Melacak Operasi Hasbara di Indonesia...kudu baca
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Melacak Operasi Hasbara di Indonesia, Strategi Propaganda Israel di Indonesia -
Pemerintah Israel memakai istilah “Hasbara” sebagai nama lain dari upaya propaganda sekaligus strategi diplomasi publik mereka pada dunia. Sejumlah jurnalis, politisi, key opinion leaders, dan aktivis Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) asal Indonesia pernah berangkat ke Israel sebagai
Israel sangat menyadari bahwa persepsi mampu membentuk kenyataan. Meskipun mereka melakukan kejahatan perang tanpa mendapatkan hukuman, mereka hanya dapat melakukan hal itu jika terdapat mesin propaganda yang cukup kuat untuk melawan kecaman publik, dan solidaritas internasional terhadap Palestina.Pemerintah Israel bahkan menawarkan beasiswa hasbara. Program ini merupakan beasiswa dan hibah untuk mendorong advokasi pro-Israel, yang menyasar sejumlah individu mulai dari jurnalis hingga blogger, untuk menciptakan citra positif negara itu.
W.R.T Indonesia and Malaysia
Sagi juga menyebut, bahwa Indonesia dan Malaysia punya “nilai jual” yang tinggi namun cukup sulit ditembus Israel.“Indonesia dan Malaysia itu the biggest price di Asia. Jadi tujuan akhirnya memang Indonesia dan Malaysia bisa membuka hubungan diplomatik dengan Israel,” jelas Naraya.Di momen terakhir Naraya bertemu dengan Dubes Israel di Singapura, Sagi optimis, hubungan diplomatik antara Israel-Indonesia akan terwujud dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, sekitar lima atau enam tahun saja.
Dina Sulaeman, seorang pakar geopolitik Timur Tengah sekaligus dosen Hubungan Internasional Universitas Padjajaran, menyebut bahwa pemerintah Israel memang telah lama mengundang figur-figur penting Indonesia ke Israel, dalam diplomasi publik mereka.“Mereka yang diundang oleh pemerintah Israel, setahu saya rutenya itu-itu saja. Mereka akan diajak ke Jerusalem Timur atau kota-kota yang sudah dikondisikan,” ungkap Dina kepada pada 7 Maret 2024.Lebih lanjut menurut Dina, kebanyakan mereka yang berangkat ke Israel, lekat dengan isu-isu toleransi dan dialog antaragama. Sehingga akhirnya punya koneksi dengan beberapa pihak dari Israel yang juga menyiarkan isu yang sama.Orang nya itu-itu juga dan dari kelompok itu itu juga. Monque Rijkers, JIL, Nusantara Institute, RAHIM dll.
My piece explaining why and how Zionism thrives in the 21st century and where the Hasbara fit in.
This actually makes sense. Jewry always looked at Islam and Christianity with envy and contempt because they viewed that the place that Islam and Christianity once held at some point in history should be theirs.
Basically, if you look at the history of the world in the last 2000 years or so, it was dominated alternatively between the two. The "World" was divided with the Islamic world dominating the Middle East, Africa, Anatolia all the way to the Indian subcontinent while Christianity holds most of Europe. (With China at the other end with her Confucianism).
As you can see, there's no significant Jewish polity (if any) whatsoever.
And it makes sense because as I said earlier, Jewry as a religion basically puts so much restrictions on Jews, that the traditional makeup of what makes a great power/political movements is restricted to them by their own rules. For example, unlike Islam and any other religions, Jewry restricts "membership", this is unique to them because all religion seeks new converts.
Islam and Christianity are so cutthroat when it comes to conversion, that people sometimes forget that the Levant (today's Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, and Jordan), Anatolia, and Egypt were once bastions of Christianity and Spain was once Muslim populated.
New converts = manpower, And manpower is what oil is today for most countries in the pre-industrial era, it's a tool for growth. Manpower allowed states to:
Basically, what makes a state able to sustain itself. And this manpower rallies to either Islam (if you happen to live in the ME) or Christianity (if you live in Europe). Jews simply have no chance to even try to compete, let alone actually compete with the other two.
- collect revenues from taxes
- raise armies to defend itself
- or expand their power through wars and conquest
- Which in turn adds more riches to sustain the state
And all of this manpower submits to certain ideals, values, and rules sanctioned by the state. In the Islamic world, everyone bows to the creed of Islam with the Caliph (or Emir) as a rallying point, In Europe everyone bows to Christianity and the pope and various Kings. The Jews had no analog to this.
Simply put, Political Jews (Zionists) HATED the traditional political rule that humans practiced for most of history. That is a faith-based society with the belief of a mandate from the heavens to justify rule of the masses. That is the system that allowed the Muslims, Christians, Confucianism (in China), and not the Jews to sustain their civilizations and be the champions of the world for thousands of years.
So you can understand why the Jews, are rightly suspected to be behind the collapse of the faith-based order in Europe and the Middle East, starting from the French Revolution that introduced secularism, democracy, rule of law, and all those ambiguous terms that nobody actually understands until the fall of the Romanovs in Russia and the Caliphate.
The defeat of the faith-based political system from the 19th to 20th century allowed for a secular world in which the Jews suddenly found themselves an "equal" to the other two because this "world" successfully severed the tie in which Muslims/Christians rallied for thousands of years. Replaced with ambiguous ideas that the political Jews could trick and fool people. Terms such as "freedoms", "equality", "democracy" etc.
And they make sure that the people of the world instead of following their religion, adhere to these ambiguous ideas, Where the Hasbara is working 24/7 to present that Jews and Israel are at the forefront of these ideals and they deserve all the help and sympathy of the world against forces of evil (ie. whoever is against Israel).
This is why you'll find the biggest supporters of Israel come from de-Christianized and Secularized Europe, some of whom regarded themselves as bastions of human rights and freedom (example: Germany) where from their perspective, Israel is a beacon of light, protecting ambiguous ideals such as "freedom" against "barbaric, unfree and backward Islamic Arabia". Suddenly the potential of approximately 600M Christians in Europe is now used to Israel's advantage akin to how the Pope used his Christian subject to go to war for Christianity many centuries ago.
So when your post mentioned Ben Gurion saying :
In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind.
It truly shows what the Zionists want, because the Supreme Court of Mankind (look at the bolded part) didn't ascribe to any previous ideals (Islam, Christianity, Confucianism etc). Instead what they're hoping to see in this "Supreme Court" of "Mankind" is a Court, tailored suit to whatever ideals the interest of the Zionists which is like 0.2% of the human race total.
And we have seen just how extreme these people are when it comes to adopting ideals, in a faith-based society and political system, this lunacy below will never happen
Yet since the collapse of faith based political system, this is the norm.
And guess how the Israelis present themselves ?
View attachment 67377
Suddenly defending Israel is as sacred as defending either the Bible or the Quran during the times when Islam and Christianity rules, and the "free world" has the obligation to defend Israel the same way Islam and Christianity once defended Jerusalem.
And guess who they're using to defend themselves ? Muslims and Christians, who just happen to be so detached from their faith and ideals, they found themselves fighting for the very people who wanted to destroy them. Like the case of Jordan defending Israel.
An Unexpected Player in Israel’s Defense: Jordan, Home to Many Palestinians
The Arab kingdom said it took military action to defend its territory against Iranian drone and missile strikes. Critics assailed the country as having helped defend