World become bipolar again thanks to Putin.
Enemy of My enemy is
I swear i won't be surprised if someone just make a clickbait titleEnemy of My enemy isMy FriendNot yet My Enemy Nor Ally.
ya untuk mempertahankan diri paling gak punya senjata lah. bayangin ada preman punya golok sedangkan kita cuma tangan kosong, mau ngajak damai kan rugi bandar si preman, kecuali sama sama punya golok baru imbang, perdamaian baru kecipta.
sampai titik ini kadang menghadeh ketika ngeliat orang yang nentang modernisasi wkwk.
Wa ini, yang begini ini.I swear i won't be surprised if someone just make a clickbait title
"Berkat Kunjungan Prabowo ke Yunani, Athena dan Ankara Berdamai"
We need to get their drones and SAM... or everything really lmao, best bang for the buck
Uav Akinci gede juga y
Don't forget STRIDE Tank, very excited for thismalaysian STRIDE product DSA 2022 , STRIDE is comparable to that indonesia PTIPK BPPT(are they still exist within BRIN ?), KKIP, or perhaps
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Reminds me of Azerbaijan vs Armenia war where both sides actually repaired many of their damaged armored vehicles so they can use it again immediately.
The easy of repair, maintenance and logistics of spare parts are really important especially when war is ongoing.
if Malaysia join with FNSS,... maybe the will became more good with all FNSS thing, like ACV, Adnan etc so it will easy for them to get
akhirnya ankara dan athena sepakat untuk menggempur bersama Rusia di Ukraina sehingga Rpomania dan Bulgaria ikut bersimpati dan memberikan dukungan langsung mengirimkan pasukan ke Ukriana NATO akhirnya terjebak dalam pertempuranI swear i won't be surprised if someone just make a clickbait title
"Berkat Kunjungan Prabowo ke Yunani, Athena dan Ankara Berdamai"
sebenernya di MoFA Turki dah dberitain agak lama ya
We are Egypt cabang ASEAN, even our ancestors were the same type of monument builder.Wew f15 laris,
Sama sama batal beli su 35
Still just a verbal promise, have to wait for DSCA (yang mungkin bakal dipercepat berdasar apa yang dibilang si jendral)Wew f15 laris,
Sama sama batal beli su 35
Pak bawa oleh oleh
Kalau soal proyek pertahanan tetangga, awalnya gw kasihan waktu mulai paham carut-marutnya disana itu seperti apa. Dari kasihan, terus jadi apatis setelah tau "mbulet"-nya disana itu bisa lebih parah dari disini. Nah sekarang, dari apatis jadi beneran kuatir.LCS news from Jiran
Its A Kind of Magic - Malaysian Defence
SHAH ALAM: Its a kind of magic. The Special Cabinet Committee on the LCS held another meeting on March 15 at the Defence Ministry. The committee comprised of the defense, economic, finance and entrepreneur ministers met to discussed on the direction and future of the LCS. According to a post [...]
The statement above clearly indicated that the decision on the LCS remained elusive and unlikely to be resolved soon. As I had stated in that post, clearly what is dragging the issue is the outcome of the project – which remained elusive despite what has been said. There is no guarantee that the LCS will be completed at all, despite the funding. The indecision on restarting the project is also making the target date for the first LCS to be delivered to the RMN in 2025, almost unachievable now.
Mungkin terlalu santai gara gara ada FPDAKalau soal proyek pertahanan tetangga, awalnya gw kasihan waktu mulai paham carut-marutnya disana itu seperti apa