Well, the problem with your theory is it gives way too much credit to NDS and Indians and makes the assumption that our lot [ISI, MI, Police] are so freakin incompetent that they allowed such a operation to be launched from abroad that seeped into Kohistan - you should know that there is literally only or two ways into Kohistan by road and avoided security for such a sensitive project. Given the geography of the region it would be easy to secure it from outside. Given all this makes me doubt it is India. Also India would never target Chinese engineers in such a manner. I mean what stops Chinese from begining to kill off sensitive Indian scientists inside India by using proxies as retribution?You are mistaken there.. If they wanted to target there are many from that country present in PK
To my mind this all will be local jihadis from Kohistan with dream of a unmmah where they see Uighurs being genocided by China as a athiest plot against Muslims. Chinese Turkestan is only 159 miles north from Kohistan. And internet is full of crap with fatwas being given against genocide of Muslims. These people are well clued on to this rubbish.
Also I am aware that Kohistan has a particular issue with Islamists.

Afzal Kohistani: 'Honour killing' whistleblower shot dead
Afzal Kohistani exposed the killing of women seen singing and clapping in a video of dancing men.

12 schools burnt down overnight in Gilgit-Baltistan's Diamer district
Police teams dispatched to investigate reports; no claim of responsibility as yet.