Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia


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Cri in the officer education must be reformed. From the literature I read, much of Seskoad education involves learning military administration and the next is map exercises. Military theory and philosophy are not given enough attention, moreover, they have the same kind of thinking as the US-style doctrine of obsessing over tactical assignments.

That's why when you read our general's military experience, they tend to have a very extensive tactical appointment, leading units X, Y, Z. Not because their skill is required, but simply due to bureaucracy; someone has to lead a unit and someone has to replace him when he's out. The turnover rate is high, how can they possibly learn anything substantial enough to achieve expert level when they leave their office after a year or so? Heck, my boomer professor way back then was complaining why Hadi Tjahjanto served as Panglima for so long, saying that "he messed up the regeneration scheme". Heck, so the point of the military is simply to give general X, jabatan Y?

That's assuming the officer in question indeed dedicate himself to military excellence, while most of them Orba boomers are still stuck in old thinking that just because they graduate from Akmil they deserve to be Bupati and Gubernur. The only thing I can appreciate about Indonesia's bureaucracy, including that of the military, is their attention to education. There is much opportunity for sekolah for people who are able and motivated.

Still, they, even that of the US military, are stuck in such bureaucratic thinking even though they themselves have proven that more tactical assignments don't equate to more military excellence. Their best WW2 generals such as Eisenhower, MacArthur, and Marshall, didn't get a list of extensive tactical assignments. Instead, they spent more time in HQ doing staff work and dedicate their time for education and self-education, rising to the top without having to command koramil or korem XYZ. The most effective generals tend to be those who are more brainy than muscle-y (or even worse, gimmick-y).


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We are Egypt cabang ASEAN, even our ancestors were the same type of monument builder.
I just think we are Indian but the island part with same Sanskrit based fused with islamic and Chinese culture plus humiliated by European
the Egyptian maybe we are the Negeri Sabak....
Adanya aliansi militer atau jaminan perlindungan dari Barat emang bisa bikin komplasen, tapi ya mbok sekurang-kurangnya nyadarlah kalau anggota aliansi itu bertanggung jawab buat memperkuat dan bukannya jadi beban negara-negara anggota lainnya.

Mereka bisa jadi ngerasa udah sukses "contain" Indonesia dengan adanya FPDA, tapi untungnya kita santai-santai aja dan kesannya belakangan malah egp dengan memprioritaskan pembangunan pertahanan sendiri.
nagrepnya gni kli skrg hore2 FPDA AUKUS
Jangankan Malaysia, kita aja yg gak bakal dibantu siapa siapa aja masih santai2 kok
sing penting yaqueen
All of the branches have French products
almost from chopper, tank, missile artilery etc....since 1960s
Even though that sacrificed individual right and democracy

the turks and greeks Gladio operation still has trace today. State within state just liek happen in manny part of thw world in 60s and 80s


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dude struggle with country that almost have non existent air force, and they've tried to intimidate the finns and swedes lmao



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dude struggle with country that almost have non existent air force, and they've tried to intimidate the finns lmao
View attachment 41078

Winter war and continuation war is actually both humiliation for the mighty Red army. Not even the wehrmarcht is able to dislodge the Finns from their arctic forest and snow hell Bastion, to say the current Finns would be intimidated by starving Russian armies which love their MC Donald and Doritos so much


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dude struggle with country that almost have non existent air force, and they've tried to intimidate the finns and swedes lmao
View attachment 41078
Russia does this to make sure these countries are aware that there will be negative impact if they went on with the whole NATO idea. Even if Russia cannot effectively dominate these countries militarily, being attacked at all is fatal and nobody wants to risk that. Besides, there can be no realistic expectation of attacking Russia back in an event of war, that's just suicide. So victory over Russia cannot be likened to that of against Iraq, very different circumstance.

Besides, the Germans literally think the same when they judge the capability of the Soviet Union. "If USSR cannot win in Finland, therefore we can win against them head-on" = Fatal mistake.


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Russia does this to make sure these countries are aware that there will be negative impact if they went on with the whole NATO idea. Even if Russia cannot effectively dominate these countries militarily, being attacked at all is fatal and nobody wants to risk that. Besides, there can be no realistic expectation of attacking Russia back in an event of war, that's just suicide. So victory over Russia cannot be likened to that of against Iraq, very different circumstance.

Besides, the Germans literally think the same when they judge the capability of the Soviet Union. "If USSR cannot win in Finland, therefore we can win against them head-on" = Fatal mistake.
they'de better be fast before those finns started receiving F-35.


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they'de better be fast before those finns started receiving F-35.

He is forgeting those Scandinavian is peace loving people and doesn't like to interact much with stranger, including taking side in any alliances (in which Finland and Sweden is actually still netral today). If the war is happened, the one who attacked first must be Russian and any Scandinavian would be compelled to help Finns to repelled those pesky Russkies back to their Soviet style dormitories

Var Dracon

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Ini yg TNI AU cuma punya 2 biji?

Bisa lah IP Turangga dibeli Pindad klo mau diusahakan

It's not like they can hide it from US, look how accurate they predicted russian invasion.

Or just copy it. Who will sue them anyway? A bankrupt company?

Still can't do, you can't expect what a bankrupt person can do?

Pailit is not necessarily bangkrut. I just realized that there is no exact English word for pailit. Pailit means the company has difficulty in paying their debts.

A pailit company can still operate, also has a chance to avoid bankruptcy. A bangkrut company is usually also pailit, but not the other way around.

If a pailit company is deemed by curator to be unable to pay their debts within a time, their assets would be taken by the curator to pay the debts.



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He is forgeting those Scandinavian is peace loving people and doesn't like to interact much with stranger, including taking side in any alliances (in which Finland and Sweden is actually still netral today). If the war is happened, the one who attacked first must be Russian and any Scandinavian would be compelled to help Finns to repelled those pesky Russkies back to their Soviet style dormitories
Therefore the assumption is that it's a win-win for both. Russia won't attack because the Vikings (peaceful people) won't join NATO.


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Therefore the assumption is that it's a win-win for both. Russia won't attack because the Vikings (peaceful people) won't join NATO.
If the ass assumptions is right.
Kayaknya dulu Russia pernah deh bilang gak bakal menyerang deh, tapi kapan ya?? 🤔


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If the ass assumptions is right.
Kayaknya dulu Russia pernah deh bilang gak bakal menyerang deh, tapi kapan ya?? 🤔
That's why assumption is a tricky matter, it can go wrong both ways. I personally think it is too risky for both sides to go down in that direction. Though the difference is that these countries were not a former part of the USSR, and thus Russia has less incentive to gamble that amount of risk to bring them down militarily, unlike with Ukraine. What Russia wanted is not an "expansion" in the sense that they push their border to an unconquered territory (implying Imperialism). In their perspective, the former USSR border is their border, and what they are doing is simply to "restore their old sphere of influence". For ex-Soviets, yes there is a high risk of Russia gonna Rush B the f outta you, but for other countries, the chance of war is relatively low.


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Maybe we should looking at second hand market further or even bought them from Bulgaria or China, there is many cheap and combat tested Manpads and heavy machine gun or AA gun around here and there and those guy training with wooden stick 😔😔


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Maybe Air Force should donated their old triple gun to the navy guys as the Air Force keep received Oerlikon Skyshield gun

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