would be an awesome Western initiative!


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The Afghan war made no sense for the US public. Why waste resources to figt the Taliban, when they represented no threat for the US?

The Afghan war makes no 2024. But it all made sense back when it started in 2001.

Please remember that the Americans entered Afghanistan still reeling after the horrible attack on the WTC, where images like these was making headlines


And everyone is in uniformity when it comes to response against Al-Qaeda and its Taliban ally in Afghanistan. That is full destruction of Al-Qaeda and its Taliban allies. It took a few years for the U.S leadership to lose concentration and a bit more for their citizens to go 180 degrees questioning their very involvement in Afghanistan.

Do not ever think that Ukrainian lives are more special than America's own that they lost during 9/11 which they completely forgotten why they are there in the first place after a few years. You might want to shit talk about how the EU or even worse the Eastern European countries will back Ukraine even if the U.S backed down, but then again without the U.S. you guys are just flies, not worthy of mention.

Russia should be increasingly worried, not confident. They are constantly losing their initial advantages, and the attrition war favors Ukraine. While Russia doesn’t have incremental weapons to bring to the table, Ukraine is constantly upgrading its arsenal and capabilities.

Ukraine's CiC Zaluzhny risks himself (and his career) to talk about the dire situation of weaponry and here you are talking about the complete opposite.

So who is the Commander in Chief of the AFU ? Valerii Zaluzhny or Contricusc ?
Take the French Caesar artillery for example. They are constantly receiving new units at a higher rate than the units they are losing. France has greatly increased the production rate, and is able to constantly provide Ukraine with more units. One year ago, Ukraine had very few Caesars and had to use them in selected parts of the front, but the more it gets, the more it can spread them across the entire battlefield. European countries have increased ammunition production, and this will results in a higher rate of fire for the Ukrainians, with more precise munitions.
Yes it's just that they don't have the ammunition. NATO prolly wants Ukrainians to start loading coconuts inside those barrels.

Add to that the increased military production of Ukraine, which builds huge numbers of drones,

Yeah ?

Ukraine lives on donations and its economy is kept alive by a never ending influx of foreign money, Russia cannot win an economic war against the EU, US and Canada combined. If Ukraine manages to keep the number of casualities low, it can keep on fighting forever. Russia on the other hand will collapse economically, and it is also losing men at a much higher rate.

True, Ukraine lives by donation. Guess who else lives by donation and goodwill?

The problem with goodwill and donations is that it depends on the situation of your donor. In the case of South Vietnam and the Republic of Afghanistan, domestic events led to their eventual abandonment.

Also Viet Cong and the Taliban didn't won their respective struggle by competing in GDP numbers.

I mean don't get me wrong, if Ukrainian leadership thinks that their ceiling for Ukrainian deaths are so high before the eventual collapse so be it. I'm merely concerned with the lives of ordinary Ukrainians getting grabbed in the middle of the street to fight a senseless and useless war for foreign interest.


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You might want to shit talk about how the EU or even worse the Eastern European countries will back Ukraine even if the U.S backed down, but then again without the U.S. you guys are just flies, not worthy of mention.

The EU is the second most powerful entity in the world after the US, both economically and militarily. The EU could easily keep Ukraine alive as long as it takes to defeat Russia. If you think Russia can win an attrition war against the EU, you are mistaken. The economic power of the EU is insane in comparison to Russia’s, and long wars are won on the economic front.

Ukraine's CiC Zaluzhny risks himself (and his career) to talk about the dire situation of weaponry and here you are talking about the complete opposite.

It is in Zaluzhny’s best interest to present a dire situation when it comes to weaponry, because it encourages more donations from the West. Don’t confuse the marketing tricks of Ukraine and its supporters with the reality. Ukraine and its backers need to present the situation as being critical in order to put pressure on the US congress to approve additional aid. It’s all a political game, and it has the added benefit of fooling Putin as well, who continues to throw meat waves against artillery fire and suicide drones.

The problem with goodwill and donations is that it depends on the situation of your donor. In the case of South Vietnam and the Republic of Afghanistan, domestic events led to their eventual abandonment.

Soth Vietnam and the Republic of Afghanistan lost because they didn’t have the will to fight, and the population was not hating the enemy. In both cases, it was an internal conflict, when the other side was more popular in the country. In Ukraine, it is a conflict against a foreign invader. It’s totally different.

I mean don't get me wrong, if Ukrainian leadership thinks that their ceiling for Ukrainian deaths are so high before the eventual collapse so be it. I'm merely concerned with the lives of ordinary Ukrainians getting grabbed in the middle of the street to fight a senseless and useless war for foreign interest.

No, you are concerned about Russia being defeated. You don’t care at all about ordinary Ukrainians who die in this war, just like you are not concerned about the thousands of Russians who are sent to die against their will in Putin’s personal war.

Your so called worry about ordinary Ukrainians is just a way to present Putin’s narrative that Ukraine is losing and it is fighting on behalf of the West. Both are false. Ukraine fights for its survival as a nation and independent country (not for Blackrock, Washington, West, etc.), and Ukraine is not losing the war.


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Long range drones (750-1000 km) can be assembled for $2000-$2500 usd. 100,000 of them could be build for a measly $200,000,000-$250,000,000 usd. Those 100,000 drones could absolutely paralyze western Russia, while simultaneously draining their stocks of short / medium range air defense missiles.

This would be an awesome Western initiative!

This would be a great strategy. Russia should be under constant attacks on its territory, until it realizes that it is fighting a losing war and decides it is in its best interest to withdraw from Ukraine.


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Ukraine, with help from the West, should be planning to exploit Russia's geography and it's spread thin air defense systems to absolutely decimate the energy and natural resource components of Western Russia, using cheap, long range drones by the thousands.

The size of Russia makes is damn near impossible for them to assemble enough air defense to protect everything of importance simultaneously. Russia had to move many of its air defense systems that would otherwise protect these regions, into Ukraine to protect troops on the ground. In term it has made their energy grid, and it's oil export terminals and silos vulnerable, with reduced air defense. It would be cheap to build thousands of long range, rudimentary attack drones and absolutely overwhlem Russia's air defenses, causing large scale fires in the cities, leaving their populous without electricity for weeks at a time and damaging their ability to export oil and gas cheaply and easily. Pipelines across Russia could be targeted and so could things like fire stations and hydro electricity repair infrastructure, making it even harder for their population, forcing Russia to spend precious resources rectifying internal issues, and allowing them to spend less resources on the war.

Long range drones (750-1000 km) can be assembled for $2000-$2500 usd. 100,000 of them could be build for a measly $200,000,000-$250,000,000 usd. Those 100,000 drones could absolutely paralyze western Russia, while simultaneously draining their stocks of short / medium range air defense missiles.

This would be an awesome Western initiative!
Drones?! Why do you need drones? Drones can kill people! Incredible! Look, a user from humane Canada is calling for the production of 100,000 soulless drones to kill Russians! And the destruction of Russian infrastructure! But when we destroyed the Armenian aggressors with drones here in Azerbaijan, the Canadian government called this action inhumane and declared an embargo against Bayraktar! What's the matter? The Armenians were the same aggressors as the Russians. Is not it?
Apparently something has changed a lot.
It turns out that we - Azerbaijanis - can be killed, but Armenians cannot. Because Armenians are Christians. But we don't. We are Muslims, and that means we can be killed!
When the Bayraktars in Libya and Syria were killing militants, for some reason Canada did not declare an embargo against Bayraktar. On the contrary, Canadians and the entire Western world applauded Bayraktar with admiration.
Oh, yes, only Muslims militants were killed.
When it comes to non-Christian countries, you are surprisingly calculating and have no humanism. And you never had it.
But we are all human!
But now everything has changed, because Russia may attack you! And here you call for the destruction of all of Russia!
Oh, you're scared!
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mehmed beg

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1918 the first day of the German spring offensive, German army fired 1.1 million shells in 5 hours. We are talking about Germany at the end of its resources.
Technically, there is no huge difference between the shells now and than. These are just the games, 1 million shells to produce for Ukraine in a year? And call it " remarkable " ?


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Blackrock taking over the country? That's one of the most bizarre narratives I've ever read. That's almost up there along with flat earth theories!

And so much of your narrative is really unfair on the West and makes Putin's Russia sound like some peaceful country that was minding its business until provoked past the point of no return. Yes you could argue that NATOs expansion was provocative, but in no way does the expansion of a purely defensive (thus far) alliance justify, or gives a valid excuse for Russia to behave the way it has. Putin's actions are only valid, if you sincerely believe that if he had taken no action then Russia was going to be invaded, or that Russia had a right to attempt to invade and conquer independent democratic countries that once made up the USSR or had some other historical links.

This is not how great power relationship works. The U.S. started a war with Cuba back then just because the Soviet Union placed a few ballistic missiles in Cuba. What seems to be menial from the lens of an ordinary person would be met with sobering alarm by statesmen and political leadership of a country, because they know what's at stake.

People who has the slightest understanding of geopolitics would understand just how big of a deal Ukraine is. Ukraine (and Belarus) is situated in the heart of the Great Central European Plain, historically a gateway for invading forces to invade the Russian state at its various forms.


German panzers made their way in Ukraine (1941)

Having a hostile country with allegiance to state at the other side of the Atlantic is a big Natsec issue for the Kremlin, this is what most people forget, they prefer to hear the "but but but muhhh democratic kontriiii" excuse to downplay the significance of this entire conflicts and what is at stake.

The West until Putin began showing what a maniac he is, had stopped viewing Russia as the 'enemy' and wanted nothing more for them to join them in the group of nations trying to keep the world on an even keel. They had no intentions of ever invading, or taking over Russia, and so enlarging the NATO alliance just seemed like a natural thing to do that shouldn't have felt threatening to any right thinking person. It is in fact, only threatening, to a country that harbours ambitions of future wars and new conquests on the continent. Some people make it sound like Russia was being a perfectly reliable and peaceful international partner until big evil NATO dared to invite more nations into its alliance.

Oh it's that easy for you ? Putin at various times in history actually tried to join NATO, only to be turned back. You know the West might seems harmless at times, but that doesn't mean they're truly sincere. How many countries have the West collectively invaded after declaring the new world right after the end of the Cold War ? Iraq, Libya anyone ?

Putin is not stupid, the very reason he manages to get on top is that he happens to know how politics work, add that to his advance knowledge of the habitual Western practice of regime change to depose people who do not adopt their ideology and wallaaaaa.

When the USSR collapsed, the moment of victory for the Western powers, did the West march in? Did the West take over, swoop in, secure the nukes and plant a pro western puppet in the Kremlin? No they didn't. They probably could have, and its certainly what USSR would have tried had roles been reversed. When the USA nuked Japan, did we stay and keep their territory and claim it as our own?

You are downplaying the entire thing again, even at its nadir, the Russian Federation still commands a huge stockpile of nuclear warheads ready to be launched at any second once the survival of the Russian state is in danger. Technically once the entire Union collapsed, there's nothing for the Russians to stop the agglomeration of NATO troops from marching East towards Moscow, nut something tells me Russia's nuke makes that plan a no-go from a cost-benefit analysis standpoint.

Did they hold onto Iraq and Afghanistan regardless of the cost? No. For a moment, just consider Russia in those situations, and ask yourself what would they have done? Russia would have bombed / invaded just the same if they were in Americas position, but what came afterwards would have been very very different. If you can give an honest answer to that question, then you can never claim that Western regimes are comparable to Putin's. In fact, if Moscow and the Kremlin had been attacked like New York was on 9/11, my hunch is that Putin would have simply just dropped a nuke on Afghanistan.

Oh no, the U.S didn't hold on into Iraq, they simply has their bases there, their president could make an unannounced visit to their military outpost like they own the land.

The Japanese might not have an American headquarters in the Middle of Tokyo, but sure as hell the foreign policy of their govt must conform toWashington, not to mention 80 years after the end of hostilities, Japanese airspace are still controlled by the US.

A good portion of the airspace over central Japan has been reserved for the exclusive use of the U.S. military since the end of World War II, a fact that isn't widely known in Japan.

In comparison, I don't think Russia even wants something like this in a future Russian liberated Ukraine, they only want two things basically :

  1. De-nazification
  2. Demilitarization
Nothing out of the ordinary. Russians aren't interested in killing Ukrainians, because Ukrainians are their little brothers, fellow Slavs that need to be guided whenever they're heading in the wrong direction. What they want is pretty straightforward, no extremist in power sitting in Kyiv, no hyper-militarized society that is trained to hate your neighbor, no basing for hostile power near the Russian border. That's it.

You could argue the West were naïve, and a little stupid, but blaming them for starting this war by their expansion of NATO is just a ridiculous perspective unless viewed through an extremely pro-Russian pro-Putin lens. If your thinking is correct, then why did Putin not make clear that any further expansion would be viewed as a declaration of war and force him into offensive actions? The answer is pretty obvious, because instead he preferred to use it as a convenient excuse to try and gobble up the remaining non-NATO countries while he still could.

Because it will allow another Poland like situation, where you have brainwashed anti-Russian population who could provoke Russians, but this time under the protective wings of a faraway state on the other side of the Ocean. Poland is bad enough, but in Ukraine you have literal Nazis and Banderites gaining traction and the prospect of Nazis with NATO's protective umbrella is a national security issues that needs to be fixed, not later but sooner. Russia is a country built on the Paranoia of Nazism, so it's no surprise that they eventually take the matter into their own hands

I can also disagree that Russia will ever enter Kiev, at least not in this war / decade / life time. If they couldn't do it at the start of the war, with Ukraine in chaos, caught unprepared, how on earth will Russia do it now? Its another huge red flag about your posts, that you never mention, discuss, or post about the horrific Russian losses and unbelievably embarrassing performance of their armed forces thus far. I could have missed it, but its the biggest talking point of this whole conflict, and you gloss over it like a paid Russian troll would.

Kyiv is saved by the agility of its young soldiers, the underestimating attitude of Russia and the complex warfighting technique of Urban warfare that most Russian units participating aren't familiar with.

None of these still exist and Russia is fixing the remaining deficiencies...also now the average age of Ukrainian soldiers are 43...yikes. It's going tp be slow at the start, but when everything crumbles, it crumbles pretty fast.

Then you mention Zelenskys hard headed attitude? He is literally the ideal war leader from what i have seen. He is someone i would want in charge of my nation if it were ever invaded without cause. It sounds like if you were a Ukrainian national you would be perfectly happy to roll over when your country got invaded and not resist at all? I can presume that your own country could never count on your service if your own country was ever invaded and you would be happily waving the white flag and welcoming your new overlords with open arms instead of being 'hard headed' and god forbid actually put up a fight. Will you not admit that their war performance so far has been incredible, against terrible odds, and has been so far a success that no-one would have predicted?

Zelensky is what I would like to call a war pig, he took a great deal of personal fame for playing the 'war leader' actor (whoops) while throwing his men into slaughter like the last summer offensive. He did not care that his young were vanishing in record numbers, he only wants to take credit

He should've reached a peace agreement with the Russians like Arestovich recently revealed, but he prefers to listen to Boris Johnson, the then-British Prime Minister. He clearly doesn't have an independent foreign policy, rather he uses his men to advance the interest of foreign state. Now Ukrainians are waking up to the terrible prospect of getting sent to the front by Zelensky's marauding Meat collectors brigade and many of them are trying (some in vain) to cross the icy rivers in the Carpathian mountains towards Romania. Zelensky a huge national disatser, a traitor to the well-being of his people.

My country would never fight for extremist ideology and figures like Bandera and my countrymen would not shed their blood for foreign corporations like Blackrock and the US MIC. We do not provoke our neighbor with threats and dangerous political maneuvering. Ukraine finds itself in this situation because of the short-sightedness of its leadership and the false hope of liberal democracy that instead of turning them rich it turns them gay, they don't want to be gay, stop it.\

I hate targeting a persons posting like this, but so many of your views are so extreme, so black and white, and seem to be deducing grand conspiracies and sweeping plans of domination and western hegemony out what is instead an unbelievably entangled messy and complex global political legacy we are currently dealing with. Its a mixture of western incompetence, poor communication, and Russia refusing to give up dreams of conquering more territory that led us to this point, and funnily enough its similar thinking and faulty logic like your own that fuels the fire and the cycle of madness that you mention.

You are acting like a spineless inverte*ratae, what do you want ? Dead Ukrainians is not enough for you? Oh I see, you prefer to see them without their limbs because that satisfy you so much. The huge tols of Ukrainian dead doesn't bother you, rather you find it amusing that MIC shares are skyrocketing.

You want Ukraine to make peace. How on earth does that work? You basically want them to surrender huge swathes of their land, and put trust that Putin in the future wont try some similar and grab even more land? Can you not see what an impossible ask that is? If you were in Zelenskys shoes, are you really telling me you would just give up, and just cross your fingers that in a few years time you wont just be facing the same thing again once Russia has made up its losses? So much of what you said just doesnt make any sense to me whatsoever!

How do you think that would work? Make peace as soon as possible and this entire carnage would have stopped, the Ukrainians wanted to live a normal life, with the dignity a human being should have, they do not want to fear for their lives going to the grocery stores for fear that Zelensky meat collecting brigades might ambush them and dragged them inside a van to be sent to meat grinder at the front. They want to live in peace. How hard is it to make peace ?

While they die or even worse incapacitated for life, the Western MIC and Corporations are having the time of their lives, the huge NATO money laundering operations that is Ukraine finally gives the return they always wanted in the first place, they don't care if the average Vasilli is dead or wounded or taken prisoner, they're probably serving champagne for each other right now.

Just make peace, right now and this entire circus stopped. In the end, it's the Ukrainians that need to laugh and cherish, not Blackrock, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Monsanto, Lego etc.
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My country would never fight for extremist ideology and figures like Bandera and my countrymen would not shed their blood for foreign corporations like Blackrock and the US MIC. We do not provoke our neighbor with threats and dangerous political maneuvering.

Your country fought against the Dutch colonists to gain independence. Ukraine is fighting against the Russian colonists to remain independent. It is very simple.

If you think the Russians have the right to control Ukraine, than you should also agree that the Dutch had the right to control Indonesia.


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Your country fought against the Dutch colonists to gain independence. Ukraine is fighting against the Russian colonists to remain independent. It is very simple.

If you think the Russians have the right to control Ukraine, than you should also agree that the Dutch had the right to control Indonesia.

It's not even the same thing, we fought for independence, Ukraine on the other hand uses its independence to picking quarrels and provoking trouble ( 寻衅滋事罪; pinyin: xúnxìn zīshì zuì).

Poroshenko and his parliament should have realized that revising your nation's constitution with something as bizarre as joining NATO constitutes nothing short of a declaration of war. This is as if Kyiv sends Kremlin a warm package of dung to be smelled, it is ridiculously stupid foreign policy move that manifests itself in the invasion 3 years later.

When we fought the war of independence we did so to liberate land, not fight for foreign MIC, we do not have the equivalent of Zelensky meat collection brigades forcefully conscripting people so that MIC stays happy.



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Russia hit Kharkov city- at least 5 dead

😟 "The whole district has been damaged. There were thousands of flats":

In the morning, the invaders launched several attacks on the Kyivsky and Saltovsky districts of the city. According to preliminary information, they were hit with X-22 missiles.


It is now known that as a result of the rocket attack, 5people were killed and 42 were injured, including two children aged 10 and 12 years. Five people are in serious condition

Under the rubble there's a whole family( child, mother and father) which are being searched.





❗️ As a result of rocket attacks on Kharkiv in the morning of January 23, 116 high-rise buildings were damaged. Some houses, in advance, are not subject to restoration

A lot of the buildings should be demolished. A total of about 4,000 windows broken,"

as a result of rocket attacks, 57 people were injured, including 4 children. A total of 27 people were hospitalized, 4 of them are in extremely serious condition.

Currently 10000 people are without electricity due to attack .

😔 The first minutes after the missile attack on Kharkiv in the morning of January 23

In the footage, law enforcement officers enter the victim's aprovide assistance to the victims.

"Another act of terrorism, not "a similar base of foreign mercenaries", as they usually do. The dung country shows itself again," Biloshitskyi wrote.

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It's not even the same thing, we fought for independence, Ukraine on the other hand uses its independence to picking quarrels and provoking trouble ( 寻衅滋事罪; pinyin: xúnxìn zīshì zuì).

Poroshenko and his parliament should have realized that revising your nation's constitution with something as bizarre as joining NATO constitutes nothing short of a declaration of war.

Wanting to join a defensive military alliance is not a declaration of war. It is something that every independent country has the right to do.

It is Russia who attacked Ukraine with no reason, because it couldn’t accept that a former colony is no longer doing its bidding.

You see, Indonesia has the right to choose whatever military alliance wishes to join, because it is an independent country. If Indonesia decides to make a defensive alliance with China, the Dutch don’t have the right to attack you just because their former colony is aligning itself with a rival county.

You should try to accept the idea that Ukraine is an independent country just like yours, and it has the right to choose which economic and military block it wants to be part of. The former colonial power (Russia) has no right to decide the future of Ukraine.

If you are pro-Russia, you are pro colonialism. It’s that simple.


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The moment of hit at a residential building in Kharkov

More footage of the hits at residential buildings in Kharkiv



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Wanting to join a defensive military alliance is not a declaration of war. It is something that every independent country has the right to do.

Technically a country can do whatever it wants, what it can't is to prevent what will be the consequence of that action.

Nobody can prevent Ukraine from aggressively provoking Russia by publicly announcing their intent to join a rival military alliance, but Ukraine can't prevent what will Russia do to defend itself and its interests.

This is the same in every country. Indonesia for example, could technically start developing nuclear weapons to defend itself, but something tells me the Americans and their allies will make sure life would be difficult for us, or even invade us like they did in Iraq with imaginary WMD as justification.

Of course, this kind of thing is something the common man can't and won't comprehend, but in politics, this is how it is done. Again Ukraine is free to do its own shit while completely ignoring the consequence of its actions, Russia on the other hand is free to do its own shit like declaring SMO and let Ukraine pay the consequence for the SMO.

Pretty simple, this is how it is done.

It is Russia who attacked Ukraine with no reason, because it couldn’t accept that a former colony is no longer doing its bidding.

I would be very careful of using the word "attacks". Early in the war, Russia actually limits its aggression so much, but aggresive Ukrainians shot them back. They have no other choice


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Again Ukraine is free to do its own shit while completely ignoring the consequence of its actions, Russia on the other hand is free to do its own shit like declaring SMO and let Ukraine pay the consequence for the SMO.

And NATO is free do to its own shit like pumping weapons into Ukraine until Russia is defeated. What Putin miscalculated is the fact that Russia is not the top dog. He thought he could quickly defeat Ukraine and score a victory, but now he finds himself dragged into an unwinnable war, and he has no way out.

His propaganda team tries to put the blame on Zelensky and to create the impression that Ukraine could stop the war by accepting defeat, but the one who should stop the war by accepting defeat is Putin. Ukraine has no other option but to fight. If they accept a temporary peace in the current war borders, the Russians will start to rebuild their army and ammunition stocks in order to launch another attack in a few years time, while Ukraine will stop receiving the constant influx of weapons, ammunition and money.

There is no road to peace for Ukraine other than defeating Russia in a way that it will never think about attacking them again. It is painful, but they have no other option. The good part is that the more the war drags on, the more the balance of power will tilt in the favor of Ukraine.


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And NATO is free do to its own shit like pumping weapons into Ukraine until Russia is defeated. What Putin miscalculated is the fact that Russia is not the top dog. He thought he could quickly defeat Ukraine and score a victory, but now he finds himself dragged into an unwinnable war, and he has no way out.

His propaganda team tries to put the blame on Zelensky and to create the impression that Ukraine could stop the war by accepting defeat, but the one who should stop the war by accepting defeat is Putin. Ukraine has no other option but to fight. If they accept a temporary peace in the current war borders, the Russians will start to rebuild their army and ammunition stocks in order to launch another attack in a few years time, while Ukraine will stop receiving the constant influx of weapons, ammunition and money.

There is no road to peace for Ukraine other than defeating Russia in a way that it will never think about attacking them again. It is painful, but they have no other option. The good part is that the more the war drags on, the more the balance of power will tilt in the favor of Ukraine.

I mean you've been doing that for almost 3 years already, nobody is stopping you guys. But what has it achieved? More Ukrainian dead and suffering ? Widespread disability among war veterans? Ukrainian youths feeling terrorized by recruitment officers trying to man those huge inflow of weapons ?

If it's that what you wanted then I must inform you that you have successfully outdo Russia in the competition to destroy the Ukrainian nation. But then that's your entire plan isn't it ? destroy other nations so that profits continue to enter the pockets of MIC.

I felt really sorry for the Ukrainians man, I really do.

mehmed beg

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I mean you've been doing that for almost 3 years already, nobody is stopping you guys. But what has it achieved? More Ukrainian dead and suffering ? Widespread disability among war veterans? Ukrainian youths feeling terrorized by recruitment officers trying to man those huge inflow of weapons ?

If it's that what you wanted then I must inform you that you have successfully outdo Russia in the competition to destroy the Ukrainian nation. But then that's your entire plan isn't it ? destroy other nations so that profits continue to enter the pockets of MIC.

I felt really sorry for the Ukrainians man, I really do.
Why it is important for you that Ukrainians and Russians stop dying? Personally for me it cannot be better.


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If it's that what you wanted then I must inform you that you have successfully outdo Russia in the competition to destroy the Ukrainian nation. But then that's your entire plan isn't it ? destroy other nations so that profits continue to enter the pockets of MIC.

No, the main plan is to defeat Russia so that it no longer poses a threat to Europe, and while doing this we also want to help Ukraine liberate itself and join the EU and NATO.

The Ukrainians have choosen the side they want to be on, why can’t Russia let them be? NATO didn’t invade Ukraine when it wanted to be a friend of Russia, why does Russia have to invade when Ukraine wants to be with NATO?

I felt really sorry for the Ukrainians man, I really do.

No you don’t. You only feel sorry for Putin and his ilk, because they are unable to fulfill their goals and got humiliated in front of the entire world to see. You continue to cheer for Russia, so you are not sorry for Ukrainian men.


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Video show aftermath of another ruzzian failed attack.
It is showing in close with details what is look like a ruzzian coffin military junks.
BTR-82A , T-90M

The best ruzzian military junks showed over and over again One specific big FACT and it is that on hit ruzzian military junks Explode or they just Cook inside all personal.
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