Live Conflict War in Afghanistan


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You are mistaken there.. If they wanted to target there are many from that country present in PK
Well, the problem with your theory is it gives way too much credit to NDS and Indians and makes the assumption that our lot [ISI, MI, Police] are so freakin incompetent that they allowed such a operation to be launched from abroad that seeped into Kohistan - you should know that there is literally only or two ways into Kohistan by road and avoided security for such a sensitive project. Given the geography of the region it would be easy to secure it from outside. Given all this makes me doubt it is India. Also India would never target Chinese engineers in such a manner. I mean what stops Chinese from begining to kill off sensitive Indian scientists inside India by using proxies as retribution?

To my mind this all will be local jihadis from Kohistan with dream of a unmmah where they see Uighurs being genocided by China as a athiest plot against Muslims. Chinese Turkestan is only 159 miles north from Kohistan. And internet is full of crap with fatwas being given against genocide of Muslims. These people are well clued on to this rubbish.


Also I am aware that Kohistan has a particular issue with Islamists.



Well, the problem with your theory is it gives way too much credit to NDS and Indians and makes the assumption that our lot [ISI, MI, Police] are so freakin incompetent that they allowed such a operation to be launched from abroad that seeped into Kohistan - you should know that there is literally only or two ways into Kohistan by road and avoided security for such a sensitive project. Given the geography of the region it would be easy to secure it from outside. Given all this makes me doubt it is India. Also India would never target Chinese engineers in such a manner. I mean what stops Chinese from begining to kill off sensitive Indian scientists inside India by using proxies as retribution?

To my mind this all will be local jihadis from Kohistan with dream of a unmmah where they see Uighurs being genocided by China as a athiest plot against Muslims. Chinese Turkestan is only 159 miles north from Kohistan. And internet is full of crap with fatwas being given against genocide of Muslims. These people are well clued on to this rubbish.

Also I am aware that Kohistan has a particular issue with Islamists.

This is a wrong analogy and narrative. I am not saying ISI is incompetent but they failed to realize all this time that the issues was coming from Afghanistan specifically from the ANA corrupt officials. These people who you are blaming are just not that advanced in targetting stragetic assets. It was clearly a 3rd that wanted to jeopardize the stragetic assets and the only way forward to fixing that is to be assertive which is uprooting the root of the issues which is ANA and the corrupt officials even there leader is spitting venom against PK is that not even clear yet.. If the BLA has been this much active the blame falls on the gov'ts inaction to eliminate them and the only way to doing that is teaming up with IEA and eliminate the root of the causes by going berserk which is overdue now.. Timing couldn't have been better there is a pretext


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Just check out what the Afghanistan times is writting..

Pakistan’s vicious intensions regarding Wakhan corridor​


No idea why these guys are only constipated by the British drawn Durand Line but are perfectly okay with the Anglo-Russian Boundary Line draw by - well the name makes that explicable. And about the same time.

Anglo Russian.png

Ps. In the event known as Panjdeh Incident Russian effectively grabbed territory from the Afghans and to this day remains with Central Asia. Never hear talk of retaking that.



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by going berserk which is overdue now
This is something the Pakistan state can't do. The reason is Islamism is widespread in Pakistan. It pours out every orifice. You can freakin drown in it. From every angle, from every mouth it just is flooding the space. In such milieu the state is weakened because it's interests often collide with the wider Muslim world. Best case of this conflictive problem was when a Chechen turd refugee in Paris decided to chop his teachers head. How did that even end up causing half of Pakistan burning and demands that the French ambassador be sent home. The embassy had to have 24/7 security beefed lest mujihads of Islamn decide to charge it. Dozens of Pakistan people - police and activists died.

This is why I despise Islamists. I really do.


This is something the Pakistan state can't do. The reason is Islamism is widespread in Pakistan. It pours out every orifice. You can freakin drown in it. From every angle, from every mouth it just is flooding the space. In such milieu the state is weakened because it's interests often collide with the wider Muslim world. Best case of this conflictive problem was when a Chechen turd refugee in Paris decided to chop his teachers head. How did that even end up causing half of Pakistan burning and demands that the French ambassador be sent home. The embassy had to have 24/7 security beefed lest mujihads of Islamn decide to charge it. Dozens of Pakistan people - police and activists died.

This is why I despise Islamists. I really do.

All that is not tied to this and this has nothing to do with islamists at all but the reality of the matter is that the time has come for Pakistan to wage war.. This is what it truly is. Pakistan has to wage war now. The time is right and even willing to hit all spoilers whether it is state actors or none state actors like wise but the war-drums are finally here imho. Pakistan needs to approch IEA and offer them cooperation in order to remove some of the undesired elements in afghanistan that is anti-pakistan.. BUT THE TIME HAS COME for PAKISTAN to go on the offensive... Right now mobilization should be happening in Pakistan and war-drums should start to be beating..


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All that is not tied to this and this has nothing to do with islamists at all but the reality of the matter is that the time has come for Pakistan to wage war.. This is what it truly is. Pakistan has to wage war now. The time is right and even willing to hit all spoilers whether it is state actors or none state actors like wise but the war-drums are finally here imho. Pakistan needs to approch IEA and offer them cooperation in order to remove some of the undesired elements in afghanistan that is anti-pakistan.. BUT THE TIME HAS COME for PAKISTAN to go on the offensive... Right now mobilization should be happening in Pakistan and war-drums should start to be beating..
Yes, I agree with you the time for bold, drastic action has arrived. We have a perfect meshing of political and military government. So time is nigh.


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Exactly. RTE not minding his words tells us that he is oblivious or not caring. He may not be able to change his rhetoric because he’s been using it for so long, but that would also be proof that he is no longer capable.

Guess we will see...

Plenty of stuff to do and cards to play....


Will Turkics (in AFG) be left to fend for themselves if Taliban are not interested in a genuine, multi-party solution?

I don't think so....there is plenty of raw clay to work with here by way of Turkey and Central Asian republics that is significant deterrence to taliban overreach.


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The US was not defeated, you don't get to brag about defeating them after two decades of occupation in which your group lost almost every engagement and spent most of the occupation hiding in villages and mountains. Everyone knew they would pull out at some point, far as I am concerned they accomplished everything they came for including forming something that resembles a government.

The US pulled out to cause chaos, they could have kept a small garrison with advisors to keep the Taliban at bay. Why do you think Russia and China are so on edge about the pull-out. As for Pakistanis cheering Taliban, for a country that lost 70,000 people and hosts 3 million refugees due to the spillover is very short-sighted. You don't have any grounds to cheer on the misery of Afghans in Afghanistan then blame Indian and Western elements when a branch of the same group causes panic across the border.

The Afghan government have not collapsed yet, the rotten elements there for a wage or units too far out to have surrendered, I don't believe in news Taliban have taken over 90% of the country. Other ethnic groups and warlords will mobilize, they will not want a repeat of the last time the Taliban owned the country.

As for Turkey & Pakistan relations vis-a-vis Afghanistan, public opinion of the Sultan and Turkey went from Ghazi title to NATO puppet over one statement, Turkey and Pakistan have always been at odds geopolitically in Afghanistan and other places for a long time. It was dusted under the carpet, for the time being, I don't see any changes however in the long run when the regional blocks have settled this relation will evolve into something more neutral.

It is in Turkeys interest for a stable Afghan government, how Turkey and the west prop the Afghan government is another matter but Afghanistan might be a good place for Turkey to leverage some influence in Central Asia in the long run. By keeping the Afghan government stable you are ensuring the survival of minorities in the north. When media attention is gone, Pashtuns will start their ethnic oppression again. Turkey should work with the Afghan government, negotiate with the Taliban for a resolution, if all else fails, start to prop the Turkic elements in the north.

The way I see it, the four blocks here are.

Pakistan - China - Taliban
Turkey - Afghan Government - CA countries & Turkic elements
Iran - Shia elements
Russia - Tajikistan / CA countries

The moment Afghan refugees start hitting European shores will also shore up support for the Afghan government.


The US was not defeated, you don't get to brag about defeating them after two decades of occupation in which your group lost almost every engagement and spent most of the occupation hiding in villages and mountains. Everyone knew they would pull out at some point, far as I am concerned they accomplished everything they came for including forming something that resembles a government.

wild assumption and allover the place... First of all they were outlasted and didn't want to over-waste money.. Taliban could have gone on for a century if the occupying forces had money for that kind of longevity. Technically defeated however you look at it.

Second of all the wildest assumption comes in Turkey-Pakistan relations? This is just assumption. Pakistan will not value IEA over it's relations with Turkey because there is more benefits from Turkey in the defensive sector and the same for Turkey vice versa they gain alot from Pakistan stragetic arsenal Turkey won't value Afghan interests over Pakistan.. Their ties have improved significiantly in the last 2 years to the point they are one state now.

Turkey can have easy access to Afghanistan but it has to play right.. Make a symbolic exit and then re-enter but either way Turkey will not face hostilities from proxies or Pakistan.. Turkey is viewed like a brotherly nation and sources of inspiration the respect is to high and the turks naturally have good report around the world due to their imperial history.. The most likely scenario is that Turkey will be invited because there is great benefit in having Turkey on your side Pakistan understand this perfectly and very important for them. It needs conventional advantage over it's eastern border that is where Turkey comes in the picture..

Pakistan will not waste it's relations with Turkey over irrelevant stuff and vice versa for Turkey it needs something in return that it values which it will get eventually. That is how relations are formed it is mostly based on give and take
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Translation :
Eid prayers were held in a peaceful and happy atmosphere at the Spin Boldak Mosque today.
The security of the region was taken over by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate and it was the first prayer in the last 20 years in this mosque where the atmosphere of complete peace and security prevailed and the armies of brutality and barbarism were driven out.


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Turkey - Afghan Government - CA countries & Turkic elements
I will address in full the points you raised but CA countries are under the influence of Moscow. Before even thinking of anything else you need to get them out of Moscows thrall. You can't talk of propping Turkic elements in Afghanistan without even considering how your going to get Russia out of CA. To begin with exactly how would you access Afghanistan. The key here Russian expulsion from CA. Thus far I have seen no indication of that.

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