To make the Turks understand just use the Kurd analogy. Millions of them don't accept the Sykes-Picot lines either. There is a reason why Turkey has built wall along Syria etc.Which
But on the other hand Turkey has millions of Kurds who are loyal to the Turkish state. There are lots of Kurds in my city - in fact my favourite go to place for kebabs is ran by Kurds. One of them is always bitching about Turkey like many others do. But the Turks rightly don't give a flying fig about them and what they say. Any of them who try to challange that on the ground get a bullet from a Turkish Jandarma.
The strange thing is Turkey has even supported rabid Sunni Islamists as a antidote to the gay loving PKK terrorists in Syria. Kind of reminds me of the gymnastic games our estanlishment plays in order to impose it's will on the badlands.