"Us?"^This dude is 69 steps ahead of us.
Leave me out of it. I'm with him.

"Us?"^This dude is 69 steps ahead of us.
Harem lu kan 2D semua...Being successful and powerful to hire hookers
Being successful and powerful to have harem in loving relationship
We're not same![]()
Said someone who also use anime girl as profile picture.Harem lu kan 2D semua...
Time to upgrade, people.Harem lu kan 2D semua...
How about hiring hooker and tell them to cosplay?Hire hookers
Rent sex dolls
Apparently it's a thing. https://learngerman.dw.com/en/inside-bordoll-a-german-sex-doll-brothel-in-dortmund/a-43584520#
GENIUS...I have better idea. How about getting harem of real women and request them to cosplay your favorite characters? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Boleh deh, maks 4 istri trus tiap mau nambah harus ada persetujuan dari istri resmi.GENIUS...
Tapi disini poligami gak boleh bos...
Punya di dalam monitorGa usah 4, 1 aja ga punya
Bold of you assume I won't get a dozen of concubines while I am at it.Being successful and powerful to hire hookers
Being successful and powerful to have harem in loving relationship
We're not same![]()
Maybe you, not me thoughJust degenerates discussing degenerate things
Wing tip kanan copot apa emang sengaja dicopot.N219 Aircraft Mass Produced Next Year
The Ministry of Defense plans to order 10 N219 units. Then several regions will also order, in line with the direction of the Ministry of Home Affairs to take advantage of PTDI's products.
US diplomat in Kiev was died because a truck struck her when she was rode a bike. I’m sure there will be investigations for this case by the Ukrainian and CIA to make sure if there is any Russian involvement or not.
Ya. Just read truck and Kiev I was already made a conclusion that she was killed in Kiev with probability of killed by the Russian lol.Truck-kun is at it again. Isekai'd...
Well... It isn't like Russian never penetrate US soil before.Ya. Just read truck and Kiev I was already made a conclusion that she was killed in Kiev with probability of killed by the Russian lol.
Pas buka artikelnya, ooh... rupanya ditabraknya di AS, bukan di Kiev. Sorry for my gegabah conclusion, disebabkan hanya membaca judul wkwk
Lol... Maria Butina and others well known 'illegals' are the cases. But mainly only for intelligence gathering and influencing purposes. The newest is a woman that close with Trump and also played his hobby, golf, in Mar A Lago.Well... It isn't like Russian never penetrate US soil before.