Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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the west should not follow on this move.

China had already tons of bad record of human rights and odds with the west, starting from crackdowns in Hong Kong, atrocities in Xinjiang, wolf warriors and threats to Taiwan.
Adding Beijing recognition of IEA will add to those stains.

If the USA wanna isolate China then this is the time to. Just make sure that the US and the EU didn't recognize the IEA.


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Be mindful of your posts and comments people. Do not belittle those who flee since you do not know their circumstances.

If you wish to gloat then please do so in your own private sphere. You do not need to share your glee at others misfortune.

if you are unable to comprehend then I can redirect you to Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and may Allah's c.c peace upon your soul.



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According to Ghani and Saleh these are 'Pakistani proxies'.
you finally got some breathing space, no more useless apologetic rant because you are obliged by diplomatic norms, now you can proceed with some more productive activities.


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The events of last 24 hours have demonstrated as bluntly as possible the reality that Taliban always had vastly greater support amongst Afghan masses then the US imposed Kabuli order.

All along the contention between Taliban and Kabul regime was who really was the voice of the Afghan people. These events have laid bare this question. Even the strongest critics of Taliban now will have to accept that Taliban have won because they simply had the vast majority of Afghan population with them. What critics ignored was all the mouthpieces they heard came from Kabul regime. Out there is the vastness of Afghanistan was another story that no media would or wanted to tell.

Think, where the hell is the 300,000 ANA supplied by USA and trained by India? Where is the feared NDS or Special Forces. Taliban just walked into the city without even a fight. This is even shocking for those of us who held a dim opinion of ANA. Shocking.

And just to cap it Ghani and big mouth Saleh who would spout and blame Pakistan for everything ran away like cowards. In UK there is this government project called "Jobseekers". This is just a clever way to reduce unemployment figures. Instead of paying dole young people are offered 'jobs' and they just get their dole paid as wages. By this deft use of administrative fiddle they can park 300,000 unemployed into the category of employed with jobseekers. But these are not real jobs. There is no productivity on the ground.

ANA was just that. Just a parking edifice for 300,000 Afghans who of course signed up to get paid dole money while Kabul regime bragged about their ANA. All they did was bought mouths to cry foul at Pakistan.

But when push came to shove. They all melted. As I said even I am surprised. The shock was when a bunch chappel wearing Talibs walked into Presidential Palace and began to take selfies. at the table where President Ghani and NDS tough guy Saleh were sat few hours ago before they ran.


And not a shot was fired. Where were these 300,000?


I think I know. Busy tweeting against Pakistan.

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