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Another USV prototype from another firm
( I have no further information)



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@Anmdt Do you have an idea about the shipyard?
The Shipyard is Sefine, i could identify the hangar (Alumunium workshop).

The two signs for being Sefine Shipyard;
Highway indicators at the left&up and Yalova mountains on the right&up. Upon checking location of the Sefine Shipyard we will realize it is located by the Izmir highway - next to the Osmangazi bay bridge.

This should be their first ,mono-hull USV (NB coded). As it seems, they have changed the mast design, in fact added a mast to the existing design (possibly for LOS communications, the USV will use SATCOM mainly in future). The picture also adds up with their schedule of sea trials to commence in March.

The USV more relates to the pictures revealed during construction, by Anadolu Agency, rather than the design published by Sefine at the steel cutting ceremony and promotional videos.

The mentioned article ,by AA:

Pay attention to these details; location of the supper structure wrt. the waterline, two diagonal surfaces on top of the bridge on rear side of the mast.

Looks to have deck, window and entrance to the cabin so why do you think it is a drone if you have no other info? For me, it looks like a small patrol boat.
"Optionally manned platform", this is why it has a fully fledged bridge, comfortable for a crew. The boat will be operated by a crew when it is necessary for the situation (intervention, insurgency etc.).

The crew will be minimal, also will require minimal training thanks to the highly automated controls (route planning, navigation, collision avoidance et al.) . An intermediate step towards the larger optionally manned vessels.
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Since Ismail Demir has announced this, it is no more something to keep hidden.

All USV development projects are coordinated by SSB, each (under construction) being developed for a special role.

However, i am unsure about Dearsan's. That might be in a concept level and they may be moving independently for export.

With the current situation we may expect these;

Yonca Onuk will be responsible with high speed - rapid strike platform, thus we may expect YO to roll out an USV equipped with AShM / Kuzgun KY. They were the first to try UMTAS & Cirit long ago (even earlier than the Burak Class adaptation) on their manned MRTP boats.

Ares will be responsible with harbor based solutions, optionally Satcom & LOS. Including their USV solution.

Sefine & Aselsan will be responsible with high endurance, long deployment USV.

Ship based solution is still unsure but likely, Ares will go for the combatants, Sefine will go for the Auxillary and Amphibious Units.

Turkish Navy (Armerkom) coordinates the MUM-T development, Dearsan offers a similar MUM-T concept within their in-house designs but this is not related to TN's.

Not very far, in near future a frigate, a ship deployed rotary wing UAV, a ship deoloyed fixed wing UAV and a ship deployed USV will be fully integrated via ADVENT, with fusion of the gathered data.


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Looks to have deck, window and entrance to the cabin so why do you think it is a drone if you have no other info? For me, it looks like a small patrol boat.
The man who put on the internet said she’s an USV. But that’s only he said. I posted what’s available.


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Dearsan starts production of the first USV, base 15 meters variant.


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TAIS (Sefine) USV's speficiations are now available;

An autonomous anti submarine warfare (ASW) fast attack vehicle with light weight torpedo and ASW Rocket designed to meet the long endurance, sea keeping and maneuverability requirements for defensive and offensive ASW operations in littoral waters. With her special hull design and propulsion system, able to speed over 36 knots and can operate including at Sea State 4. Vehicle can easily be configured for different types of payloads according to user requirements with both monohull and trimaran hull forms as well as optimized for endurance figures.
Equipments / Payload
  • 2 x twin torpedo launcher
  • 1x 6 cell ASW rocket launcher
  • 1x 12.7 Stabilized gun platform
  • 2D Radar
  • Variable depth sonar
  • Diver detection sonar
  • DIFAR / DICAS (Direction finding-acoustic sensors)
  • 700 NM Range
  • 21 tons (monohull) - 26 (trimaran)
  • ~15 meters LOA
  • ~4 / 7.7 (Monohull / Trimaran) meters Beam
  • 0.85 meters draft
  • 7 days endurance (with 700 NM voyage)
  • Redundant piloting, R/C and autonomous modules are available
  • Tactical link coupling with Naval vessels, HQ, MPA (ADVENT - compatible)
  • Trimaran-monohull configurable with flexible payload / attachable side hulls
  • Able to be shipped via cargo planes of medium size
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View attachment 41041

TAIS (Sefine USV's) speficiations are now available;

  • 2 x twin torpedo launcher
  • 1x 6 cell ASW rocket launcher
  • 1x 12.7 Stabilized gun platform
  • 2D Radar
  • Variable depth sonar
  • Diver detection sonar
  • DIFAR / DICAS (Direction finding-acoustic sensors)

  • 700 NM Range
  • 21 tons light - 26 tons maximum displacement
  • 7 days endurance (with 700 NM voyage)
  • Redundant piloting, R/C and autonomous modules are available
  • Tactical link coupling with Naval ships and HQs (ADVENT - compatible)
  • Trimaran-monohull configurable with flexible payload

@Batman22 you were enquiring about USV, here is a decent place to start..... the tactical link coupling is the kind of thing I was saying IN needs to get good at first to array such a thing well with existing assets....before we can broaden into newer larger concepts.

Brave Janissary

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İn trimaran version Sefine Usv is one of the very close battleships . By the way carrying usv with lhd's very biggest force multiplier.

And if we are think about square meters of anadolu's bay's looking like they can carry 20-25 Mius + 20-25 Sefine Trimaran. But of course awacs heli's, awacs uavs, air refuelling uavs and sensor, refueling usv's can decrase this quantity.


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View attachment 41087

İn trimaran version Sefine Usv is one of the very close battleships . By the way carrying usv with lhd's very biggest force multiplier.

And if we are think about square meters of anadolu's bay's looking like they can carry 20-25 Mius + 20-25 Sefine Trimaran. But of course awacs heli's, awacs uavs, air refuelling uavs and sensor, refueling usv's can decrase this quantity.
Carrying this size of USVs are kind of a waste for Anadolu's dock.

There will be bigger USVs which may conduct flotilla ASW / AAW escort duties. And Anadolu may carry 4 of them when necessary, when not in LHD configuration.

Brave Janissary

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Carrying this size of USVs are kind of a waste for Anadolu's dock.

There will be bigger USVs which may conduct flotilla ASW / AAW escort duties. And Anadolu may carry 4 of them when necessary, when not in LHD configuration.
I dont look hims waste. They have biggest disadvantage . its range and endurance. But when you can able to carry him with lhd its can be force multiplier.

Yes I agree in the basis Anadolu is amphibious ship and their Light cargo bay and heavy load garage must be used by mechanized forces.

But time is change, canceling the F-35 program forced to us r&d naval based stealht drones. And we need a mothership. Yes maybe establish a another elevator for the mechanized force bay's and use its force more space for drones. But drones will have less effective ASW capabilities than USV's on the other hand Usv's have more endurance on the sea than tb-3 kind long endurace drones with more effective ASUW carriage. And last one anadolu's runway doesnt can carry traffic of 40-50 ucav same time must we cannot use all of them in a operation . And that's can limit the power projection of ship.

From my vision yes anadolu builded for amphibious attack but they will contiune his life drone mothership. We will build more lst maybe helicopter decked ones and carry anadolu's mechanized force to hims. if we are able to use mius and usv's on anadolu we will build more spesific, compact and much less costed drone carriers for us and exports.

Just because a drone mothership is a more important for our navy and our defence industry. The world decided after the ww2 pacific war biggest enemy of ships are aircrafts (and also subs) . Just because they are very fast, agile, hard to detect, hard to shot, they can attack simultaneously from diffrent sides and they are can make saturation strikes to ships and ships big probably doesnt resist it. And also aircrafts makes a good job againts ships on the falkland war.

That drones and usv's can be great radar-sonar range extender-detecter, firepower range extender for Lhd battlegroups. And we can export him.



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Dearsan starts production of the first USV, base 15 meters variant.
In Fact, Dearsan has launched the USV and started fitting out in the quay in january 2022.

We are delighted to announce the launching of our USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle) whose design works have been completed by our company.
Last week, USV was launched with a ceremony accompanied by our shipyard managers and staff, which made its first contact with the blue waters. 15 meters USV Attack, is the first member of the USV family which will start the sea trials in the near future; has a 12.7 mm Stabilized Machine Gun and a Guided Missile System. The USVs are capable to reach up to 60 knots in speed according to the end-users requirement, can also be deployed on warships, and able to get controlled remotely from mobile vehicles, headquarters, combat centers, and floating platforms.
The USV’s have operational capabilities in terms of reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence gathering, surface and asymmetric warfare, armed escort, and strategic facility security, and has full autonomy with 3 different configurations; 15 meters USV Intelligence and Surveillance and 11-meter USV is designed in 2 different versions.




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Ares Shipyard - Meteksan debut new form of the ULAQ ASuW based on the ULAQ ASW.

The new form holds the same design features and installs 12.7 mm fore RCWS and 2 x 2 Missiles in place of the 2 Light weight torpedoes, Sonar and Sonobuoy / DIFAR launchers.

In addition, a new shore-based control station based on 6x6 truck chassis was introduced for first time with a possible integration of mobile SATCOM terminal. 2 redundant communication links are visible, as well as a spot on top of the control room for SATCOM terminal integration as 3rd part of the tri-redundant communication system.

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