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What historian guy?Btw Afiq, are you Afiq the historian guy?
Originally from The Times. This article talked about how Ukrainian Forces (elite) drone pilots operates on this recent war. They using Elon Musk's Starlink for the internet that used to connect the camera to the "artillery guy".![]()
An elite Ukrainian drone unit exploits the cover of night to destroy Russian tanks and trucks while their soldiers sleep, report says
The Aerorozvidka drone unit has destroyed dozens of "priority targets" including Russian tanks, command trucks, and other vehicles, The Times
Pot calling the kettle black, as usual.What use of G20 Presidency if we cannot have an opinion of our own? This entire group, G20, consisted of among the most imperialistic countries in the world, and they still point fingers at each other when it comes to calling which one is the evilest country?
This is why the "bebas aktif" policy is needed and still relevant for us. It's not without its disadvantages, but so far its pros still outweighs its cons by a large enough margin.Go talk about morality and law to Mimi, Rusi, and Cici, and see how well that gonna plays out. Let them argue and fight with each in the G20 forum as they like, but we won't bar anyone from joining for political reasons.
Indeed. But we also must be prepared to be ridiculed by those keyboard warriors and 'woke' Western media like what they're still doing to India right now.We should do business as usual, nobody could tell us what to do, screw them basically.
What use of G20 Presidency if we cannot have an opinion of our own? This entire group, G20, consisted of among the most imperialistic countries in the world, and they still point fingers at each other when it comes to calling which one is the evilest country?
This war condemnation game is only believed by the most naive people out there, while the reality is always telling us that it is bloc vs bloc cold war all over again. Who wanna believe international institutions could ever mean anything when UN Security Council Veto power is still around? this stuff basically makes the 5 great powers immune to all international law, so international law is meaningless when any of the 5 countries are involved. Go talk about morality and law to Mimi, Rusi, and Cici, and see how well that gonna plays out. Let them argue and fight with each in the G20 forum as they like, but we won't bar anyone from joining for political reasons.
We should do business as usual, nobody could tell us what to do, screw them basically.
Pot calling the kettle black, as usual.
This is why the "bebas aktif" policy is needed and still relevant for us. It's not without its disadvantages, but so far its pros still outweighs its cons by a large enough margin.
Indeed. But we also must be prepared to be ridiculed by those keyboard warriors and 'woke' Western media like what they're still doing to India right now.
This will also carry a possibility that if - God forbid - something goes terribly wrong in our North Natuna Sea, we won't get support as much as we deserve from them.
But still, in general, I'll say: F*ck 'em all. Yes, all. Mimi, Rusi, Cici and every other parties who think that their own truth and interests are all that matter.
Let see for the next 8 monthswhat if more than half of G20 countries boycot Bali 2022 Summit if Russia came?
Hmm... what if more than half of G20 countries boycot Bali 2022 Summit if Russia came?
Will Indonesia still invite Russia if that is the case?
So situation isn't really on our control actually.My friend who is the organizer got headache already, the US, the Britain, France, Italia, Germany and several other would not come if the Russian came. But the Russian itself already not hearing any other opinion in this matter as the invitation already sent to them since last year.
Kalau udah kondisi gini emang udah gak relevan lagi sih.Maka mending bubar aja ini organisasi, asuw geng-gengan kayak anak kecil.
ID : karepmu ndasku wis ngelu ki bar copidWes lek koyok ngene gak usah pusing2.
Sek arep teko yo teko, seng emoh yo gak popo...
it's now a testament for indonesia in geopolitical sphereKalau udah kondisi gini emang udah gak relevan lagi sih.
Hopefully Zelensky still capable attending the 20 for the next 8 monthsZelensky and Putin and let them both resolved their countries conflict there.
Fight of the century!And even better how to reserve a boxing ring for Zelensky and Putin and let them both resolved their countries conflict there.