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Lah, MRO nya di Singapura dong...

ST Engineering will support regional C295 fleets with depot-level maintenance and turnkey solutions at its existing facility in Singapore, as Airbus continues to extend its footprint in APAC.

Within APAC, the C295 is being used by the Royal Brunei Air Force, Royal Thai Army, Philippine Air Force, Vietnam People’s Air Force, Indonesian Air Force, Indonesian Police, and Bangladesh Army.


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Yg masih pro hiliri-china-si harap tonton ini,,

ga usah ditonton juga, klo basic berifkir masih bilang mending jual tanah ke cina dibanding jual hasil smelter ke china ya sama aja. klo pun pengusaha china ikut untung karena bikin smelter, apa salahnya namanya juga usaha, mau yusuf kala, cina, vale, bakrie, semua sama aja nyari untung. soal pajak, yg kena grace period kan hanya pph badan, sedangkan royalti, ppn transaksi jual beli tetep kena, terus uang yang beputar dari gaji karyawan ratusan ribu orang.. ga dipikirkan. faisal basri ini manusia teori, tapi teorinya negatif mulu ga ada positifnya.

nikel itu cuma pembuka jalan, biar org org lokal yang inferiority complex, ini lo pke ini aja indonesia bisa bikin org seluruh dunia yang cuma mau untung sendiri pusing, ini lo indonesia juga bisa klo cuma pengen bikin industri bahan dasar, ayo pengusaha lokal yg dulu biasanya cuma jadi middle man, broker, bandar, jadi pengusaha sebenarnya, masuk ke dunia industrialisasi yg terbukti hanya negara dengan industri yang maju yang bisa jadi negara maju, ga ada negara agraris, bisa jadi negara maju. liat brazil kurang bersaing apa untuk jadi negara industri agraris, cuma bisa pertaniannya doang, industri hilir dari pertaniannya mentok
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ga usah ditonton juga, klo basic berifkir masih bilang mending jual tanah ke cina dibanding jual hasil smelter ke china ya sama aja. klo pun pengusaha china ikut untung karena bikin smelter, apa salahnya namanya juga usaha, mau yusuf kala, cina, vale, bakrie, semua sama aja nyari untung. soal pajak, yg kena grace period kan hanya pph badan, sedangkan royalti, ppn transaksi jual beli tetep kena, terus uang yang beputar dari gaji karyawan ratusan ribu orang.. ga dipikirkan. faisal basri ini manusia teori, tapi teorinya negatif mulu ga ada positifnya.

nikel itu cuma pembuka jalan, biar org org lokal yang inferiority complex, ini lo pke ini aja indonesia bisa bikin org seluruh dunia yang cuma mau untung sendiri pusing, ini lo indonesia juga bisa klo cuma pengen bikin industri bahan dasar, ayo pengusaha lokal yg dulu biasanya cuma jadi middle man, broker, bandar, jadi pengusaha sebenarnya, masuk ke dunia industrialisasi yg terbukti hanya negara dengan industri yang maju yang bisa jadi negara maju, ga ada negara agraris, bisa jadi negara maju. liat brazil kurang bersaing apa untuk jadi negara industri agraris, cuma bisa pertaniannya doang, industri hilir dari pertaniannya mentok
Logika sederhananya Hiliri-china-si ini Freeport versi agresif, keuntungannya sangat minim bagi Indonesia.
Iya, makin banyak pajak yg diterima karena hilirisasi tapi berbanding lurus juga dengan agresifnya cadangan nikel yg dikeruk, bahkan diperkirakan cadangan nikel Indonesia bakal habis 7 tahun lagi, karena masifnya smelter nikel yg dibangun.

Hilirisasi ini bagusnya memang untuk yg non-tambang macam perikanan, perkebunan atau peternakan.

Atau boleh juga hilirisasi tambang, tapi regulasinya "gak t*lol", memerhatikan aspek lingkungan, smelter tidak agresif biar gak cepet habis, gak ngasih diskon yg t*lol ke China dll. Tapi bagusnya emang bikin smelter sendiri, kuasai teknologinya dahulu baru bikin atau beli alatnya dari China dan kepemilikan smelter 100% dari Indonesia.

Hilirisasi jalan menuju industrialisasi, BULLSH*T.


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Minister of Defense Prabowo receives the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia


ada apa yg dibahas, sampai mendagri ikutan nongol?


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Minister of Defense Prabowo receives the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia


ada apa yg dibahas, sampai mendagri ikutan nongol?
Udah nyolong start aja, belum juga resmi presiden tapi udah banyak yang mulai sepik sepik.


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PT PAL ongoing and future projects.


Project R41

Project R41 is the name for the repair program for 41 warships belonging to the Indonesian National Army (TNI) Navy (AL). Code R41 is an abbreviation for Refurbishment 41 KRI.

Of the 41 KRIs, 16 of them were completely repaired at the PT PAL Indonesia shipyard in Surabaya. For the rest, PT PAL Indonesia is the lead integrator.

"Not only improving the platform, but also adding new weapons (such as) guided missiles. There are 22 KRI (from 41 ships) added guided missiles, some are 2x2, some are 1x2," said the President Commissioner of PT PAL Indonesia, Didit Herdiawan, about the project which cost 980 million US dollars.

Merah Putih Frigate

The Merah Putih Frigate is a frigate or guard ship built from scratch by PT PAL on orders from the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) during the period of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.

There are two frigates being built at PT PAL Indonesia, with a construction contract starting in 2021. "The duration of making the first frigate is 57 months, the second frigate is 69 months, (for) delivery to the owner," said Didit.

When visited the PT PAL Indonesia shipyard, the progress of the Red and White Frigate was that 58 blocks of the total 161 blocks had been worked on to build this ship.

"The target, April has been placed in the graving dock, it will be erected there," said Djoned.

The sensor, weapon, communication and control systems of the ship's sensor, weapon and command or sewaco systems are currently in the renegotiation stage to obtain the actual ToT.

Other Projects

Apart from the Philippines, orders from friendly countries also come from the United Arab Emirates. One ship has entered the contract stage and there are plans to order two more ships from this country.

Djoned also revealed developments related to the joint submarine project between Indonesia and South Korea.

"The first batch of three submarines has been completed," said Djoned.

According to him, the collaboration should have entered Batch 2 by now. However, continued Djoned, the contract for Batch 2 is still considered unfair.

"(With the existing contracts), if we want to master technology and achieve independence in the defense industry, Indonesia needs a long time for submarines," said Djoned.

Therefore, Djoned said that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto had set conditions for the continuation of this project.

The first requirement is to repair the submarines from Batch 1. The aim is for these ships to have better combat capabilities.

The second condition is that the ToT with ship construction is carried out at PT PAL Indonesia, with a larger portion of spending going to the domestic defense industry as well.

"So this is a delay in the context of renegotiations to increase the capabilities we get from this project," stressed Djoned.

Didit also believes that a decision on the renegotiation of the submarine project with South Korea can be made soon this year.

Full article:

What happened with European submarines? Did we just use them for leverage, lol.


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Lesser known use of gunboats...air defense

menurutku, kapal-kapal PB kyk PC-40 seharusnya punya fungsi sekunder buat pertahanan udara, terutama anti-rudal jelajah land attack macam Kalibr yang dioperasikan Nguyen, yang terbangnya cenderung lurus dan rendah. Apalagi kapal-kapal PC-40 semuanya udah dilengkapi meriam high RoF high angle autocannon kyk Merlin WS 30, MSI Seahawk 30, Aselsan SMASH. Hitung-hitung ngurangi beban arhanud berbasis darat kyk Skyshield, Type 80, ZSU-23 dll.



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Lesser known use of gunboats...air defense

menurutku, kapal-kapal PB kyk PC-40 seharusnya punya fungsi sekunder buat pertahanan udara, terutama anti-rudal jelajah land attack macam Kalibr yang dioperasikan Nguyen, yang terbangnya cenderung lurus dan rendah. Apalagi kapal-kapal PC-40 semuanya udah dilengkapi meriam high RoF high angle autocannon kyk Merlin WS 30, MSI Seahawk 30, Aselsan SMASH. Hitung-hitung ngurangi beban arhanud berbasis darat kyk Skyshield, Type 80, ZSU-23 dll.

Meriam utama diganti ciws macam gokdeniz, muatg kah untuk pc 40-60?

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