Lol, 80%+ of Ukraine is not occupied and Russians lose thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) of men and hundreds of armored vehicles and artillery pieces for each additional 1% that they take. Outside of Mariupol, all of Ukraine's large cities are still standing and none are under immediate threat of falling. Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Kramatorsk, etc, etc.
Just yesterday at the latest Ramstein meeting USA

estimated Russian losses at 315,000 KIA / WIA / MIA. They also estimated that Russia has spent at least $211 Billion usd during the war and has deeply damaged their foreign currency reserves, while spiking inflation inside Russia. Some 30%-40% of the enormous Soviet stockpile that was left to them has also been exhausted, with losses happening at a far greater rate than Russia can replace them.
If the collective West has to send an insignificant $100-$150'ish billion usd to Ukraine each year to ensure that Russia continues to take territory at a snail's pace, that's money extremely well spent. When USA passes their next large tranche of funding for Ukraine, it's going to be even kore nightmarish for the Russians in their attempt to advance. They're trading so much for so little right now. As Ukraine's artillery shell stockpiles increase throughout 2024, it's only going to get worse.