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For how long Taliban agreed to the evacuation?
While I understand what you're saying. I'd like to point out that pragmatism dictates that depending on who you are. You do not want a Taliban capable of flying because that would mean you need to guard your airspace against Taliban as well.
I will not rule out that they'll acquire Drones because that IS the easiest way to get air power and less risky for manpower/pilot and even capability.
TBH Taliban with Drone power is much worse than if they started training Pilots because a drone is pretty much autonomous while a jet would require IQ.
Do you really think Pakistan will train Taliban airforce within a year ? I honestly don't think that is going to be priority. No one is going to give Taliban that on a plate.I would wager within the year Taliban will have a nucleaus of a airforce. All they have to do is behave like a responsible government and thus far it looks like they will. The Pakistan Airforce Academy is in Risalpur, literally 50 minutes drive from Afghan border at Torkham. Same language, same people. Training will be easy.
Don't get distracted, now Fukushima Bin Hadin will hack MQ-9 and destroy a passenger Plane.Yes indeed because drones are cheaper to operate nearly every group is starting to use drones.
But their drones will never sophisticated compared to a tb2 or a predator. Still dangerous when non state actors are using such weapons.
Bro do you still believe 50% people of Afghanistan are Women?
Breaking news!
Well the videos on social media are beginning to make it to western media. Here is from Danish Berlingske.
just like paris peace agreement and North Nam conqure/liberated South"In 2018, however, Washington’s attitude changed and Donald Trump’s Afghan envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, asked the Pakistanis to release Baradar so he could lead negotiations in Qatar, based on the belief that he would settle for a power-sharing arrangement. “I had never seen any real substantiation of that point, but it just took on a kind of mythic idea,” the former official said.
Baradar signed the Doha agreement with the US in February 2020, in what the Trump administration hailed as a breakthrough towards peace but which now appears a mere staging post towards total Taliban victory.
The US and Taliban agreement not to fight each other was supposed to be followed by power-sharing talks between the Taliban and the Kabul government of Ashraf Ghani. Those talks stumbled along with little progress, and it is clear now that Baradar and the Taliban were playing for time, waiting for the Americans to leave and preparing a final offensive. Baradar’s life has taught him patience and confidence in ultimate victory."
Interesting that the guy who led the discussions and made the deal was a guy the USA helped release from prison. Interesting that. The guy leading the liberation is the guy the USA got released from a Pakistani prison.
It all depends on Taliban being habituated within a regional economic area. If Afghanistan be turned into bridge between Central Asia-Pakistan with Iran, Turkey, China joining in economic activity I think it will sober the Taliban. What exactly is the differance between Wahabi/Saud complex that rules KSA and Taliban? Yet that does not stop USA selling them F-15 Eagles.Do you really think Pakistan will train Taliban airforce
Door to Door! Imao Taliban has a lot of dedication!Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to Others
As if geo-strategy ever was about female rights, cuddly childrens toys animal rights. What next? You forgot the Lesbians, Gay LGBT community. Please add them to your list so we can shed more crocodile tears.Update